Orange Juice Bottle Vase
You can buy a pretty glass vase at dollar tree for $1 plus tax. In my area it's $.07. I'd rather spring the $1.07 instead of using an old bottle. Sometimes even cheaper at thrift stores. This just looks you are cheap, not frugal.
Lemon Blueberry Sheet Pancakes
I watched a video on YouTube of someone making sheet pan pancakes, but yours look better. You got my vote for the recipe contest!
Making an Emergency Bug Out Box
Good suggestions, although I would not alter the water in any way. Do not 'split' the seals until you need the water to drink. I assume you mean loosen the caps and then tighten them back down. That could potentially allow dirt or pathogens to get in your water...
What Kind of Bug is This?
I blew up your photo and I do not know what it is. It is not a louse, nor is it a tick. My dogs drag plenty of those in. To me it looks like a harmless beetle of some sort. But again the quality of your photo is not great.
Hen and Chicks Growing Tall?
This is what is sometimes called a rooster. It will eventually form flowers, then that part of the plant will die. But the hole will fill in with another hen.
Cleaning Dirty Uniform Work Shirts?
If you are dealing with grease stains, baby powder is the best thing to get them out! Sprinkle a good amount on the grease stain. Roll it up and let sit overnight. Wash the next day. It will be gone. I often forget an apron, and splash grease on myself when...
Paying Back Child Support?
Child support starts from when it is applied for. Since you just recently discovered you are a father, of an adult child there will be no child support.
Be A Cheesy Saver
The same kind of cheese is available at Walmart. 24 slices for less than $3. How does that stack up compared to your restaurant sized block? They also have larger packages. 5 pounds- 120 slices for $8.64. My children love this cheese on grilled cheese sandwiches...
Sort Laundry As You Go
Be careful that you are not overloading your washing machine, which could cause it to fail prematurely. We have a 4 section laundry sorting hamper, and each section holds 2 loads of laundry. With the newer, more energy efficient machines that use less water...
Replacement Controller for a Cuddl Duds Throw?
I would contact the manufacturer. Replacement parts are not always available. You might have to replace the whole throw and all. My friends blender needed a part. The manufacturer (Omega) did not have replacement parts for that model. I bought the part for...
Collecting Back Child Support if Parent is Deceases?
If your son's father was on his birth certificate then I would take that to social security. Your son should be able to get survivors benefits until he's 18 years old, possibly longer if he's a student pas that age. It's something like $800 a month. You will...
Getting Raccoons Out of the House?
This is not a job that you can handle. They can have rabies. They are difficult to trap in live traps. Their excrement can rot wood, and they damage the structure of buildings. I hope this abandoned building does not turn out to be a bottomless money pit for...
Living on a Budget
Have you ever applied for foodstamps? On SSI or disability you would surely qualify. Just take in copies of award letters that say how much you each receive in a month. It would probably be $200 or more in a month that you can use to purchase food. Then you...
Advice for Losing Weight?
I do not know your body type, but I suggest you research Cushings Syndrome, and Cushings Disease. Do any of the symptoms fit? It is not well known, but often misdiagnosed as PCOS. It is also possible to have Cushings and PCOS.
A DIY Wedding May Not Be The Best Option
In my opinion, you are giving terrible advice! You can save SO MUCH money by doing a lot of the wedding things yourself! Some of us had very small budgets for our weddings. My first marriage lasted a boy 4 years, and we spent thousands of dollars on a very...
Eligibility for Survivor Benefits?
if he signed the birth certificate, that makes him the 'legal father' whether his is the biological father, or not, is another issue. So I'm assuming since he legally claimed the child as his, he would be eligible for survivors benefits. Until age 18, or longer...
Removing Sharpie from a Computer Screen?
Do. Or use acetone, or nail polish remover. It could melt the plastic of your computer screen. If it's glass go ahead, but it most likely is plastic. I recommend a small amount of running. Alcohol on a cotton round. The higher percentage would be better- 90...
