Identifying Little Brown Bugs?
I was thinking maybe carpet beetles. Im not sure that they fly. It could be gnats that live in your drain pipes. Theyre larger than fruit fly gnats and bite. Try checking to see if they are coming out when you turn on the water. Spray cleaners in your drains...
Softening Granulated Sugar?
I usually use the base of a glass to press into the clumps. Use a heavy, thick-based glass or mug so its less likely to break. Press lightly while rocking the glass back and forth. About 10 seconds in the microwave might also help. I use this method for brown...
Slogan Ideas for Child Care Business?
Id have an attractive sign with lots of color. Maybe, a picture of a lined road with a few cars of different colors with parents and children in them.
Craft Ideas for Used Medicine or Pill Bottles?
Theyre wonderful for keeping things in your purse or lunch box. Sewing kits, first aid kits, toothpicks, lotion, q-tips, ear buds, buttons. As a teacher, we used them to store earbuds for the students. They also make a wonderful carrier for a list tooth until...
Craft Ideas for Used Medicine or Pill Bottles?
Theyre wonderful for keeping things in your purse or lunch box. Sewing kits, first aid kits, toothpicks, lotion, q-tips, ear buds, buttons. As a teacher, we used them to store earbuds for the students. They also make a wonderful carrier for a list tooth until...
Green Planting Tips?
We use newspaper around our plants. Its biodegradable, it helps hold in water and moisture, and it helps keep weeds at bay. We use it around shrubs and in flower beds mostly. Its an easy way to recycle without having to go to the recycling center!
Keep Your Purse Safe When Dining Out
It almost sounds like it could be an employee. I hope not, but if its happening there a lot. Or, it could be someone who knows how dark it is and watches busy, distracted diners. Im guilty of placing my purse there too. Ive been trying to carry a small...