Getting Rid of Gnats on Houseplants?
It sounds like you have fungus gnats. They live on the top soil of your house plants. You need to let the top soil dry out to kill the gnats. You can do this a couple of ways. One is to water your plant from the bottom only. Another nice method is to get some...
Is This a Weed or a Giant Marigold?
This is common ragweed. The leaves look a lot like marigold. There is another variety of ragweed that is called giant ragweed that looks a lot different, and that can be confusing.
Sweet and Sour Cabbage Roll Recipe?
I had this at an elderly friends home years ago, and it was delicious! She gave me the recipe: CABBAGE ROLLS WITH SWEET/SOUR SAUCE 1 head Cabbage Meat Filling: 3 lb. ground beef 2 eggs 3/4 C. rice, uncooked Sweet/Sour Sauce: 1 32oz. can solid tomatoes 2 8oz...
Remedy for Skin Cracks on Fingertips?
I get terrible cracks in my fingertips in the winter. Especially as it gets colder, more moisture is drawn from the air. So I have found it an absolute necessity to put a pan of water on the stove or use a humidifier in the winter to add the moisture back into...
Remedy for Extremely Knotted and Tangled Hair?
I know this is a little late, but I just read your post. Ive had this problem before with my hair and with my childrens and grandchildrens hair, and what has worked wonders for us is using Frizz Ease hair serum. It is silicone based and helps to de-tangle even...
Kitchen Gift Made with Roll of Paper Towels?
Her name is Helpful Hannah and you should be able to find her at this post:
Treating Ringworm?
An old fashioned remedy is to rub hardwood ashes on the ring worm every day until it is cleared up. I have no proof that it works, but if you have no other solution, you could give it a try.
Buying Diatomaceous Earth?
Ive purchased it thru
Natural Hair Gel From Flax Seeds
My grandmother used to make this same recipe for hair gel from flax seed too, for my mother when she was a girl. It seemed to have been a long-forgotten recipe, so I was surprised to see that you had discovered it!
Back Child Support?
To answer your question, yes, your ex wife can ask the courts to withdraw, or forgive, your back child support. Its entirely up to her if she feels that she truly doesnt need the money, if she is tired of dealing with the hastle of you and the courts, and if...
How to Select a Watermelon
The bottom of the watermelon (the side that was lying on the ground while it was growing) is usually a white color. When it has turned a creamy yellow, the watermelon is ripe.
Use Eggshells for Slugs
I rinse mine out, then put them in the microwave for 2 minutes. When I get a nice amount of them, I put them in a tall jar and use my wand blender to crush them up nice and fine.
How Can I Make a No Sew Wallet?
You could make an origami wallet out of cloth or paper, and glue it to make it stronger. Here is one site you can look at, or you can just google origami wallet and see what other designs you can find.
Why Do My Chocolate Chip Cookies Turn Out Cake-like?
Try using smaller eggs or just one egg instead of 2.
Homemade Electrolyte Solution?
Here is the homemade solution that doesnt use any commercial products: A Salty Drink That Saves Lives! Important! You must use exact measurements. Table salt: One level teaspoonful Sugar: Eight level teaspoonfuls Water: One liter (5 cupfuls at 200 ml each) How...
Homemade Electrolyte Solution?
If you want to maintain the water level in a leaking bucket, you simply keep adding water. The same is true with a child with diarrhea, fluids in his body must be replaced. This is called rehydration. Until recent years, this was done by feeding a salty solution...
What is the Best Apple for Making Apple Pie?
I did an experiment with different apples and made some pies, and I found that even Granny Smith got mushier in the pie. The best one that kept its shape was Fuji. So now, I either use Fuji, or mix them with other apples so there are some firm pieces in the...
Apples in Pie Too Mushy?
FUJI Apples dont get mushy. They keep their shape and are great in pies. You can either use them alone or mix them with other apples that you have.
SpongeBob Squarepants Origami Pattern?
You might be able to fold this gift bag into the SpongeBob body, then add arms and legs and draw the other features on the bag. or Here...
Making Pickles From Cucumbers?
Dont worry. Most pickling cucumbers are bitter. They are not meant to be eaten fresh. Go ahead and pickle them. They will be great!
