Unclogging a Toilet?
I would try some Rid-X first. Then perhaps borrow a drain snake from a friend or see if the local hardware store does inexpensive rentals.
Ideas For A 14th Birthday?
Often times we have taken our daughters on a date and enjoy dinner and a movie. Sometimes extended family joins us at the restaurant (at their expense) or we enjoy cake & ice cream at home.
Using a Paper Shredder?
Depending on the switch on your shredder, this should work just fine. We started doing this at work to avoid the huge mess. Good luck!
Replacement Bottom Plate George Foreman Grill?
Check the bottom of the plate for a part number. Or look online for your models manual. I did this when needing a replacement part for our camper fridge. Once I had the part number, I searched for that part. For instance George Foreman grinding replacement...
Extra Cleaning Charges for Vacation Rental Property?
How are your rental prices in comparison to others in your area? Is it feasible to raise the base rental price to compensate for the extra cleaning needed? Are the expectations of leaving as found outlined in the contract? Can you leave a checklist for the...
Birthday Cake Decorations for a Hunter?
I would thoroughly wash some used shells and use them, after trying the fondant. You may want to try making your own marshmallow fondant vs using store bought as many pre-made fondants dry out quickly and are hard to work with.
Identifying a Houseplant?
A very easy to maintain plant. These can often be planted in tiny rocks as a rock garden.
What Breed Is My Dog?
There are dog DNA testing services, however they are not always accurate. Our friends were told their dog was a French Bichon and it didnt look a thing like one! A much less expensive solution is to ask your local vet. Ours was able to identify our pup (someone...
Requirements for Getting a Lifeguard's License?
Check with your potential employer as my daughters employer provided the required training and provided transportation as well as covered the fee.
Curtain Colour Advice?
Without a photo, I would go with a patterned print with a brown/beige background with some medium greens & the mustard color as flowers or paisley type prints.
What is This Plant?
I tend to agree that it is a corn plant. Although the Christmas ornament is somewhat blocking the view of the stalk of the plant. Hope Robert feels better quickly.
Burnt Sugar on Smoothtop Stove?
We bought a used smooth top stove that had several spots on top around the burners to the point that I thought the finish had worn off. I started dripping peroxide on the marks, sprinkled baking soda on that, then lemon essential oil. Let it set (several hours...
Removing Stains in a Kitchen Sink?
I dont use chemical cleaners in our home, either. To clean our old porcelain sink I mist it with peroxide, sprinkle with baking soda. Drop a few drops of lemon essential oil then spray with vinegar & let it sit. Then come back and scrub with a nylon scrubbie...
Flying Vs. Driving?
We are currently calculating this same issue. If I were by myself, Id fly. If there were other people Id have to pay for (spouse, children) Id probably drive. It would be much more economical.