My Frugal Life: Food On Hand
Looking into my pantry and frig top freezer, I am inspired by this post to try to live out of both for the rest of this month - and its only the 9th! I will have to purchase a few perishables, but I would like to spend as little as possible. When my children...
Unpasted Wallpaper?
Thank you for this info and your tips. Truly appreciate your taking the time to write. Will check out your suggestions!
Unpasted Wallpaper?
Thanks again for your help - it is very much appreciated. Checked out the ones on ebay, also the idea of not removing the backing on contact paper is a good option. People on this site are so helpful!
Unpasted Wallpaper?
Searched everywhere for unpasted wallpaper to line my dresser drawers with no luck except one site on the internet; they were a bit pricey. Then on a girls day out with a friend in which we hit a couple of Goodwill, etc. stores, on the way to the checkout, I...