Good Books for a Sixth Grader?
1) If she liked the Harry Potter books, I strongly recommend The Book of Three and the other books in the series by Lloyd Alexander. An assistant pig-keeper who longs for adventure gets more than he bargained for when his pig runs away. As he pursues her through...
Decorating a Doll House?
It looks like you could turn it into a Victorian or maybe a Swiss Chalet? If you still want to make it into a farmhouse, go to Google and type in farmhouse. I found a house image called Elegant Farmhouse (at Builtwell Builders Inc.) that looked kind of like...
Make Your Own Toothpaste?
Be careful when making your own toothpaste or buying your toothpaste at the Dollar Store. If you use the wrong ingredients in your own recipe you can take the enamel off your teeth. As for buying toothpaste at the dollar store, I just read an article in a womans...
Buy a Counterfeit Detection Pen for Garage Sales
Also, watch out for burglars. Try to have a friend there to help out, and act as security. A friend of mine had a yard sale at her home, by herself, in a sleepy little town in New Hampshire, and while the wife engaged my friend in conversation about a used...
Garage or Yard Sale Tips
Heres feedback from us phobic people - please keep your dogs leashed or inside when you have a garage sale. You may know that your dog is friendly, but those of us who have been attacked before may prefer to keep driving rather than risk it.
Putting Together an Auto Emergency Kit?
Once I was driving on a very icy secondary road by my house, and I could not get up the hill. Because I was coming from grocery shopping I just happened to have a can of table salt in my car, so I sprinkled some of the salt on the ice and I was able to get...