Removing Sharpie from a Computer Screen?
I would not further dilute it with water. The alcohol evaporates quickly, water could ruin the computer.
Link: for Inexpensive Food Delivery
In my opinion you would get more food at a grocery store with $23. It is mostly pasta, and apples, which are not that expensive. I regularly shop Aldi, Walmart, and Dollar Tree. You can get a full pound of spaghetti noodles for $1. Hamburger helper is $1.22...
Breakers Tripped When Changing Dryer Plug?
You unplug the dryer before changing the cord. Leave the new cord unplugged until thoroughly changed, and screwed on correctly with safety covers in place. You either had the cord plugged in while you were trying to attach it to the dryer, which is a huge mistake...
Buying Graham Crackers?
Here in the United States you can buy them in any store that sells food. In the UK the closest thing they have is called a digestive biscuit. If you are in another country they may not be available. This is a recipe I found online, you could bake your own if...
Thrift Stores Are Not Created Equal
I disagree with the best day to shop being Friday. I believe it is Monday. Our local thrift store has the shelves stocked with new items on Mondays. They also reduce the oldest clothing to $.25, and the clothing that will be $.25 next week is 50% off this week...
Waterproof Washi Tape Book Bag Tag
You should not display your child's name on the outside of their backpack. That makes it easy for anyone to kidnap your child. Do however put it inside a pocket or flap, along with your phone number, in case it is ever lost.
Repairing a Broken Shell Earring?
Superglue applied lightly should work. Don't overapply, or it will ooze out when you stick the pieces back together.
Live-in Boyfriend Not Paying His Share of Expenses?
I agree with the person that said you' have become his cash cow. He' is using you. With minimal effort he has a place to live, food to eat, cigarettes, gas in his car, etc. Does he care for your children while you' are at work? It would be cheaper to kick him...
Buying in Bulk Smartly
Dollar Tree stores sell a lot of wonderful cleaning supplies for $1 each. Some items aren't great, but some are. I LOVE anything La's Totally Awesome from stain spray, to detergent booster, and they have 32 loads of detergent for $1. That beats Jet's prices...
Re-dyeing Hair?
You can go darker with little difficulty. Going lighter is harder to accomplish. Read the box of dye you used, it will tell you if you have to wait to recolor.
Back Child Support and Disability?
It is my understanding that you were borrowing money to pay child support to your ex husband? Now that you qualify for disability you are asking if you will get the money you paid in child support back? No that's not how it works. The awards to your children...
Baking Lessons
There are wonderful videos on YouTube that show you how to make anything you can imagine. I suspect in your 'butter crust' recipe you used margarine instead of real butter. It has a high water content, which I believe led to your crust shrinking. Next time...
Pill Bottle Sewing Kit
Great idea! I would wrap several colors of thread around a piece of cardboard instead. That way the thread does not have to go to waste if you need to use the Velcro. Just a piece of cardboard the length of the pill bottle with white, black, blue, gray. I also...
Finding a Dish Detergent That Suds?
My favorite dish detergents are Dawn. I like the original, the platinum, and my favorite is the platinum foam. It has a dispenser that makes it foam like a lot of hand soaps. They also sell a refill bottle that will fill the foaming dispenser 3 times. I'd estimate...
Light Sensing Exterior Fixture Only Works When Breaker Flipped?
It's probably shorting out, or has been chewed by a rodent, and is malfunctioning. If you rent, tell your landlord, it's his responsibility to fix it.
Inner Roadblocks to Financial Wellbeing
I would recommend that you try to find the Canadian television show online called 'Till Debt Do Us Part'. It has a lot of great tips on budgeting and getting out of debt. I believe it might be on Netflix. I'm 38, and still learning about finances, and trying...
