Comparing Bush Beans and Pole Beans
A friend told me that when her bush beans are finished producing, she cuts them back and they start growing again for another harvest of beans. I had no clue.
Hen and Chicks Plants are Dying?
I sounds like a fungus to me. Is it getting enough air circulation? Sometimes, they will get a fungus without proper air. Take it outside and give it a good washing. Not the soil as too much water might kill it. Just a thought. Best of luck. I looked and looked...
Updating My Kitchen Cabinets?
Sanding and painting can be a good way to update. Just take the doors down so you can work on them outside. However, if you do not like the doors, you can just replace them with new ones. Changing hardware to something more modern will make a huge difference...
Garden: Hostas
I call this my nursery bed. It is a place where I start hosta. As you can see, I had separated one huge Blue Hosta and this is what the planting site looked like this spring. Now, the plants are much larger and by next spring, they will be large enough to move...
Recipe for Healthy Hair?
Someone suggested vitamins. Your hair is a reflection of your diet sometimes. Eating well helps. However, using shampoos with mild detergent and a good conditioner once a week will help. If it is brittle, you need a protein treatment. Ask about the treatment...
Color Ideas for Nook Upholstery in Burgundy and White Kitchen?
When using color, remember to use a color wheel. I am including a photo of one. Here is how it is used. Look straight across from the color that you have in your kitchen and chose a shade. Or you can do what is called a triangle.
Keep a Journal By Your Computer
I have found that using the notebook program is great for keeping notes. You can minimize the page and if you still need them later, just give it a name and file it in your documents under notebook.
Color Scheme for Master Bedroom and Bath?
You should use a light shade of the brown/beige on the walls. The bathroom should be done in semi-gloss and the bedroom can be done in satin. And yes, do both rooms the same color if they join. In the Benjamin Moore color pallet, you should think about Cedar...
Sharing Garden Flowers
What a thoughtful idea. It never occurred to me to do such a thing. Thanks for the idea.
Use Less Than the Recommended Laundry Detergent
I have decided that I will not pay the huge price for laundry detergent any longer. Today, I picked up Borax, Washing Soda and Fels-Naptha soap to make my own. A couple of tablespoons is all it takes. That makes each load about 2 cents per load. No more being...
Recipes For Fels Naptha Soap?
Using that soap in your laundry will also get rid of the oil from the poison oak plant.