Does My Puppy Have Parvo?
Hello, Please call your veterinarian for professional advice. This is not the site to ask for medical advice for your sick puppy. Good luck
Dog Peeing in His Bed?
Hello, Please take your baby to the Veterinarian for a urinalysis. Drinking a lot and peeing can be a sign of a medical problem that needs to be addressed immediately! I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 20 years. Good luck
Parvo Communicability?
Hello, Parvo can live in your environment for almost a year. Please call your Veterinarian for any questions
Parvo Communicability?
Oh, please do NOT get another dog until you are sure all of the Parvo is gone.
Bathing a Dog with Dawn?
Hello, I have worked for a Veterinarian for many years. We have used Dawn to wash animals/birds that have been in contact with an oily substance. Our hospital does not recommend using Dawn to bathe your dog because, it strips all the natural oils out of the...
House Training a 2 Year Old Dog?
Hello, Dogs are very sensitive to Rain. The sound is multiplied by almost 100. Sometimes the sound is very annoying and hurts their ears, yes, this is true, you can look it up. Also, make sure there is not a medical problem causing your fur baby to do this...
Potty Training Abused Dog?
Hello, First of all, hitting an animal, is abuse, pure & simple. Please be gentle with your pet and show him the correct way without hitting him. He is now afraid of your husband since he hit him, spanking is hitting. Have your husband feed him, walk him and...
My Persian Has Had Diarrhea for Two Years?
Hello, I hope I can help you. My cat had the same problem for several months. Our Veterinarian did all the usual tests and they were all negative. Dr. Hinkle, our Vet is one of the most knowlegable Doctors we know and we trust her with the health of our pets...
Getting New Kitten as Companion for Adult Cat?
Hello, if you get 2 kittens, they will play with each other and not your resident cat. if you get onlly one kitten they will get used to each other and hopefully form a bond. Please use the usual steps when you introduce a new cat to the other.
Dog Acting Sick After Being Wormed?
Hello, Was this a medication dispensed by your Veterinarian? If not, you should take him to your Veterinarian for an exam, not eating can be very serious. How did you know which type of worms he had/has? Did you take a fecal sample to your Vet so he could put...
Dog with Yeast Infection?
Hello, Please ask your Veterinarian to refer you to your local Canine dermatologist. Ask him if there is a Veterinary College near by so you can take your baby there for an evaluation. Good luck, Also you can change Vereriarians if you are not getting any results...
ASPCA Mobile Van Schedule for Staten Island?
Helllo, Why dont you call and ask them? I am sure they have a schedule for your area.
Best Food for a 3 Month Old Puppy?
Hello, Congrats on your new fur baby. Gravy Train has been around for many years and is one of the cheapest brands you can feed your dog, especially a puppy. Your puppy needs to have a puppy food diet until he is at least 8-9 months old. He needs all the nutrients...
Dog Peeing Inside?
Hello, First of all get him neutered. He will stop this behavior after he is neutered and you must train him to potty where you want him too.
Dog Occasionally Pees in House?
Hello, First of all, hitting him is animal abuse pure & simple. He is afraid of you. Stop hitting him and train him gently. If you cant do that please give him to a good home.
Treating a Dog with Worms?
Hello... First of all, which worms do you want to treat? Tapeworms, Roundworms? There is a different medication for each. Please take your dog to his/her Veterinarian to find out which worms to treat. Bring a fresh stool sample with you, so your Veterinarian...
Dog Started Peeing in Her Sleep?
Hello, Please go to your Veterinarian for an exam. Peeing in her sleep is not normal and she needs to be checked.
Save Money on Pine Kitty Litter
Hello, I know that Pine litter is cheap but it can cause upper respiratory infection in cats as the odor is VERY strong and they breathe it in. This also goes for using it in a rabbit/small animals as well. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 20 years...
My Dog Will Not Eat Dog Food?
