Paper Training vs Yard Training for a Puppy?
I personally prefer yard training as I dont wont my dogs to think that going in the house is appropriate any time. But if you must be away for more hours than they can go, it would make sense to make an area available to them.
Puppy Training?
I agree with ppcaffery. An obedience class is the best thing you can do right now. 10 wks old is very young for a puppy. They cannor hold it very long. They have limited ability to understand what you want unless you reward good behavior and ignore the bad...
Garage Sale Pricing Tip?
You got some great advice Suntydt. I would like to add that at least around here. If an item is new or next to new you can price up to 25% of the new price. Good luck with your sale!
Getting Rid of Odors in a Car?
I am curious if it is baby poo or dog poo you are smelling. In either case I think you could treet the interior the same way you do an accident on the carpet in the home. Natures Miracle is a liquid neutralizer that you can spray on the area, let sit for a...
Miniature Siberian Husky?
There is no such thing as a minature Siberian Husky. There are people out there who try to pass off mixed breeds as a purebred dog. Even worse, there are people out there who are always trying to breed down the size of different breeds. They often use runts...
Miniature Siberian Husky?
I owe you a BIG apology. My answer looks more like a rant than a help to you. I get upset by this too easily. We have seen the results in our clinic. Again, I am so sorry to have been so terse.
Keeping Dogs from Tracking Mud Inside?
I agree with Lorelei in that wiping paws may help. What I do is limit their access to the house once they come in. From the yard, they enter through the kitchen. I have a big washable rug that catches much right inside the door. Then keeping them in the kitchen...
Furniture for Room With Purple Walls?
I dont know if you have girls or boys but I would vote for chocolate.
Can Dog Get Parvo Twice?
Yes, if the first illness was mild and they did not take care to stay up on vaccinations.
Painting Cement to Look Like Rock?
I am having trouble imagining exactly what you saw. But if you are anywhere close to a university or school, I would start there. Especially one that has an activer theatre department. My daughter had to do a lot of scene painting including how to make things...
Introducing a Dog to a Baby?
I would start now by introducing her to the smells of baby items first. For instance, the shampoo, baby oil, gentle laundry detergent, etc. You could even borrow items from a freind with a little one. Your dog will also need to become used to the sounds and...
Feeding a Puppy Dry Food?
When puppies are this young, they will not overeat. Everything in them says grow, grow, grow. Being a small breed, your dog will reach her adult size by roughly 6-8 months. Then you can use the information on the side of your dog food container to figure how...
Can Skin Oil From Dog Paws Fade a Leather Couch?
I agree. Dogs paws are very dry unless you put an oil or lotion on them. I think if the leather would fade due to oils then natural oils on us like from our hair would cause damage as well. I say welcome your little one on the couch:)
Ideas for Sadie Hawkins Dance?
When I was a teen, our school had one where a teacher married couples during the dance. Our rings were simply ribbons tied on our fingers. They even had a decorated trellis for effects.
Hoochie Poochie (Mixed Breed)
The pound is not a pleasant start but I can tell Hoochie landed in the perfect forever home!
How Big Will a Shih Pom Get?
You can estimate size by taking the weight of the parents and dividing it by two. But keep in mind that with mixed breeds, it is pretty much up for grabs.
Training a Dog to Bark to Go Outside?
I agree with Patty. Dogs are not born to bark when they want something especially a potty break. As she has gotten away with going in the house at times, you will need to first clean and neutralize the areas she used with something like Natures Miracle. Your...
Dog Lick Lips Around Other Dogs?
I believe it is most likely nerves. Some dogs including my neighbors German Shorthair even drool when they are afraid. Which is comical as I have three small dogs.
Shower Enclosure Walls Dry and Peeling?
When you say tile sheeting, I am guessing you are talking about the 4x8 sheets of hardboard that are finished to look like tile and grout. Unfortunately, Once the finish has started to peel, it compromises that ability of the board to resist water and would...
Using RIT Dye in a Washing Machine?
I agree with more dye. The mistake I made one time was not adding the salt to aid in the dye working especially with cottons.
Teaching a Puppy Not to Growl?
How long have you had the puppy? Growling in puppies can be a fear thing, a back off if you will. Whatever you do, do not punish him for the growling or force him to deal with the petting or handling he is not ready for yet. This will only cement the fear. I...
Removing Soap from Carpet?
Im unsure what the talc was for but that may be the yellow you are seeing. Try plain water again, soak well, and then sop up totally with towels. Best wishes!
Color Ideas for Brown and White Bedroom?
I dont know if this is for a male or female. I like the idea of either teal or red to accent with pillows, throws, lampshades, etc.
Safely Trimming Dog's Nails?
Here is a great how-to page. One thing you need to be certain of is having a very sharp set of trimmers. I prefer the scissor type. Millers Forge makes a great set - the ones with the red handle are adequate for most dogs. If they are touchy about having their...
Is Catnip Safe for Dogs?
It is safe for dogs but like anything else, it has to be in very small amounts. Some holistic vets use it to help with gas in dogs! :)
Preventing Flea Bites?
I would definitely get rid of the fleas in general. Then your guests will not have to worry. All you need to do is to remove access to the host, usually your pets. Advantage spot treatment was all it took to rid our home of them years ago. No bombing, no sprays...