Repairing a Broken Dish Drainer
I would have just exchanged it at Walmart, they''ll usually do that even without a receipt. Now that you know how to assemble correctly the second one wouldn't' break.
Identifying Tiny Bugs?
The pictures are not very clear, and the bugs appear smashed, so can't be identified. They don't look like headline though, as the body is much too long. My guess is either bed bugs, body lice, or pubic lice. I recommend you do a google image search for what...
Identifying Tiny Bugs?
I found this image of various stages of bedbugs. I strongly suspect that it's the problem you're dealing with. I found the image on this website:
Wrangling Plastic Grocery Bags
There are better ways. Look for something called a sack sock- it's a fabric tube with elastic and both ends, and a fabric or ribbon loop for hanging. Very easy to make for just a couple dollars. Holds quite a few bags. Crumble and push in top, and pull them...
Cleaning Soap Scum Off Shower Walls?
CLR would probably work. Dawn dish detergent is also great for cleaning showers.
Clearing a Clogged Sink Drain
Before you paint the sink, try cleaning it with Comet cleanser. It has bleach so if anything will get your sink white, Comet will. Plus it's usually around $1, so a great thing to try. I use it to clean out my kitchen sinks, and bathtub too.
First Comes Love, Then Comes Budget
We eloped. It was around $60 for our marriage license, $25 for the minister that did our 5 minute ceremony. I wore a dress, and undergarments I already had. $15 for shoes. Maybe $25 for my husband's clothes. It most certainly wasn't a grand affair, and no reception...
Determining Why Electric Bill Is So High?
Do call the electric company, and tell them you want your meter checked. Ask about any fees associated with having this done. Another reason could be that neighbors, or something else on property is robbing electricity from you, and you''re paying the bill...
Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
No you cannot collect survivors benefits as an adult. I believe the only exception to that is if you are a full time student. Apply for an income based apartment now, because there can be a waiting list of two years or more. You should be able to get food stamps...
Flowers at Pickering Pioneer Village
The purple flower is a clematis, which is a flowering vine. I'm unsure about the orange flower.
Fabric Wrapping Paper
This is a great idea! I am tired of storing rolls of wrapping paper, I believe I will buy fabric for this purpose. I can sometimes find fabric for $1-$2 a yard.
Buying a Good Pet Hair Vacuum Cleaner?
I just recently bought a Bissell Powerforce Turbo Helix vacuum. It was $59 Plus tax at Walmart. It's bagless, so no bags to buy. It is excellent for pet hair! It doesn't have a light, cord rewind, super long hose, fancy febreeze filters or anything like that...
Bobbin Thread Loops Can Be Seen from Top of Item?
I agree, I believe your bobbin tension is too loose. If you can't find a manual online there might be a YouTube video that shows you how to adjust. There are lots of free, very informative videos on a variety of subjects on YouTube.
Returning Ground Coffee to Walmart?
There should be a toll free number on the packaging somewhere, I would call that.
Duct Tape for Hole in Screen
You can also sew thread into the hole, which would hold up much better, and blend in better. But duct tape will work in a pinch.
Cleaning the Glass on a Turtle Tank?
I would try Works brand toilet bowl cleaner. Available for around $1 at most stores. It's an acid, so will need to be very throughly rinsed afterward. I use it In plastic pans of animal cages that have white mineral build up. Takes it right off, and makes them...
Oil Coming Out of the Dipstick Tube?
Something is definitely wrong, that's for sure. PCV valve maybe?
Safe Disposal of Medicine
My local Sheriff's Department here in rural Ohio has one of these. If your local pharmacies don't have one, contact local law enforcement to learn of locations. If there is no box available, there is usually a collection day where you can turn in unused medications...
Rewards for Playing Games
What is your friend code for Verydice? That's the number that will give you credit for referring us.
Choosing Great Watermelon
Another way to tell is if it feels heavy for it''s size. If you have a couple that fit the criteria she mentioned, pick the one that seems heavy for it''s size. You' will know it when you feel it. If you're choosing between the best two or three, pick the heavy...
