Tapeworm Remedies for Dogs?
Go to a different vet! My vet charged $25 for one dog and $33 for the other - dont really know why, but they got different medications. Thats a lot cheaper, tho, than what your vet quoted. By the way, they sold me the pills to give the dogs myself - I didnt...
Caring for an Aging Parent?
Check and see if there is a Senior Center in your area. If so, take him and leave him there while you do something for yourself. Barring that, see if you can get somebody to relieve you every now and then - maybe, a church member or a neighbor. Having taken...
Spray Wrinkle Releaser Recipe
This is an excellent suggestion - one I intend to try. Wrinkled clothing is the bane of my life! Ha! Thanks for sharing and God bless you.
Dobey (Golden Retriever)
That is a precious story! I love the fact that Dobey adopted your daughter when she was born. Give both of them a big hug and kiss from me and God bless all of you.
My Frugal Life: The Gift Of Time
I feel your pain, especially since I have experienced the loss of a child, too. My 15-year-old son died on 5/5/79 in a car wreck - it seems like just yesterday some days! Unlike you, I didnt have a Priceless Angel to sit and comfort me - I had to go into the...
Elly (Great Dane)
That is truly one spoiled baby! Ha! Give her a big hug and kiss from Missys mom and God bless both of you.
Gert (Ragdoll)
Is she really lilac colored? Ive never seen a Ragdoll cat! Thanks for sharing her with us and God bless you.
Nancy Jr. (Llasa Apso)
I love Nancy Jr.s sunglasses - they really fit her style! She sounds like the perfect lapdog - spoiled rotten! Give her a big kiss from Missys (an equally spoiled girl) Mom and God bless you both.
Santa Gourd
Youre a great painter! You should sell those at Christmas. Thanks for sharing it with us and God bless you.
Muggsy (White Boxer)
Muggsy is a precious boy! Good-looking, too. I know you both profited from that particular rescue mission, didnt you? I, too, have rescue dogs - a 14 and 1/2 year old dachshund/beagle named Missy (who doesnt know shes old!) and a 3 year old golden retriever...
Podna (Pomeranian)
What a wonderful story! You have really been good for Podna, and Im sure he has been good for you, too. I rescued a 12 and 1/2 year old dachshund/beagle female whose mistress had died, thinking that she might live another year - well, shell be 15 in October...
Einstein The Dog
Einstein is a handsome lad, and I think his intelligence matches his name! Give him a big hug and kiss from Missys (dachshund/beagle) mom and God bless both of you.
Putting Digital Pictures Online?
If you cannot find the cord that went with your camera, go to an office supply store and buy a card reader. I lost my cord and was told that the card reader was cheaper than replacing the cord. It works beautifully! Good luck and God bless you.
Roxy (Jack Russell Terrier)
Bless her heart - she is dog-tired! Ha! Roxy looks like a very sweet kissable girl - give her a big hug and kiss from Missys (dachshund/beagle) mom and God bless you and yours.
Persia the Dog
Persia looks sweet to me! I know that she will pay you back for rescuing her by showering you with love and devotion for many years. Rescued dogs are the best kind to have - I now own three! Thanks for sharing Persia with us and God bless you and yours.
Faux Wood Flooring
I think you did a FANTASTIC job! I would never have thought of doing something like that - you are very imaginative! Thanks for sharing with us and God bless you and yours.
Daisy (Husky/German Shepherd)
Daisy is a beautiful girl! Give her a big hug and kiss from Missys (dachshund/beagle) mom and God bless you.
Buster (Pug Mix)
Buster is darling! Whoever his momma got together with must have been a really handsome dude because they made a good-looking boy. Give him a big hug and kiss from Missys (beagle/dachshund) mom and God bless you.
How do I get rid of the fleas?
The best treatment Ive found is Comfortis - you buy it at the vets office. It is expensive, but it works and Ive found that the cheaper brands, such as Frontline, dont. Hope your pet gets some relief and God bless you.
Mold on Silicone Caulking?
I soak pieces of cotton ball and stick them on the moldy places and leave them for awhile - may need to be repeated if its really bad. Hope this works for you and God bless you.
Remove Pet Hair From Furniture?