69th Birthday Parties Ideas?
As it is a celebration of you, my idea would be to think back to a time when you had a great year, semester, season etc. Then contact friends to bring lots of pictures from that time. You can even blow up some for part of the decorations. Hope your birthday...
Dog Biting Hair Off
Is your Chow on any flea treatment/preventative? The are where she is itching is the usual site for flea bite dermatitus.
Information About Terrier/Bichon Frise mix?
It depends upon the size of the parents. The mother especially will help you with your estimate. :)
High School Dance Theme Ideas?
Electronic communication seems the norm these days for anything to do with relationships. It might be a quick and easy decor to make screens out of huge poster board (Hobby Lobby) that mimic the screens of cell phones and computers. You could inlcude text abbreviations...
Pitbull Puppy That Bites?
I TOTALLY agree with suescats. Our behaviorist says pups should be with the mother until at least 12 weeks regardless of wether or not they can eat dry food. The mothers training as far as play biting goes should last until the pups are weaned. The Humane society...
What Breed is My Dog?
It is hard to tell from the pic whether the tail curves up at all. I vote husky due to the coloring and the slight upward set of the ears, and the tip on the tail.
Science Fair Project Ideas?
I am not sure what age group you are taliking about. I saw a fun one at my daughters school. This girl had used coffee filters and a vaccum hose to prove there is little difference between high and low nicotine cigarettes. The girl wanted to get her dad to...
Transplanting A Peony Plant?
Depends on where you are located. Here in Indiana, they can be transplanted two times of the year. The best time is in the spring right when they break thru the ground. The other is in the fall after the leaves and stalks have turned brown. You can dig up the...
What Breed is My Dog?
I so wish this site offered the ability to see a larger version of the pic you added. The gold color could come from a yellow lab or a golden. The ears resemble the collie or shepherd. Adorable at any rate!
Litter Box Training a Cat?
Congratulations on your new kitten! I would first change you brand of litter. Then you will probably need to limit the space your kitten has to run from the litter box. Cats are naturally clean animals and she will seek out the area to eliminate. As a last...
Puppy Only Poops Inside?
Hi Patricia: The first thing I would look at is his feeding schedule. Im assuming by now, you are only feeding twice a day. Keep treats to a minimum while you are trying to potty train. We like to use Solid Golds jerky treat and break them up into tiny tasty...
Dog Pees On Rugs?
Your first line of defense is to ban the dog from the bathroom. Beyond that, you will need to first be certain that the floor is clean and the area nuetralized. We swear by Natures Miracle. (be sure to follow directions). Strong cleaners with any type of ammonia...
Keeping Dog Off Car?
Do you have a key fob with a horn on it? Also, depending on how new or old you vehicle is, I might try putting flat cardboard boxes on the vehicle. This booby-trap will cause the dog to be suprised and limit success in climbing aboard. Just a couple of ideas...
What Breed is My Dog?
If the dog is on the smaller side, I would say the face also resembles a Corgi. Whats the body type?
Cat with Urinary Tract Infection?
Please keep close watch with your vet. I had no idea my cat was so very ill until it was too late. (kidney failure) The vet made me fell very bad for waiting so long as he said this is VERY painful for them. Best wishes!
Caring for a Young Puppy?
You said the breeder was ill and not the dam? I would never try to wean a pup that young. It is going to put the pup behind the eightball physically. If the breeder is too ill and wants to move the pup at 4 weeks, I would ask to bring the dam home with me until...
Buying Designer Breed Puppies?
I agree with MuttMom. This is not a designer breed but a crossbred dog. There is nothing wrong with mixed breed dogs except for those who breed them intentionally for the money. They are not breeding to improve a particular breed. They cannot possibly predict...
Making a Heating Pad?
I make all of mine from long grain rice. It is comfortable and stays warm for hours. I use a hand towel and fold it in half to form the bag. you can fold it lengthwise for a long one to go around your neck or at the center to create a size that would do well...
Trouble House Training a 3 Year Old Dog?
As hard as it sounds, you will have to treat your dog like a new puppy. A crate will help. Once she wakes up from a nap, take her directly outside. Watch for elimination. If you dont get results in 5 min., take her back to the crate.m Repeat until she goes...
Home Remedies for a Dog with Flatulence?
I have a feeling the food you are feeding may be the problem. Just like us, when a dog eats something it is having trouble digesting, there will be stink. :) What are you feeding? Many dog foods in the stores have so many fillers that a dog cannot possibly...
Sewing Terrycloth Towel Seams?
I use my serger to finish raw edges like this especially as the towels make for such a thick turn under.
Decorating Wood Furniture?
This looks like something my 25 yr old daughter would want in her apartment. I think you could achieve the look with some wallpaper. Taking off all the knobs, I would start with a light sanding. Using wallpaper paste will stay longer than prepasted.You can...
Ideas for Reusing Spice Bottles?
I use mine to store small amounts of paint that I mixed for a certain project. Usually it is acrylic paints that came from a craft project.
Hemming the Neck of a T-shirt
I serge the edge of the cut fabric. Then I turn under about 3/8 and use the stretch stitch on my machine to hem as it keeps the neck line from any stitches ripping due to the stretching when taking the shirt on and off.