Dealing With Telemarketers
Just a tip. never press anything. Some scams want you to press a number, in order to acquire info.
Use Bandannas Instead of Washcloths
A lot of people will reuse their wash cloth or towel two or three times, drying in between uses, before retiring it to be washed. A lot of people, especially those with disabilities will reuse them because they cannot afford dozens and dozens of anything, nor...
Getting Rid of Black Flying Biting Insects in Drains?
Have you tried the bleach and then plugging or covering the drains so they cant come out?
Dog Possessive With Chew Toy?
Most likely because its a real meat bone, and because its his. Or he considers it to be. They are like kids at times- possissive of food and toys. I give my Pom a hoof bone to chew and he only chews it at bedtime, in his dog bed. Its his, so I dont try to take...
Housebreaking an 8 Month Old Husky?
My family used to raise huskies, and they can be hard-headed this way. You will have to be specific and firm, but gentle in letting her know what you expect. You can try crating, as they usually do not go where they sleep - unless raised in a kennel or puppy...
Why is Step Parent's Income Included in Calculating SSI Benefits?
Its a common-sense question: if your son will be living with you and your new husband, and your new husbands income will be helping to support the family, then its considered support- and depending on the amount, your sons payments may be higher or lower than...
What is the Best Way to Clean Pet Hair from Wood Floors?
I bought this and find it works wonders.
Homemade Buttermilk
You made a version of Crème fraiche and didnt even know it!! Its delicious, and makes the best baked foods!
Tiny Flying Insects in the House?
Have you tried the bleach and then plugging or covering the drains so they cant come out?
Double Check Measurements When Submitting Recipes
I learn something new here every day. I have never heard of a rib of celery- just a Bunch (the main bunch) and a stalk or stick (One of the single stalks on the bunch). Your comment inspired me to do some research, and found the following, which I found very...
Hibbi Scrub for Mange
Hopefully its easy to find! Ive only heard it called here Chlorhexidine here in the US, though as a skin cleanser, usually in the UK, it is marketed under brand names such as Hibiclens, Savinox plus (Bioshields), Surgiprep-CHX (Bioshields), Hibiscrub, or Dexidin...
Painting A Microwave?
Am with deeli and Knitter926- not to mention the fact that the interior surface of a microwave is not a really Paintable surface. If not coated with a ceramic enamel interior, then most are either stainless steel or aluminum, coated with a plastic that does...
I Used Dishwasher Cleaner Instead of Dishwasher Tablets?
I have done that before. I just ran them back through.
Craft Foliage for Aquarium
Good idea, but be sure the wire, if there is any, is the type that wont rust through the outer covering, and slowly, but eventually poison your fish.
What Breed is My Dog?
Your dog looks more like an American Pitbull Terrier and not what we commonly think of as a Pitbull (wide, boxy, blocky,squatty snubby faces).
Dry Dog's Belly with Sheet After Walk
Do you mean a sheet sheet (Which in itself will not hide odors) or a fabric sheet, such as the ones you place in dryers? If you meant that kind, please be aware that some dogs could be allergic to the scents in a fabric/dryer sheet, or if they lick it off their...
Can I Reuse Cat Litter Containers for Food Storage?
Most people are unaware that these bin-type containers are food safe, and have a recycling number of #5, (Polypropylene (PP) ). If you turn it over, and you see a 5 with three arrows around it, you will know. #5 (pp) is used for Ketchup bottles, yogurt containers...
Can Campho-Phenique Be Used Vaginally?
As others have said, no. Now think it through, as this is a case of common sense and a lack of. Camphophenique is a clear gel that is applied directly to the sore and affected area. It contains a type of alcohol (Camphorated phenol (camphor 10.8% and Phenol...
Clean Bathtub with Powdered Dish Detergent
Growing up, as we stepped out of the bath. wed drop a few drops of joy or dawn into the water and suds it up. It broke up the soap film and kept our tubs shining. Harder now that we all have showers, but I keep some in a spray bottle to spritz with.
Advice for Choosing a Dog Breed?
I have three Pomeranians, purported to be yappers, but none of mine are. They seldom even bark. I think it really depends on training, home environment, the dogs personality, and *some* on the breed themselves.
Soak Dog Food in Water
I cant imagine thats strictly true, as a lot of dogs have to eat dry food always. Plus all my dogs have grown up eating dry food and were fine- and of my current two, the oldest is almost 11. I know though that if they are prone to bloat, it helps.
White Barbeque Sauce Recipe?
I have a white barbecue sauce recipe: 2 cups mayonnaise 1 cup apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons lemon juice 3 tablespoons black pepper 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon cayenne Preparation: Mix ingredients together and refrigerate for at least 8 hours before using...
Is it Safe for a Cat to Eat Bugs?