I use the sticky roller and it works really well, but, if the rubber glove works, it would be much cheaper! Hope you get it cleaned up and God bless you.
Roxy (Husky Mix)
Roxy is truly beautiful - and so very smart! Give her a big hug and kiss from Missy and her Mom and God bless you.
Sadie Mae (Mixed Breed)
Sadie Mae is a precious baby! You tell her for me that its okay to be scared of things you dont know! Give her a big hug and kiss from Missy and her Mom and God bless both of you.
Looking for a Good Non-Stick Skillet?
I have had really good luck with T-fal and have been using it for years. Good cooking and God bless you!
Cabbit (American Shorthair)
Cabbit is beautiful! I thought at first that it was a statue! Thanks for sharing him with us and God bless you.
Winston (Cairn Terrier)
Winston is adorable! I just love that he hates some of the commercials - I do, too! How does he feel about the man that screams about cleaning supplies? Bet he hates that, too! Give Winston a big kiss from Missys Mom and God bless both of you.
Buy a Counterfeit Detection Pen for Garage Sales
Where do you find the $3 counterfeit money marker? Im having a yard sale on the 24th and 25th of this month? Could you please write back? Thanks and God bless you.
Bella (Shepherd/Husky)
Shes a precious and smart little girl if shes leaned all of that in just 3 months! Give her a big hug and kiss from Missys Mom. God bless you!
Buying Friend a Moving Away Gift?
Why not buy her a friend placque or pillow? Thats what Im giving my closest friends when I move. God bless you and your friend!
Gardening: Red Poppies
That is outstanding! I have always wanted to gtrow oriental poppies, but I guess its too hot in South Georgia. You have a lot to be proud of! Thanks for sharing this beauty with us and God bless you.
Use Old Dresser as a Computer Desk
What an ingenious idea! You will have a functional desk, but it will look like country-style furniture at the same time. And, you probably didnt pay any more for the dresser than you would have a modern computer desk. Congratulations and God bless you!
Panny (Jack Russell/Beagle Mix)
Good for Penny! I love that sweet beagle face. I have a beagle/dachshund and she has that same sweet face. I adopted Missy a little over 2 years ago from the local humane ssociety - she was 12 and 1/2 years old at that time. She will be 15 in October, but you...
Cleaning Car Batteries and Terminals?
Coca Cola is excellent for cleaning battery terminals - just pour it on and the acid in it will eat up the corrosion. No joke! Good luck and God bless you.
Sandy (Shetland/Golden Retriever)
And, shes just as smart as she is cute! To housebreak a dog that old is unusual. I know she has been and will continue to be a great source of love and joy to you - something we all need! Thanks for sharing Sandy with us and God bless you.
Poo Bear (Bichon/Poodle)
I just bet he is a bundle of fun! Is he wearing his pjs? Give him a big hug and kiss from Missys (shed love him!) mom and God bless you.
Zelda (Boston Terrier/Bulldog)
How precious! I know she is a big bundle of love now. How big did she get, being that mix? I see that she has longer legs than a full Boston Terrier, but her face looks like one. Of course, the bulldog face looks a lot like that, too. I know she is one sweet...
Wearing a Skirtini Swimsuit?
No, the top does not balloon up. I wear skirtinis exclusively because of my big stomach and legs and love them. I dont think the skirt part of the bottom balloons up as badly as a one-piece skirted suit does, either. Have a nice day and God bless you.
Living With Less
You are one very smart lady! Youre seeing sights that most of us only dream about, and being with your husband while doing it. Kudos for your decision to change your lifestyle. Have a lovely future and God bless you.
Use a Tooth Brush to Apply Teething Medicine
This is a very smart idea - one I would never have thought of! Thanks for suggesting it to all new and expectant mothers. God bless you.
Coco (Beagle)
Coco is a little doll! I have a female dachshund/beagle mix who is 14 years old and I love her dearly. She has the beagle head and expressions - I agree that beagles can make some cute faces! Give Coco a big hug and kiss from Missys mom and God bless you.
Sonny (Daschund/Terrier Mix)
Sonny is precious! I have a female dachshund/beagle named Missy and she is the love of my life. I got her when she was 12 and 1/2 years old - had her for over 2 years now and shes still going strong! I am convinced that rescue dogs are absolutely the best to...