Hello, I feed my 2 Bichon/Poodle crosses with people food. I also have my Veterinarians approval to do this. Ever since they were 8 weeks old, we have fed them; diced cooked chicken and we mix in cooked carrots (the carrots are mashed and I use about a teaspoon...
Puppy Has Worms?
Hello, Please take your baby to his/her Veterinarian. It is probably time to start vaccinations anyway. Please take a stool sample with you so your Veterinarian can determine which worms they are and which medication to dispense to you.
Resident Cat Chasing and Hissing at New Kitten?
Hello... First of all do not ever hit any animal. You will make your cat afraid of you. Please seperate the cats in different rooms and keep them apart for several days and let them sniff each other from under the door. Each day, let them be together for just...
Puppies Have Worms?
Hello, Please call your Veterinarian for advice. Mothers will sometimes pass the worms on to their puppies when they are born. Your Veterinarian can also treat the mother. Please take a stool sample to your Dr., so he/she can deterimine whiich worms to treat...
Remedy for Dog with Gas?
Hello, How about a trip to your Veterinarian? I would take my fur baby to his/her Dr., and ask questions related to this specific problem. Your Vet might recommend a change in diet. Please do not feed your pet any table scraps. Good luck
New Dog Pooing and Peeing on the Concrete?
Hello... PLEASE DO NOT scold him for only doing what he was taught. if you want him to potty on the grass, then take your time and train him. You say you dont see him go potty on the concrete? Take some time to get to know him amd stay out with him when he...
Feeding an Old Cat?
Hello, I would suggest a visit to your Veterinarian for a Senior examination. Cats at this age require a different diet. Since cats at this age are not as active, they might require a diet that is lower in calories/protein. To make sure your Senior is healthy...
Treating Eye Discharge in Cats?
Hello... Your cat could possibly have an eye infection that needs to be treated by a Veterinarian and be put on antibiotics. As you know an eye infection can be painful and needs to be treated by a professional. Please take your fur baby to his/her Veterinarian
Low Cost Vet Near Rosemead California?
Hello... How nice of you to take care of this precious fur-baby. Please go to your local shelter/Veterinarians and ask them how much it wll cost to treat him/her. This cat needs to have treatment ASAP. Having a broken paw is VERY painful and he will not be...
Puppy Suddenly Stopped Using Pads?
DO NOT hit your puppy... ever! You are teaching him to be afraid of you and he will not trust you. Hitting any animal is cruel. Please have patience with him or give him to a person that will take care of him and train him properly. I am sorry to sound so harsh...
Dog With Ear Mites?
Hello... I have been a Veterinary Technician for over 20 years. Over the counter ear mite medication DOES NOT work. Please take your fur baby to the Veterinarian. Your Vet will prescribe the correct medication to rid your poor baby of ear mites. Please have...
5 Year Old Dog Piddling When Lying Down?
Hello, Yes! please take your fur baby to the Veterinarian. There might be an infection or something else going on with her to make her piddle in the house. Good luck
Dog Scared of Laminate Floor?
Hello, have you thought about moving the crate? If so, you can purchase puppy pads to put in the crate and also outside. You can train her/him to slowly walk on the floor. You can get a piece of this flooring at your local floor store and let her sniff, and...
Home Remedy for a Cat With Tape Worms?
Hello, I am a retired Veterinary Manager and I would recommend you take a stool sample to your Vets office and have them determine which worms your cat has.(there could be other types) The only medication you can get to rid her of the tapeworms is a prescription...
Year Old Dog Peeing in the House?
Hello... Yes! She is confused. Please tell your mother that she can not be in that cage all the time. She needs family time. Can you walk her? Being in that cage is almost punishment for her when she pees on the pad and then you put her back in.
Donating Used Sports Trophies?
Hello... I have a great idea! Can you please donate then to your local Special Olympics? The prople that run this org. rarely have the funds to buy the children trophies when they have their events. You will put a smile on a beautiful childs face. Take care
Dog Has Strong Odor When Nursing?