Wildlife: Moth
You have a beautiful Cecropia Moth. Its the largest moth in N. America and spins a cocoon of silk. By the large fluffy antenna, it looks like its a male. Females have narrower antennae. Again, beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Helping the Redness from a Burn Fade?
Its just going to take some time for the redness to fade, but its very important to keep it protected from the sun to completely heal.
How Do I Dye My Sweatshirt But Not the Emblem?
You might be able to use the Batik method: Melt clear paraffin wax in a double boiler filled with water in the bottom. Paint over your design with the wax. Make sure the wax penetrates the fabric completely (you should see it on the back of the cloth). Where...
Recipe Using Pineapple Juice?
Here are 3 chicken recipes that use Pineapple Juice: Teriyaki Chicken Wings 1 Ingredients: Chicken Wings Marinade: 1 C. Water 1/4 C. Pineapple Juice 1/2 C. Oil 1 tsp. Ginger 1 C. Soy Sauce 1 tsp. Garlic Powder 1 C. Brown Sugar (Note: I usually skip the water...
Recipe Using Pineapple Juice?
Heres one that uses pineapple juice. Teriyaki Chicken Wings 1 Ingredients: Chicken Wings Marinade: 1 C. Water 1/4 C. Pineapple Juice 1/2 C. Oil 1 tsp. Ginger 1 C. Soy Sauce 1 tsp. Garlic Powder 1 C. Brown Sugar (Note: I usually skip the water and just use 1...
Recipe Using Pineapple Juice?
Here is another chicken wing recipe that uses pineapple juice: Teriyaki Wings 2 Ingredients: Chicken Wings Marinade: 1/2 C. Catsup 1/4 C. Brown Sugar 1/2 C. Pineapple Juice 1/4 C. Honey 1/4 C. Soy Sauce 2 Cloves Garlic, minced Marinate a couple of hours or...
Dry Cracked Bleeding
Ive used every one of these lotions, vasaline and gloves, you name it, but what finally really helped with the cracking and bleeding of my fingertips was to have a humidifier or a pan of water simmering in my house to add moisture to the dry winter air. It...
Safely Moving a Stove?
You can lay the stove down. A refrigerator has to remain upright because of the freon in it, but you dont have that problem with a stove.
Chicken Lays Green Eggs?
The Aracana, also known in the USA as a South American Rumpless, is a breed of CHICKEN originating in Chile. The Araucana is often confused with other fowl, especially the Ameraucana and Easter Egger chickens, but has several unusual characteristics which distinguish...
Chicken Lays Green Eggs?
The Aracana, also known in the USA as a South American Rumpless, is a breed of CHICKEN originating in Chile. The Araucana is often confused with other fowl, especially the Ameraucana and Easter Egger chickens, but has several unusual characteristics which distinguish...
6 Year Old Having Frequent Accidents?
I hesitated to give you this suggestion, because it might be just some old wives tale, but here it is for what its worth! Give your daughter a spoonful of peanut butter just before bedtime. Its supposed to help. Its a treat to most kids and its soothing. I...
Stevia Plant Seems to Be Dying?
I cut my Stevia plant down and hung up the branches to dry and store away, and now my plant is starting to grow again. Here is a website that will tell you what you need to know about growing and harvesting your Stevia.
Making Yarn Necklaces?
You could probably do macrame. Here is a link for a necklace made from hemp, but you can do it with yarn. Here is another site called Get Started: Macrame Jewelry -
Cutting Frozen Meat?
You CAN re-freeze meat. The easiest way to cut it is to let it thaw until it is still partially frozen. You can cut through it without it being too soft, and cut more even slices. Then just package it again and put it in the freezer. If you like your meat marinated...
Keeping Turkeys Off Your Vehicle?
I put inflatable snakes in my strawberry bed and the turkeys would no longer come near them.
Recipes Using Cucumbers and Onions?
Slice up cucumbers and onions. Make a dressing of Miracle Whip thinned with a little milk. Or you could use 1/2 cup mayonnaise, 2 Tbls. sugar, 1 Tbls. vinegar, and 1/4 Cup milk. This salad also tastes great with the addition of cut up tomatoes.