Of course its normal; cats are predators and carnivores. What did they do before humans came along? Catch bugs... catch mice... catch anything that they could eat. Wasps and bees might not be so great for them, but they would learn that real quick.
Training a Dog to Sleep on Its Own Bed?
I put my Poms bed on the bed with us and every night directed him into it. He soon learned, in just two/three days, that was HIS space. Now no matter where it is, he will sleep in it. lol
Make Your Own Moon Sand And many more...
Share Your Worst Cooking Disaster
Mine? The first time I made gravy, when I was 8/9 years old, I did not realize you had to add either water or milk. It turned out perfectly, looked great, smelled wonderful, but when it cooled it set up like concrete. The spoon was stuck, and when we went to...
Reducing Algae in a Pond?
My mother and grandmother used barley straw to keep their ponds sparkling clear/clean. They both had fishponds that were havens for fish, frogs, birds. Im not sure of your budget, but there are plenty of places online to buy it... one- http://www.naturalsolutionsetc...
Yam Souffle'
Does this use actual yams, or sweet potatoes, which are sometimes called yams? I ask, because there is a difference, and it sounds good enough that Id like to try it.
Controlling Ants?
Strange as it may sound, I have used plain old regular grits (the kind in a bag, like flour) sprinkled on the mounds. The ants eat them and swell and die. Dont let people poo-poo this, as I have seen it work anytime its been used.
Warning: Sugar Damaged Glass Top Stove
I know this is an obvious question, but did you trying scraping it with a razor blade? My stove top has had a few boil overs (Once when caramelizing sugar!) but after it cooled it came right up with a good scraping (My stove came with a scraper) and a good...
Collect Water From Condensation Pipe
I dont think it sounds that wasteful. I would think too it depends on the humidity in the room. Ours draws out a lot of moisture, what with cooking and showers and other things adding it to the air, and it could easily fill that bucket, because it was designed...
Why is My Cat Stealing My Socks?
My one cat adopted a balloon I was given at a bank drive-thru. It was a helium balloon and when I first brought it in, she would play with the ribbon attached, where it trailed along the floor. As it lost buoyancy she would drag it through the air behind her...
Finding An Inexpensive, Basic Cell Phone Plan?
I too cannot recommend TracFone enough either. No plans, no costs other than my time that I buy every few weeks (and it rolls over)... I have used TracFone for several years now and every few years I buy a new phone for 19.95 and have my number and minutes...
Storage Container for Inexpensive Cat Shelter
If you turned them over with the lid as the top (easier to clean!), they would be more water proof, and you could use duct tape and duct tape a piece of clear plastic tarp, etc. to the front about half way down the door opening, they would offer more protection...
Netflix Instant Movies on Your Wii
For ease and entertainment, you really cant beat it, especially their streaming options. My new tv has NetFlix right on the screen, Windows Media Center has it as well, as does the Roku player and PS3, and Ive enjoyed movies on all! Laniegirl, its not Netflixs...
Prevent a Smelly Washer With Powdered Dishwasher Detergent
Your title says Prevent a Smelly Washer With Powdered LAUNDRY Detergent but then you say use DISHWASHER detergent powder. So which should we do? Editors Note: Either can be used but this tip is suggesting Dishwasher Detergent. We have fixed the title to be...
Clean Kitchen After Cooking
Really good advice! And adding to Deelis comment, at home we too were taught to clean as we cooked, and it is really the best advice anyone could follow! We always had a dishpan of vinegar water ready to receive our dishes as we finished (The vinegar seems...
Short in Circuit, Bad Breaker, or Floating Neutral?
You had an electrician fix it and he connected 4mm wire between the neutral and the earth. All was well for 2 days, then it kept tripping whenever you pulled out the wire. What could be the problem? Maybe pulling out the wire is the problem. If it was fine...
Reviews of
I have three antivirus programs and it passed all three. Cute little site, with some fun things. I see a lot of toys my poms would love! I agree with Virginia too- Id like to see a kittydollarstore!
Bonding With Your New Puppy?
I dont know about shepherds, and I cant say what experience you will have with the shepard/husky mix, but we used to raise huskies and can speak for the husky side, should it dominate. In addition to what drmeidl said, huskies in general require an enormous...
7 Year Old Won't Eat Healthy Food?
I agree with the first three posts. Seven is too old to be this picky. If its not being caused by a medical problem, get a rein on the situation while you can, pronto! I have three cousins now who, at ages 58, 60, 65, require that my aunt prepare four versions...
Economical Ideas for Pet Stroller?
I have two Poms also, and if I were you I would look at yard sales, consignment shops, used baby clothing/furniture stores, Good Will, etc... though I myself had no luck finding one anywhere I looked! When I could not find a used stroller or anything else suitable...
Feed Dog Pills with Cream Cheese
Just be careful with the cream cheese. It can have a high fat content and can cause vomiting and diarrhea, or worse, pancreatitis, in severe cases.
