Repairing Scratched DVDs
Scratched CDs and DVDs may be fixed by using Auto Polish-Wax. Clean the CD or DVD with a damp soft cloth. Now use a CLEAN, SOFT cloth for the following (CLEAN!) Grit will destroy your CDs and DVDs...! Apply small drop of Car Wax (I use Turtle Wax) and buff...
Replacing Pulley on Riding Lawn Mower?
A pulley puller is a good idea. Harbor-Freight in Spokane on Sprague and Sullivan has them. DoctorBill
Sewing Velcro?
Some crafts stores sell Leather Needles - they have a wooden handle and are large.... DoctorBill
Recharging a Dead Laptop Battery?
Old rechargable batteries can sometimes be saved by repeated discharge - charge cycles. If not, they are Kaput! You can get darned good batteries from a place called for very reasonable prices. I ordered one and it is all...
Can Dry Erase Markers Be Refilled?
I know that 99% Rubbing Alcohol or even Lacquer thinner (alcohol) will dissolve that ink. Maybe try some alcohol that has no water in it. Alcohol for Fondu Burners, Denatured alcohol ? DoctorBill