Hello, I will assume that you had taken her to your Veterinarian for an examination while she was pregnant. If, so, please call your Vet and he/she can answer these questions for you. There may be a few reasons she has an odor while nursing. Please call, you...
Dog Chews Everything and is Aggressive to Child?
Hello, A bite to a childs face is very agressive behavior. Please take your dog to training class. I can see from the picture that he is part pit bull. As you adopted him as an older Puppy you dont know his background. Please have him evaluated by your Veterinarian...
Bathing a Dog Treated for Sarcoptic Mange?
Hello... Aww poor fur baby! Please call your Veterinarian for these answers. Your Veterinarian should have given you at home instrtuctions when your pet was discharged. Good luck with your precious baby.
Can Meds Cause Dog to Pee More Often?
Hello, Please call your Veterinarian for these answers. If it is not the medication there might be another reason for constantly wanting to urinate. Good luck with your fur baby.
Dog With a Little Blood in Stool?
Hello... I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 20 years. When you see blood in the stool it means something is wrong. Please be advised that blood in the stool can be an emergency. I would call your Veterinarian and have him/her examine your puppy. I would...
Neighbor's Dogs Keep Trying to Climb the Fence?
Hello. Have you tried speaking to your neighbors? If not, you should start there. You can always add more height to the top of your fence to avoid them jumping over. Please make sure your pets are fully vaccinared to avoid any conflict with your neighbors. Good...
Feeding a Neapolitan Mastiff Puppy?
Hello, Congrats on your new fur baby. Please call your veterinarian for an appointment. Your baby is over 6 weeks and needs to have his first set of vaccinations. Your Veterinarian will answer any questions you have about the feeding program for your baby. Mastiffs...
Older Dog Pooping and Peeing in the House?
Yes, of course this an be related to getting older. Please make an appointment with your fur babies veterinarian for a senior examination. Your Vet will advice you on how to care for your baby at an older age. Please do not scold him/her for this action it...
Cat With Allergy Eyes?
Hello, How do you know your cat has allergy eyes? as you said you did not go to the Veterinarian. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and have never heard of this condition. Please take your cat to his/her Veterinarian for an examination. Having...
Older Dog Peeing in the House?
Please take your fur baby to the Veterinarian for an exam. Ask your Vet to do a urinalysis to find out if anything is going on. Your baby is probably due for his senior exam anyway. A senior exam is very important to older dogs. Your vet can tell you many things...
Sophia (Bichon Frise)
OMG! She is just adorable! We have a 10 month old also, his name is Ollie. Ollies birthdate is 10/15/11. We got Ollie from my aunt who bred her Bichon LuLu (Ollies Mother) and she had 3 puppies. All the puppies were so adorable. Ollie was born with apricot...
Tips for Helping a Blind Dog?
Hello, I am so sorry about your beloved Golden. There is a site called I am sure you will be able to get any information you need. I know they also have a support group on their site. Good luck and tail wags to your fur baby.
Homemade Vegetarian Dog Food?
Hello, Your puppy needs protein (meat) in his diet as dogs are a carnivore. Your puppy will not be healthy eating that diet. Please call your veterinarian for advice on this diet.
Can Only Some Puppies in a Litter Have Parvo?
Hello, Yes! Only one puppy can get Parvo. I would try and talk to the breeder again. If there is no response, I would take them to small claims court to recover the money you lost, include everything; cost of puppy, Vet bills & etc. When they are served with...
Sore on Rabbit's Nose?
Hello... There is a Veterinarian in Petaluma, Calif. that specializes in rabbits. His name is Dr. Pfahn. He is wonderful. You might want to give him a call or E-Mail him a pix. Good luck
Inexpensive K-cup Holder
Hi... I dont use this brand of coffee. But I had to drop you a note to tell you how smart your idea is. Thank you for sharing.
Maggie Mae (Longhair Chihuahua)
Aww, she is just adorable. My grandmother had her chihuahua for over 22 years. Speedy was her companion and she loved him dearly. Thank you for sharing.