Preventing Mineral Deposits in Toilet Flush Tank?
Kaboom is about useless for some of these mineral deposits, and CLR, which I do use, sometimes wont touch them either. I do have good luck with vinegar and pumice stone, but was cleaning several times a week, and as Toni Y knows, they will just come back, seemingly...
Cabbage Recipes?
Colcannon is quick and easy. cabbage (steamed/boiled very tender), mashed potatoes, cream, butter (I put in cream cheese) and sometimes the crisp fat from a baked corned beef
Renn and Cookie (Chihuahua and Papillon)
They are adorable! I have two hard-done-by boys too, but Renn and Cookie are just too cute laying there! lol
Dealing with a Verbally Abusive Spouse?
I am going to be blunt in my response because I cannot tolerate this sort of thing. I really want to know, what you mean by, having nowhere to go. I dont want to be anyones burden.? I am sure that somewhere near you are domestic abuse shelters? Go there! There...
Determining if Milk is Safe to Drink?
My family has frozen milk for years. When the water in it separates from the cream in it, it acquires a vanilla-like, creamy taste. It is safe though.
Getting Rid of Cat Urine Odor Under House Without Harming Cats?
This cant be a good situation for you. If you are smelling ammonia it means they are urinating, and if they are urinating they are defecating too... and if you can smell the ammonia, then you are breathing it in and that means you are also -most likely- breathing...
Cherry Mash Bars
The first four ingredients listed are the only ingredients listed. Yes, one can easily figure it out, but my 7-year old niece was confused. lol Also, what are cherry chips?
Raise Cats and Dogs Together
All good things to consider. My youngest Pomeranian (Almost 4 years old now) and my cat are the best of friends. It is so funny to watch them play and rough house together, and then when they are tired the cat will meticulously groom my dog... who will lean...
Shingles Information?
I had Shingles for the first time after a leg surgery left me with nerve damage, and I can tell you it can be very painful.
Resolving ATT Billing Problems?
My problem dealt with ATT, but isnt quite your problem. It took me over a year, and a lawyer, to settle my problem with ATT though, and it wasnt even my problem. When I first moved here twelve years ago, fresh from my parents home, and started my phone service...
Dog Has Teary Eyes?
Have the Vet check him/her for Entropion Its and eye irritation caused by the eyelids and lashes rolling inward. The problem is usually inherited and found in young, adult dogs like the Papillon. It can come from an eyelid spasm. Affected eyes will be held...
Indoor Lava Plant is Dying?
Anthuriums require little care, and bloom almost continuously in good conditions. It likes bright light and needs to dry out between watering, making good drainage essential. I would try letting it dry out some between waterings. Does the water you are using...
Kitten is Leaking Urine?
When I had my male dog fixed as a puppy (He is 9 now) he started doing the same, and having sudden accidents. I found out that the surgery can traumatize the muscles they use to control their bladder, and sometimes weaken them, until they are old enough to...
Folgers Cafe Latte Vanilla Vibe Recipe?
Wouldnt you need to know how to make Folgers Cafe Latte Vanilla Vibe, in order to USE it in this receipe? The OP was asking Does anyone know how to make the Folgers Cafe Latte Vanilla Vibe? because it cant be bought anymore. I dont know if a receipe requiring...
Using Canned Lima Beans?
You could use them in succotash, or use them to make hummas or other forms of dips. Believe it or not, they do make a great dip! 3 cups lima beans 2 - 3 cloves of garlic 1/4 cup olive oil juice from a small fresh lemon or lime 2 to 3 Tbs of plain thick yogurt...
Black Powder on Window Sill?
I was just about to post that it sounded like carpenter ants or carpenter bees. I had the same thing on my front porch and watched and they ewre puffing it out of a hole I would have never noticed.
In Memory of Skeeter (Opossum)
I had a pet opossum when I was in my late teens, named Pepper. So sweet, and I still miss her. I am deeply sorry for your loss.
Deep Frying Cake Batter?
You can, that is how funnel cakes are made. Heat oil in deep fryer to 370° F. Holding the funnel with one finger keeping the opening closed, fill with batter. Open the end of the funnel and allow batter to run out in a stream into deep hot fat, moving funnel...
Saving on Cat Litter Deodorizer
20 Mule Team Borax. mixed in a cup or two at a time, will work wonders too!
Our New Years Day Dinner
Well, in the greater scheme of things, I guess its not important, but since boyfriends come and boyfriends go, and family is forever, and Im not one of the new, politically correct modern families that excuses everything, I would have felt hurt and thought...
What Is This Plant? (Spotted Laurel)
Not to be obstinate, but its not an Aucuba Japonica. The leaf whorls are nothing like a japonica. The lady at the nursery was actually on the correct path. It is an Schefflera arboricola Variegata, of which there can be many subspecices, ranging from those...