Product Review: Poulan Weed Eater?
I had never heard of this product, but it sounds wonderful. Another good new product is the Black & Decker cordless weedeater. I could not hold out to use the gas one, either, but I can work indefinitely with my new cordless one because its so light that anybody...
In Loving Memory Of Rock (Pitbull)
I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that, when the time comes, you will go to your local humane society to adopt another pet. They are so appreciative and loving! Please dont keep beating yourself on the head - learn from what you did, or didnt do, and go forward...
Diseal (Golden Retriever/Labrador Mix)
Ohhhhhh - Diseal is precious! Give him a big hug and kiss from Missys Mom and God bless you.
Piccolo (Cocker Spaniel/Poodle)
He is so cute! I know that he and your daughter are going to have many wonderful times together. Unconditional love that only a dog can give is the best medicine in the world! Give both of them a big hug and kiss for me and God bless you.
Doily Display
This is a marvelous way to preserve family history! Thanks for sharing it with us and God bless you.
Biscuit (German/Golden/Chow Mix)
What a beautiful combination of breeds! Biscuit is a very handsome and fun-loving young man. Give him a big hug and kiss from the Mom of 3 mixed breed babies and God bless you.
Organize With 5 Gallon Plastic Buckets
I didnt know that you could get buckets from fast food restaurants. I intend to go to our local restaurants and see if I can get some of these buckets. Thanks loads for the hint and God bless you.
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
That is fabulous photography! I was fortunate enough to see a Rose Breasted Grosbeak one time here in South Georgia - guess he was on his way to Florida. The coloring on them is truly striking, isnt it? Ive never seen a Baltimore Oriole - I bet they are pretty...
Howard (Yorkie)
Your baby boy is precious! I cant imagine a dog being small enough to sleep in a bird cage, tho. The smallest one Ive ever had was the little girl I have now who is a mature (14+ years old) dachshund/beagle - she is MY baby girl! Thanks for sharing Howard and...
Break Down Organizing Into Manageable Tasks
That is an excellent suggestion, if you can stick to it! My problem is that, in the course of doing one task, I see another that needs doing and stop to do that one, only to see still another that needs doing and stop to do that one - to infinity! Ha! I bet...
Moose (Labrottie/Rottador)
Moose is adorable! I am so glad that you found him when you did - I pray that all of the babies were adopted and none were destroyed. That is a very reckless, and disreputable, breeder! Give Moose a big hug and kiss from Missys (dachshund/beagle) mom and God...
Product Review: Village Naturals Therapy
This sounds like something I need! I plan to visit our local Walmart and see if they carry it. Thanks for telling us about it and God bless you.
Family: Father And Son Photos
Sandy, if you think its wonderful to see your baby with his baby, just wait until you see your baby with his grandbaby! My sons daughter presented him with a precious granddaughter on Oct. 18, 2008. In 2 days, Kyla will be 7 months old, and my son says he has...
Toby (Jack Russell Terrier/Rat Terrier)
Doesnt he look comfortable! I know that your grandson is thrilled that Toby enjoys watching him play ball. I bet Toby would really like to join in the game, tho! Since Toby thinks hes just as big as your Lab, and your Lab knows hes definitely not, I bet they...
Avoid Flashed Out Photos With Your Finger
This is an ingenious idea - one of those now, why didnt I think of that? kind! Thanks for sharing it with us and Gopd bless you.
Store Detergent in Name Brand Box
I sure hope your husband doesnt read this website! I think you are a genius for thwarting his, what I consider to be excessive, brand-consciousness. I, too, buy what is on sale because I havent discovered any difference in the different brands. Im like you...
Kittie and Buster (Cat and Dog Mixed Breeds)
They are so cute together! Im sure Buster is sorry that Kittie has learned a trick that he hasnt learned, tho! I was hoping you were going to say that Kittie would not go outside the fence because Buster cant - the fickleness of cats, eh?! I, too, am a rescuer...
Scenery: Blue Ridge Mountains
What a gorgeous scene! Thanks for sharing it with us and God bless you.
