Mennonite Food Store In Poplar Bluff, MO?
MSN or Google also has maps. Just enter your address and the address of the store you want to go to.
Repairing a Screen Door?
I use golf tees and wood glue. Put glue on the sharp end, insert into the hole till it stops. Let the glue set up, then cut the tee off at the frame. Set the door and rescrew the hinge.
Jackson Hewitt Tax Course?
My wife did H&R Block...they do charge here, and they ask you do work for them in lue of the fee. My wife declined, because the pay was minium wage. She made more doing individuals and friends.
Does Heat Ruin Batteries?
Heat isnt the problem. It could be the charger or a weak battery. Also some say that where you PUT the battery will affect it. Storing it on wood, concrete, etc. I dont really believe that, but some swear by it.