Make Dog Toys Taste Better
Please be aware that the fuzz on tennis balls can sometimes actually build up in a dogs intestinal track and cause complications, but more to the point, these can have a detrimental affect on the dogs teeth. The tennis ball fuzz is very abrasive and can wear...
Decorative Acorns
I am curious if you mean pinecones or something other than acorns. I have several oaks in my yard and surrounding woods and the acorns are too small and non-groved to do much of anything with.
Use Netflix for DVDs
NetFlix is great, and I never had a problem with them, by mail or straming... but I took a leap and splurged almost two months allowance (I budget myself severely actually) and bought a Roku player. You have Amazon Streaming, and Netflix streaming, hulu, plus...
Allow Your Dishwasher to Air Dry
35 dollars? A month? What company is this through? I live in Florida and have progress energy and even without air/heat (I have fireplace) Living in, and using one room with one lamp in it, washing laundry in cold water (and sometimes myself). My bill is never...
Allow Your Dishwasher to Air Dry
Well, after some checking around, and asking 14 different neighbors, I couldnt find anyone in my area with bills cheaper than 200/250 ! I just got my cheapest bill ever and it was 251. As stated previously, I go without air/heat (I have fireplace) Live in, and...
Importance of Using a Potty Chair When Potty Training
Because for some people Teresa, the closer to the natural squatting position that they can get, the better the bowel movements and the less problems they have, bowel wise. Most people dont realize that sitting on a toilet can actually put pressure on certain...
Dog Food Recommendations for Small Dogs?
I use, now, Wellness Super5Mix for small dogs. I almost lost my youngest Pom to problems caused whenever he would eat Beneful healthy weight dog food. Seizures, weakness, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, and other things. I found online numerous complaints about...
Homemade Clorox Anywhere Cleaner?
You could try starting with a bottle of water and adding bleach a drop at a time until you think its about the same as the sanitizer. It would be very hard to duplicate it, since diluted bleach is not stable for very long. The key to Clorox Anywhere Hard Surface...
Dog Won't Go Outside at Night?
Also, not to be a doom-sayer, but please have his eyes checked. I speak from experience. My eight year old Pomeranian, always brave and fearless, started fighting me on going out at night. Every night for three/four weeks was a trial and a fight. I could not...
Rescan TV Setup To Get Digital Channels
I have Comcast in Silver Springs Florida. After the transistion, I rescanned and had my same channels as well as my new ones. I was happy. On June 29th I went to watch Clean House and the channel was black. Most of my channels were. I called and was told that...
Polishing Stainless Steel Appliances
Good tip, but I would not use WD-40 around my food Prep areas. Mineral oil or olive oil are all my family ever used, and I personally have used olive oil for years. I spot clean it every day, but once a week, I polish all my SS appliances with a bit of Olive...
Neighbor Dumps Dirty Cat Litter in Alley?
I cant contribute anything really, because you have been given such good ideas. I just wanted to relate a personal experience. In my area last summer my neighbor was dumping the bones from their massive pool party barbeques over my fence, into my back yard...
No More Burned Soups and Vegetables
Really good idea. I have a mesh fryer basket that just fits the bottom of my one pot that I use for this exact thing, as you say, it does work!
Make Hot Chocolate With Milk
Weve always made ours with milk. I mean, hot chocolate? With water? Ugh! Chocolates meant to be milky and smooth and creamy. You cant beat it :D
Puppy Has Itchy Bug Bites?
Sounds like you both were victims of bed bugs. Take them to the vet -they will probably give you something along the lines of calamine lotion or cortizone, for the itching and inflammation.
In Memory of Dukane (Doberman)
Im so sorry Sheila. Dukane looks so sweet, and Im sure his personality was as big as his heart. Again, so sorry. (b)(/b)
Dandelion Blossoms
I live in florida, and our yard is full of dandelions. We eat the greens in salads.
Product Review For Colonix?
It doesnt surprise me that they would say that, but thank you for your info. (quote)RE: Product Review For Colonix Post by sandy63 (310) | (11/16/2007) Profile | Blog! | Contact i would just say be very careful. i work for a drs office and they always encourage...
Product Review For Colonix?
I agree. My family has never done enemas or cleansing on our own, although we have had several Doctors that thought nothing of prescribing and wanting us to use them and citrate of magnesium a few times a week and thought nothing of subjecting us to barium...
Product Review For Colonix?
I guess at this point its a little moot, but hes already tried it and it did as advertised, and he was satisfied with the result (And looked like he felt better too)
Spoon Rest Ideas?
I have an aluminum pizza pan -one of those cheap wal-mart kinds you can get for a couple of dollars- that I lay my spoons and meatfork on. Especially good -roomy- when cooking large meals!