Make an Automatic Computer Virus Alert
This is an excellent suggestion which I intend to implement right away! Thanks and God bless you.
Hannah (Belgian Malinois)
Ive never heard of that breed, but she sounds like a hoot! I know she is a great source of joy to you, and she is also blessed for having you for a mama! Thanks for sharing Hannah with us and God bless you.
Caring for a Deaf and Blind Puppy
You are to be admired for taking up so much time with that precious little puppy - hurrahs to you! Thanks loads for the tip about the aluminum foil butterflies - I have birds trying to build a mud nest on the light on my carport! Ill try hanging some of the...
Ginger (Boxer/Border Terrier Mix)
Ginger is a beautiful girl! Arent rescue dogs the absolute best?! I have 3 right now - a little 14-year-old girl (got her when she was 12) and 2 big boys - and wouldnt trade them for anything. They are all mixed breeds which, Im convinced, are the best kind...
Ava (Collie) and Missy (Reindeer)
That is a cute picture! Do they ever get on the same side of the fence, or is the reindeer dangerous? I didnt know that anybody could raise reindeer, but then, what would I know since I live in South Georgia! Ha! We have wild white-tailed deer but I dont think...
Porch Swing
From the looks of it, your husband is quite a talented woodworker, and youre very lucky to have him! Your swing looks very inviting - wish I were there! Have a very nice day and God bless you.
Bubba (Chow/Golden Retriever)
Bubba cant help being sweet - his two breeds are two of the best-natured and friendliest of all breeds! And, he has the good looks of both breeds. He, and you, were both so very lucky when you found each other. Give him a big hug and kiss from Missys (dachshund...
Finch Bird Feeder Advice?
No - birds cant recognize color. In addition to the thistle mentioned by readingiggits, they will also eat black sunflower seeds. Thats all I buy because it isnt wasted as much as thistle is, and I have loads of different types of finches dine at my house regularly...
Aggressive Pomeranian?
I think aggressiveness is a natural trait of the miniature Pomeranian. Everyone that I know that has ever had one said that they were naturally aggressive toward other people, but not to themselves. However, I had a standard Pomeranian (not common) that was...
What is This Song?
Why dont you try Googling church hymns - you are the answer and see what you get? That phrase sounds like a good title to me. have a lovely day and God bless you.
Joey (Chihuahua/Pekingese?)
Joey is precious! I am so glad that you rescued him - now both of you are happy! I firmly believe in rescuing animals - I have 3 dogs from my local humane society and just gave my niece a rescued cat that lived with me for several years. If more people got...
Duke (Dachshund)
Duke is precious! I have a dachshund/beagle female who is the love of my life. Give Duke a big hug and kiss from Missys mom and God bless you.
Yardley Liquid Foundation?
Try VermontCountryStore.com - Im pretty sure they carry some Yardley products. Good luck and God bless you.
Garden: Rockery
I am so glad that you finally got a garden (having visited England, I know how rare a large one is) and want you to know that you are doing a fabulous job with it. I have to say, tho, judging by all the beautiful flowers I saw everywhere I went, it must be...
Heisman (Pomeranian/Dachshund Mix)
Heisman is a precious sweetie! I love that photo of him lying on his back and covering his face. I have a dachshund/beagle female that is the love of my life! She is a cuddly lapbaby who doesnt know shes over 14 years old. Give Heisman a big hug and kiss from...
Ralphie (English Pointer)
Ralphie is precious! I suspect hes the best birthday gift your husband has gotten in a long time. Isnt it amazing how some animals just sense that they belong to you. That happened to me years ago when I went to pick out a pekingnese from a litter - Emp just...
Getting Rid of Armadillos?
My only answer is to get a very large dog that will chase them away! My yard was being totally destroyed by them and I couldnt stop them even by shooting at them! When I got a large dog (actually two large dogs), then I stopped seeing any armadillos! Good luck...
Pugsley (Pekingese)
Pugsley is adorable! I had a red peke many years ago, named Emp, and I adored him. His registered name was Emperor Peketoo (he was my second peke). I found the first one at a campsite - somebody had gone off and left him and he was covered with fleas ans sores...
