Raised Dog Dish Using a Rubbermaid Container
Brilliant! I love this idea. Those raised feeders cost a ton in the pet stores. Thank you for sharing.
In Memory Of Sadie Boo (Basset Hound Mix)
The supplement I used was Nupro Silver. I purchased it from USBones.com.
Puppy Has Fast Growing Lump?
Call your insurance. This is not a pre-exsiting condition, unless you went to the vets, got the pup diagnosed and then got the insurance. If this is the case call the breeder and tell them you want to be reimbersed for the vet cost. It is probably nothing but...
Bobbie (Tabby)
Looks like Bobbie is having a pawsome time in his furever home. Good for you for opening your heart & home again. Bobbie is adorable!
Noyo (Dog)
You did a great thing by adopting Noyo! He is a great looking dog and I bet he could break a thing or 2 with his happy tail.
Puppy Ate a Sock?
They have bitter apple spray you can buy at any pet store. Heavily spray on an old sock with it. The taste should turn the puppy off to the sock. Or, take away the sock, say, No! and then give your puppy a rope toy while saying Good boy/girl. If your puppy...
Leaf Patterned Glass Table Top
I really like this idea. Do you change it often? It seems like it would be hard to clean off the paint and start over. I may try this idea on my glass table. I bet this idea hides all the finger prints on the glass. LOL! Thanks for sharing!
Brooklynn (French Bulldog)
Like? More like love! This is a great picture. I love the innocent look on Brooklynns face! This picture should be on a greeting card.
Toothpick Christmas Tree
I saw this in somebody elses favorites, this will be my first favorite! Love it! This should be a fun project.
Training a Dog to Ring the Bell
Cosmo is a cutie! I trained my Schnoodle, Sophie, the same thing. I never have to guess if she wants out, she always lets me out with the ring of a bell.
Stock Up On Sale Christmas Candy
I got one of the huge Hershey Kisses for Christmas. I suggested to my Husband that we cut it up and melt the chocolate to make syrup for ice cream.