Ammonia To Whiten Clothes
Thank you.Will give it a try on my husbands exercise socks which are no longer white and some undergarments, too.I appreciate the method explanation and the warning on never using bleach and ammonia together.Know someone who did and it nearly fried her lungs...
Shredded Paper As Cat Litter
Have used it and it works. My former vets office used shredded paper in the litter boxes in the cages. I took good sized newspaper(the Boston Globe, LOL) and tore strips lengthwise in 1-2 inch width strips. They kind of curl up in the box. Be sure the box is...
Advice for a Cat with Diabetes? I had a cat with diabetes and so did my daughter. She told me about this website over 10 years ago. It is a message board and you can join for free and you will get so much help from...
Take Picture of List with Cell Phone
Superb!!I make out lists, misplace them,leave them in the car or at home. My Iphone has a 50/50 chance of being in my pocketbook or car. Now if my senior moment only remembers this great hint. Thank you so much.
Removing Permanent Marker from Wood Furniture?
Thank you Winnie007.I put Walnut Furniture marker on my Maple Hitchcock dining room table.Disaster resulted with a dark smear(two actually to cover the cat scratches).The Colgate toothpaste with a bit of rubbing and some wet tissue removed the stain to almost...
Using Canned Lima Beans?
If lima beans are a favorite add them to salads.My husband loves them. I also add canned beets or canned kidney beans or canned chickpeas depending on what I have on hand.
Product Review: Snuggie?
I bought 2, it was a deal offered for a reasonable price.Gave one for a gift.While it looked good on TV in real life it was cumbersome since the back was open and the sleeves did drive me crazy.Though it is warm it is too awkward to wear if you need to get...
Beef in a Loaf
I would assume it is uncooked like a meatloaf, else why cook it for 1 and a half hours. Makes sense?