Right of Person Holding a Power of Attorney?
WAIT!!! I had the same sit. I considered quite a few things BEFORE kicking him out!! 1. Are you willing to be with her 24/7 2. Have you EVER been TOTALLY ALONE 24/7? Its miserable not to be able to say good morning to someone OTHER THAN THE WALLS!!! Ive been...
Stepmother Gives Me Used Gifts Every Christmas?
Everyone here seems to be on your side. My mom always told me that there are two side to each coin. What did you do that has her wanting to send you these things to you and the others get better stuff? Sounds to me that you two need to work things out.
Extra Savings At Goodwill And Craft...
Does ANYBODY know about the MILLIONS of dollars that MR. GOODWILL makes on these donations every yr? HE DOES give a LOTf people jobs, WHICH IS FABULOSE, but I here he GETS A LOT OFF of the items YOU DONATE to him to SELL!! Have you noticed the prices have ALSO...
Responsibilities of POA?
It is according to the type of POA you signed. IF it IS a regular POA you may have prob.s with it being accepted if selling a house/property trans. from banks, etc. They will NOT accept a regular POA! If you have a durable POA you have complete control. Do...
Remedy for Muscle Spasms?
Ask Dr. for muscle relaxer & cortezone pills in appropriate doses for her age!
Crockpot Baked Potato Soup
Mmm! Add butter when you add the stock, right? Cant wait to try it! Nice pics also!
Shopping for Armour Corned Beef?
HI! I found a can of Libbys corned beef at walmart the other day, opened it to fix & it had a funny smell & appearance so I threw it away & contacted the co. They were very apologetic & sent me a coupon for a free can. I looked again for the Libbys corned beef...
Getting Free Craft Supplies for Charity Crafts?
Hi! I am a crafter also. You might contact craft/beading supply websites & ask them to donate their out of stock extras, etc. Some co.s will do that, as a donation tax write off on their taxes!Check them out! Hope this info. is helpful! Linda
Recycling Political Campaign Signs
I heard that it is illegal to take political signs & re-use them! Is this true?