Product Review: Sno-Bol
I agree that this works great for rust stains, but you would be safer pouring some on a sponge and wiping it down, and not spraying it and breathing in the mist, unless you could wear a face mask or scarf to cover your nose and mouth. Im just concerned for...
Maple Nut Goodies Recipe?
A friend gave me this recipe in 1985, but Ive never made them. Her note on them was they were Very rich! Nut Goody Bars Melt together: 1 Cup Chocolate Chips 1 Cup Butterscotch Chips 1 Cup Peanut Butter Pour half of this mixture into a greased 9X13 pan. Cool...
Maple Nut Goodies Recipe?
I have two other candy bar recipes you might be interested in too, if you like copycat recipes. A friend gave me Baby Ruth Bars in 1974, and another friend gave me Twix in 1982. BABY RUTH BARS Heat together to boiling point: 1/2 Cup White Sugar 1/2 Cup Brown...
Placement of Kitchen Canisters?
I too keep some of my cannisters in the cupboard, because it keeps my counter looking neater and roomier for food preparation, but I keep my flour and coffee cannisters in the refrigerator, because they both contain oils that are better stored in a cooler place...
Stuffed Cabbage Recipe?
Youll love this recipe! Cabbage Rolls with Sweet/Sour Sauce 1 head Cabbage Meat Filling: 3 lb. ground beef 2 eggs 3/4 C. rice, uncooked Sauce: 1 32oz. can solid tomatoes 2 8oz.cans tomato sauce 1-2 cans water 2 T. lemon juice 1 C. brown sugar salt and pepper...
Planting a Two to Three Season Flower Garden?
If you look in different garden seed catalogs, they usually have a few garden plans. I looked on the website for Spring Hill Nursery, Four Seasons Nursery and Farmer Seed and Nursery, and found these plans, plus more. In the product search box, I just typed...
Keeping a Clothes Line from Sagging?
It could also be the type of clothsline that you have. If you get the kind that is coated wire, it wont stretch out as fast.
Sleeping Better Without Medications?
It helped me to cut back on caffeine, and only have my coffee early in the morning. Also, I dont drink fluids towards evening so I dont wake up to use the bathroom, and if you eat some carbohydrates in the evening it also helps you sleep. One more thing is...
Don't Bring Bed Bugs Home from Your Trip?
Use the luggage rack or the desk to put your luggage on. Hang up your clothes. Dont put your clothes on the floor or on the bed for bedbugs to hide in and for you to accidentally pack them home with you.
Using Hay as Garden Mulch?
If you see seed heads, you probably have straw, not hay, unless it looks like a mixture of grasses. Ive used straw in my garden a lot and its worked very well. Even if the some of the grains germinate, they pull out easily.
Lanolin-Free Shampoo?
I use Cure Care Conditioner.You can get it from Sally Beauty Supply. It truly contains no fragrance or coloring, and its silky smooth. Here is the website if you dont have a store near you:,default,pd.html
Making a Fake Campfire?
When I made a fake campfire, I lightly crinkled aluminum foil and placed it on the bottom, then covered it with yellow and orange celophane. The light from the room reflected against the foil and it looked like real glowing embers! It looked amazing! I used...
Making Weatherproof Garden Markers?
I just wrote on a plastic spoon with a permanent marker and stuck the handle in the ground. I suppose you could write on a plastic knife handle, rub the sharp part of the knife on a cement sidewalk to dull it and stick that side in the ground.
Use Coffee Grounds to Deter Slugs from Hosta
I was pleasantly surprised! I was saving eggshells to crush and put around my many hostas. In the meantime, I started putting used coffee grounds around them. It turned out that I didnt have to use the eggshells at all for the hostas, because the coffee grounds...
Place Wet Towel Around a Cake Pan for Flatter Cakes
Ive done this for years. I always twisted the towels before pinning them around the cake pan and they have always remained a bit damp. I have never had to worry about a fire.
Foods That Cause Acne?
I was just going to mention using salt without iodine, when I noticed somone else had posted info on that. I would just like to add that if you wash with an anti-dandruff shampoo, it can sometimes help to clear it up.
Bouquets, Corsages and Boutonnieres
My daughter got a great deal buying bunches of flowers, even roses, from the farmers market, for her wedding.