Can Snakes Damage House Foundation by Nesting Activities?
Good question! We have a family of bull snakes living between our concrete front porch and the foundation wall. I actually enjoy them because we dont have any mice in the house because of our neighbors. My greatest concern is one of them dieing and the smell...
Mixing Ground Meat With Venison
We only mix our deer with beef or pork when we need to mold it such as burgers or a meatloaf. When making anything else that is is browned and crumbled, we use it like normal ground beef. If theres a sauce, you cant tell the difference!
FURminator Reviews?
We had one for our bassett hound and loved it! They are definitely worth the price!
How to Economically Create a Website?
My friend and I create websites, and I have bartered a web site with the gal that does my hair for cuts, colors and waxes. Another one of my friends wants me to create one for his photography business. I still have to figure out what we will barter.
Teaching a Dog Not to Bite?
We have raised three dogs two German Shorthairs and a bassett hound. The way we trained all three was immediately after a nibble or bite was to take our thumb and put a little pressure in the soft part of their mouth under their tongue. Dont apply too much...
What is This Plant?
It is a lungwort. Thanks to all!
Laminate Flooring and Pets?
We have had laminate in two houses. We installed in the first, and our new home already had it installed. Its a pain to keep looking nice (streaks) first of all. Our German Short-hairs end up slipping when they get excited and go charging through the kitchen...
Removing Black Mold from a Mattress?
After our town flooded in 2008, it was not suggested for people to keep their mattresses even if they werent showing signs of mold or in the flood waters. I wouldnt suggest taking the risk of trying to remedy the mold.
Steam Mop Leaves Floor Streaky?
We have soft water, and I have the same problem. It works much better than the SwifferJet than we had. I got the Steam Blaster off of Craigslist, so I use it for many applications.
Mark Shampoo to Avoid Mistakes
I have always had my shampoo on the left of the conditioner. That way I am not confused as to which one to grab first, the shampoo is always on the left! Its part of my anal ways, but it works like a charm!
Permanent Marker Stain on Carpet?
We had a dog that chewed up a black permanent marker on our old berber carpet. I finally got it out with many applications of OxiClean. It turned orange then finally was gone!
Canning Spaghetti Sauce?
If you are wanting to de-seed them, I would suggest doing that before freezing them. We tried this for salsa and was a disaster. If they are frozen, you cant tell whats meat or what is seeds. We also tried to let them thaw, and they deflate and are a mess to...
Emergency Preparedness?
Here in Iowa, we have had many power outages from tornadoes, ice storms, etc (weeks for some) and massive flooding over the past couple of years. My husband and I dont keep much emergency food. Our cupboards are always normally stocked with soups, vegetables...
Preventing Neighbors from Using Wifi?
I have my secured by MAC address and also by WEP and a password. This way the only laptops that can access it are ones that I have given permission and password to. If you need more instructions, let me know.
Use Wet Vac to Suck Up Flies
We have the most success with this after dark when they are sleeping on the ceilings!
Advice for a First Time Home Buyer?
I am a Realtor in the Cedar Rapids area, and I would suggest that if you are ready to buy then buy. All renting is helping someone pay off their mortgage and putting money in their pockets. With a mortgage you will get the 8K rebate and also allow you to deduct...
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Thank you so much for posting this picture. We had a couple that kept visiting our suet feeders, and had no clue what they were! We now have an oriole feeder and enjoy waiting for them in the mornings and evenings!
House Training a Pomeranian Puppy?
We always teach our dogs to go on command. Once they start sniffing we take them outside and watch us closely. Once they start to go potty, we say potty. Even now with our 9 year old and 3 year old German Shorthairs, when we say potty they will start sniffing...
Dusting Intricately Detailed Furniture?
Thanks for all of the responses. I think I will try the paintbrush trick.
Coloring Graying Hair?
I have very hard to cover greys also. I purchased from my salon a Just for Men type spray so I can go longer between colors. It works wonderfully. I spray it on my greys just like hair spray. Beware my hair is dark, and when I clean my bathroom, I find a brown...