Taylor (Shih Tzu)
Aww... I am so glad you gave him such a wonderful home. Some people are so heartless. Thank you for sharing this picture of your fur-baby.
Carry Stun Gun On Dog Walks
Awww... I am so sorry for the loss of your precious fur baby. When I walk y Corgi & Maltese I carry citronella spray. I have had to use it twice on a stray dog. There are so many people that just let their dogs roam the neighborhood. Take Care.... Tucker & Ollie
Tigger (Maine Coon)
Aww... She is just adorable! I have 3 cats and they are all spoiled rotten. I am now sitting in the office at 3:am and they are in bed... lol Thank you for sharing.
Mickey (Cat)
Aww.... You have a beautiful girl. Her color is certainly red. She is beautiful, thank you for sharing.
Mighty Molly (Schnauzer/Chihuahua...
Aww... She is adorable! thank you for giving her a wonderful chance and a loving home.
Sophia (Bichon Frise)
OMG! Sophia is just adorable. We just got a Maltese, he is almost 4 months old and his name is Ollie. He looks exactly like your Sophia (for now) Ollie loves the kids and loves our Welsh Corgi. Thank you for sharing.
In Memory Of Sequoia
Thank you for sharing your beautiful picture. I worked for a large animal Veterinarian for over 15 years and I have seen many horses. I always loved it when a horse was bought at auction for a child. They always got a great home. Take care
Dog's Coat is Thinning?
Hello, Please take your baby to his veterinarian for an exam. There are many reasons for hair loss and your Vet can give you some answers.
Use Vinegar Spritz To Train Dog Not To Bite
Hello, I would get another trainer. Spraying a dog in the face with vinegar is cruel. It stings and can burn their vision. You are making your dog afraid of you. Please DO NOT do this to your poor little fur baby. How would you like it if someone sprayed it...
Lay Your Head on the Cat Instead
Are you kidding? Grab her paw and not let go. How would you like it if someone did that to you. That is animal abuse, pure & simple!
Penny, Luna, and Myla (Dogs)
Awww... Your rescued fur-babies are just adorable! You are a very special person that will take in these wonderful babies. They look so well cared for and look very happy to be together. I know they will bring many years of joy & happiness to your life and...
Hen Lethargic and Not Laying?
Hello, Please call your local avian Veterinarian. This little girl does not feel well and needs some medical attention.
Trimming a Cat's Claws?
Hello... I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 20 years. Trimming your cats nails can be very stressful for your cat and you. Please wrap your fur-baby in a towel with the front paws in front. Trim the nails as quickly as you can before he un-wraps himself...
Hummingbird Cake
Hello, I have been making this cake for many years now. Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipe. It is a family favorite...
Des and Cinn (French Bull Dogs)
OMG! Can they get any cuter? They are adorable. We have a 15 year old Welsh Corgi named Tucker and he still acts like a puppy.
Kahlua (Afghan Hound)
Hello, Your girl is beautiful! It is so nice that she now has a family that will love and take care of her the rest of her life. I am sure she has brought great joy to your family.
Products to Help Lift a Dog?
Hello, Perhaps your fur-baby needs to loose a bit of weight. Please go to your Veterinarian and ask then for any advice. There are also ramps available for this.
What Breed is My Puppy?
Hello, she is just beautiful! My nephew has a police k-9 that is a Belgian and he is very smart and easily trained. Maybe you can train her to do search/rescue, a little drug enforcement or maybe a social dog for schools & senior homes?
Removing Acrylic from Big Toe?
Hello, Please go to the Dr. regarding the fungus and call a manicurist to remove the acrylic from your toes. Please do not put acrylic on your toes. I have my nails/pedicure done once a month and have never seen anyone put the acrylic on their toes.
Puppy is Pooping in Crate?
Please feed your puppy at least twice a day. A Puppy at this age needs more protein to build up his muscles and weight. He should be fed at least morning & night. Why is he in a Crate all the time? Your puppy needs to interact with his family and get more play...