Repairs with Duct Tape
Have you tried epoxy or JB Weld? I have an old wringer washer. There is a metal shaft that the agitator slips over, and a bold is supposed to hold the plastic agitator down. The top of the shaft was stripped so the agitator would just float up after you filled...
Keep Soap Fresh
Instead of taping the label on the outside just slip inside bag between bag and boxes of soap.
A Little Gob Will Do Ya
I have started using shampoo bars, along with regular conditioner (sparingly) after out of the shower I apply a drop of jojoba oil to my hands and apply to the ends of my hair. The problem with many shampoos is they contain degreasers. They strip your hair...
Road Hogs (Wild Turkeys)
If you get too close to them with your car they will run out of the road. Keep driving forward, they won't stand there.
Refurbishing Painted Metal Snaps
Until you wash it. I would use white nail polish instead, won't come off in the wash.
Being Frugal Around My Home
It sounds as if your family would qualify for food stamps. Pasta and rice are fine once in a while, but daily can lead to malnutrition. I'm sure everyone would appreciate a better quality diet! I used to receive $526 a month for a family of 3. In Ohio they...
Hard Wired Smoke Detectors Beeping Intermittently?
They don't last forever, and can vary greatly in longevity. It could be as simple as being a problem with dust, dust all thoroughly and look for an expiration date.
Banana Turon
No, you remove them from the oil, and sprinkle with sugar while hot. The heat will melt (caramelize) the sugar, and make it liquid instead of solid. You don't put back in oil after adding sugar, it would all get washed away from the oil.
Loratadine for Itching Dogs
My dog Sandy would constantly scratch and bite. I killed all the fleas on her by washing her with pert plus dsndruff shampoo. She was still scratching and biting herself like crazy. I started using seresto flea collar on her, and bathing her weekly. She no...
Another Use for an Old VHS Tape
Or you could spring $11 for a replacement part that's easy to change.
Awesome Cleaner from the Dollar Store
Keep your eye out at Dollar General and Family Dollar stores. They have a larger refill jug that's cheaper than buying a bunch of the spray bottles. Mean Green is also an excellent cleaner. So is Comet.
Hotpoint Dishwasher Detergent Dispenser Not Opening?
I'm not sure how to fix your detergent dispenser. I however would suggest an alternative. Just get the detergent pacs such as cascade, and put in the silverware basket. It of course won't work with powder or liquid detergent, but just fine with gel pacs or...
Stop the Drip of Laundry Detergent
Wouldn''t covering that shelf with contact paper make the spills easy to wipe up, and prevent further staining of the wood? No Tabasco sauce lids and rubber bands necessary!
Quick Dry for Washed Lettuce
I used to work in a restaurant making salads. There is a wonderful invention called a salad spinner. You put your salad greens or lettuce in, turn the handle, and the water spins out like a washing machine spinning clothing. There are large restaurant ones...
How Soon Can I Re-dye My Hair?
Nothing will cover the black dye that is already in your hair. You have to wait for it to grow out and be cut off to be rid of black. There are various chemical methods of of lightening the black to a lighter color, but Im not knowledgeable about those products...
Easy and Safe Knife Storage
You could also use some plastic from a bottle or something and make a plastic sheath for each of your knives. Then store in a drawer.
Always Price Check
Your third picture is of a battery charger. Those batteries cannot be recharged, they're one use only, then need to be thrown away. I suggest you get some NiMH rechargeable batteries, you can get a pack of for for under $10 and rotate between the two pair, so...
Continued Fragrance from Used Jar Candle
I would be too afraid of the jar breaking. I would suggest getting an electric candle warmer. It is almost like a small electric burner the size of a candle. It does not get too hot, and there is no risk of the jar breaking.
