How To Reuse Ziploc Bags
I do the same with the Ziplocs even plastic grocery bags when you have ice cream or something that will leave moisture in the bag just turn the bag inside out and expose the wet side and put it over a jar or bottle until it drys out.
Thrift Stores Are Not Created Equal
My thrift store changes the color sale tags every Thursday. I would check with the cashier or store manager about the color change.
Shrimp Ceviche
The only thing I would change is put the cooked shrimp in a bowl of ice cold water to cool off so they dont continue to cook.
Add Chia Seeds to Pancakes
Chia Seeds help with constipation, Chia Seeds absorb water, they take on a gel-like consistency. In addition, much of the fiber in Chia Seeds is soluble fiber.Sprinkle on cereal and oatmeal. Chia Seeds are only $2.99 at Aldis Foods.
Coffee Is Not Just For Drinking
Coffee grounds will remove odors from your microwave too, what I do is take the grounds everyday and put them on a deli tray for a week and then I flush them down the kitchen sink to further clean the drain every Sunday morning.
Putting Coffee Grounds To Good Use
I take my used coffee grounds and put them on a deli styrofoam tray and put them in my microwave for a few days to deodorize it. I change them out every two days and wash them down the kitchen sink to deodorize that too.
Removing Burned Smell from Microwave?
Another tip I use is to take the microwave smells out is use your coffee grounds, dont throw them out. What I do is take my used coffee grounds and place them on one of those trays you get from the deli and let it set there overnight. You can add to the tray...
Restoring Old Photos
A couple of years ago I came across an old photo when I was in boot camp, it had cracks up and down and sideways as if it was folded one or more times, so I went to and searched restore photos and had it fixed for only $5.00. I used this...