Scruffy (Border Collie/Cocker Spaniel)
Aww... Scruffy is just adorable! He has such a happy face now that he is in the loving and caring hands of the person he truly knows that loves him and will care for him as a family member. Thank you for sharing this precious picture of your fur-baby.
Moen Faucet Handle Yellowing?
Hello, Yes! Call Moen and tell them about it. My sister-in-law did this (She was very nice on the phone) and they sent her a replacement at no charge. It is worth a phone call. Good luck
Flies Biting Dog's Ears and Back?
Hello, Why is your dog exposed to so many flies? You must take your fur-baby to the veterinarian for an exam. There could be an underlying infection going on under the skin. There are many products that are available for flies. Please bring you baby in the...
Training a Young Pit Bull Puppy?
Hello, 4 weeks old is very young and he should still be with his mother. Please take your new fur-baby to the veterinarian for an exam and ask questions when you go. Your vet can advise you.
Cat Has Very Strong Smelling Urine?
Hello, Please take her to the veterinarian for a urinalysis. The odor in her urine is bacteria. Your veterinarian will do a urinalysis and prescribe the proper medication and diet for her. A UTI (urinary track infection) can be very painful. This test usually...
Advice for a Cat with Diabetes?
Hello, Please keep your fur-baby inside at all times. I am sure your veterinarian has given you the appropriate instructions on how to care for him/her. Having to give injections and maybe fluids is an easy task. It can be scary at first, but it is necessary...
Angry Birds Cake
OMG! That cake is just adorable. What a talent you have. You should charge $ for making them for friends & family for their special occasions.
Safe Bathing for Babies
OMG! What a great idea. Taking them in the shower in the basket is genius. I love the idea of the basket in the tub and they can still play with their tub toys. Thank you for sharing.
Training Kittens to Use Litterbox?
Hello, Can they climb in the box? Sometime the box is to high for them to get over. I worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and we always used a smaller box to train them. Good luck.
Getting Rid of a Boil?
Hello, Please see a Dr. A boil can lead to a staph infection and it must be treated with antibiotics.
Using Mini Flake Wood Shavings
Hello, Your idea is very economical. I have worked for a Veterinarian for over 27 years and our Drs always advised against using any wood products as litter. This type of litter can cause an upper resp. infection in some cats and also, when cats lick/clean...
Bunny Losing His Fur?
Hello, Please take you fur-baby to the Veterinarian for an exam. The Vet can check for mites, fleas or any other problem that is causing fur loss. Good luck
Making "Something Old" from Grandmother's Wedding Dress?
This is what I did with my mothers old gown. I asked the florist to incorporate part of the lace of my mothers dress in to their bridal bouquet. The florist did an amazing job and it looked beautiful. I did this for all 3 of our daughters. My mother was passed...
Fluffy (Himalayan Seal Persian)
Awww. Your fur-baby is adorable. We have a long haired orange girl and her name is Lilly LuLu. She runs the house and is the queen bee. She chases our Corgi up and down the hallway and when he chases her back, she jumps on the bed as if to say nannie, nannie...
In Memory of Voldo (Mix Dog)
Aww... Voldo had such a handsome face. I know that your heart is broken and you miss your fur-baby terribly. We have gone through the same thing with our pets because they are true members of our family. I know he is running and playing now that he has crossed...
Keeping My Cats Off of Neighbor's Terrace?
Please keep your cats inside! They can fall to their death from that height. You can buy cat towers to keep them occupied and that can see outside.
Using Benadryl Spray on Dog's Paws?
Hello, Benadryl can have a sedative effect. Please see your Veterinarian before giving your fur-baby any Home Remedy medication. Your Veterinarian can give you the proper medication/advice on how to treat your pet. Good luck
Loki (German Shepherd)
OMG! He is so handsome! We had our shepherd Lady for 12 1/2 years. She has now crossed the Rainbow Bridge and we still miss her terribly. Your Loki is outstanding. I bet he loves his Job at the golf course and everyone there just loves him. This breed is so...