Plant Your Tomato in a Recycled Washing Machine Tub
For tomatoes, do not disturb the root ball, but plant them deeper than they originally were planted. There should be 2/3 of the plant in the soil, NOT to the original soil level. The stem that is now underground will grow more roots, and the plant will grow...
Fashion is Where You Find It
Always check thrift stores first for anything you may need, including clothing. I find a lot of brand new with tags items at goodwill for $5. My prettiest dress was at goodwill, brand new with tags, for $8-$10.
Teen Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
You need to go to your local social security office as soon as you can. Tell them you do not live with her, and she is not meeting even your basic needs. They may be able to appoint a trusted adult as your payee instead of your Mom.
Grandchild Not Grateful for Birthday Gift?
To me it seems your child is lacking in the parenting department. Had your child taught your grandson properly, you would have received acknowledgement of your monetary gift.
Free Phone Calls through Facebook
It doesnt cost money, but can consume your data very quickly. Be sure to keep track of your data usage so you dont go over your limit, and incur fees.
Use Baking Soda in the Dishwasher
I have found that using cascade platinum detergent pods leaves no film or mineral buildup inside my dishwasher. It seems expensive compared to other cheaper brands, but my dishes and dishwasher are clean! No white mineral buildup, no half clean dishes, no disappointment...
Our Little Henry the Gecko
I believe that's actually an anole, not a gecko. We had them as pets when I was a kid.
Shave For $10 Per Year
Thank you for reminding me! I was looking at new razors but I'll just get back into using my double edge razor, brush, and soap puck. It is much cheaper! For those that may not know, a de blade can be flipped over after it gets dull, providing even more shaves...
Receiving Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Social security pays lump sums for disabled people. My dad applied for disability and was turned down, as most people are. He had to appeal which took about 5 years of going to court. They eventually awarded it to him, but they pay from the time that someone...
Balancing a Warped Skillet
If there is a bump in the middle you could try putting a piece of wood inside and pounding on the wood with a hammer.
Hemming Jeans Like a Pro
This is how I always hem all of our pants! I do it by hand, never with a machine. It is an easy thing to do while watching tv or a movie. I have heard it called a Euro Hem. The only drawback is that if the pants are washed a lot, there will be a faded line...
Runner Ducks in the Snow
Google it, 'ducks feet winter', their circulatory system keeps their feet and legs from freezing. I learned this a few years ago, and still find it fascinating.
What Is This House Plant?
The one to the left is an African violet. I believe the one on the right is called a monkey or monkeys tail. The whole stem should be covered in leaves though, not just the last inch or two. Its in pretty sad shape. They both are actually.
Receiving SSI Payments?
Probably not, they will count your income until your child with a disability turns 18. At that point they dont. They count 2/3 of any child support you receive for the child, minus $20. The maximum payment amount is $733 currently, and if your income, including...
Dry Clothing on Hangers
Search amazon or eBay for wind proof clotheslines. They're usually around $5-$10 from us sellers, or as cheap as a dollar if you wait for it to be mailed from China. They are a plastic rope type clothesline that has hangers slots made into it. Put your shirts...
Eligibility for Social Security Survivor Benefits?
The social security office would have to establish paternity. This involves DNA testing, because paternity hasnt been established. Youd have to go there and speak with them and try to apply. They can answer all questions you may have.
Electric Blanket Control Displaying Code E?
My Biddeford electric blanket was showing E on one control. Both sides were securely plugged in at the foot of the bed. I unplugged them there and reattached. They then both displayed E. So I unplugged both from wall outlet. Replugged them in. That fixed the...
Getting Rid of Fleas on My Kitten?
It will kill some, but many will survive. It astounds me that people truly dont know how well dawn works. Go to Walmart, they have decent sized bottles of dawn for $1. Use for dishes or fleas.
Turbo Treble Dishcloth
Sounds like a great beginners project for me, thanks for sharing! I know how to do most of these stitches so what I don''t know I can look up on YouTube. '