Sweetie Pie (Boxer/Pit Bull Mix)
That is a darling picture! I know that Sweetie Pie is a great joy to your family, as you are to her. Her showing up at your house has made all of you, and her, very happy! Give her a big kiss from Missys mom and God bless you.
Scenery: San Antonio Sunset
Doesnt God paint some beautiful pictures? I love to look at the sky just before sunset here in South Georgia! Thanks for sharing this with us and God bless you.
Mable (Great Dane)
She is a beauty! I cant imagine her laying or sitting on you, even as a puppy, tho! Ha! Imagine what that will feel like when she gets grown! From what Deeli says, tho, thats typical of Great Danes - I didnt know! Give Mable a big hug and kiss from Missys, Goldys...
Advice for Painting an Accent Wall?
All the rooms Ive ever seen that had an accent wall had a solid wall accented, not a window wall - usually the wall that the bed goes on. Good luck with your project.
Charlie (Mixed Breed)
Charlie is a big clown! I adore that expression on his sweet face. You can tell that he is very glad you rescued him, and I know that is the way you feel, too. I have three rescue dogs and think they are the best - they seem to be so grateful, dont they? Thanks...
GK (Mixed Breed)
That is a darling picture of a very spoiled boy! Dont you just adore mixed breed dogs? I do! I get all of my dogs from the local humane society - currently have a 14 and 1/2 year old female beagle/dachshund (got her when she was 12 and 1/2), a 2 year old golden...
Jess (English Bull Terrier)
Isnt it strange that Jess will go in the ocean but not in a river. I guess she prefers salt water so she will be more buoyant! She sounds like a really sweet girl. Whos the beauty beside her in the picture? That was really a joke about her trying to carry all...
Tinker (Chipin)
She is precious! I love that little tongue sticking out. Give her a big hug and kiss from Missys (dachshund/beagle) mom. Thank you for sharing Tinker with us and God bless you.
Louisiana Sunset
That is a beautiful picture of Gods wonderful work of nature! When I am driving home late in the afternoon, facing West, I get to see the wonderful sight of the bright orange sun going down under the horizon - a gorgeous and heartwarming sight! Thanks for sharing...
Spuds (Boxer/Pit Mix)
Spuds is a good-looking boy! I bet he and Logan have a ball playing together. Theres nothing cuter than a little child playing with a dog, is there? Thanks for sharing Spuds (like that name!) with us and God bless you.
Duchess (Golden Retriever)
Money well spent! Duchess is a true beauty with a disposition to match. Both of you are very lucky to have met each other, Im sure. Give Duchess a big hug from Missys mom and God bless you.
Gardening: Beautiful Begonia
That is a gorgeous flower! I have tried many times to grow a tuberous begonia and never succeeded. Thanks for sharing it with us and God bless you.
Dazzey (Mixed Breed)
Dazzey is a cutie-pie! I love mixed breeds - I have a 14-year-old female dachshund/beagle that I adopted from the local humane society when she was 12 and 1/2. Her mistress had died and the family didnt want her. Im sure that happens a lot of times and the...
Kala (Newfoundland)
I think Kala is a true farm dog, from the looks of it! Ha! She is a beautiful girl and I know she is a delight for all of you. Thanks for sharing her with us and God bless you.
Beethoven (German Shepherd Mix)
Ill just bet that, with a lot of loving from you, Beethoven will giet over his shyness really soon. I adopted a Golden Retriever mix who was scared of everybody, including me, but he is very friendly now to all of my family and friends. He is still suspicious...
Basket Lampshades
You have a wonderful imagination! I hope you plan to continue doing things like that. Thanks for sharing your wonderful idea with us and God bless you.
In Memory of Kirsty (Lurcher)
My heart goes out to you in your pain. I know that Kristy will always be in your hearts. I lost a beloved pet to seizures 2 years ago and his loss is still fresh in my heart. However, I immediately adopted a 12 and 1/2 year old female whose mistress had died...
Bo (Shih tzu)
Bo is darling! My sister has 2 Shitzus- a male named Xandy and his daughter, Kaylee. Xandy is white with black markings and Kaylee is beige. They definitely have different personalities! Thanks for sharing Bo with us and God bless you.