Value of Old Steamer Trunks?
We have one that looks like the second picture. It has drawers on the one side when flipped to stand tall. We paid $220 at an antique marketplace.
Liquid Laundry Soap for Shampooing Carpets
As a landlord, I have shampooed many carpets. It is not advisable to use soap of any kind, since the residue will attract dirt. My special recipe is to dissolve equal parts Borax and Super Washing soda in very hot water and then use this for your cleaning solution...
Help to Build a Dream?
For grant information, I would contact your local community development office. There is an FHA loan called 203K that will finance purchase and rehab on a property for owner-occupants.
Keeping Water Pipes from Freezing?
This would help, but to prevent pipes from freezing, you would have to empty the lines by draining as much as possible (open all faucets and drain your hot water heater) and then blowing out the lines with an air compressor. It would also be a good idea to...
Making Homemade Laundry Powder?
3 cups Borax (such as 20 Mule Team) 3 cups Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda 1 Bar Zote Laundry Soap, Grated
Getting Rid of Bed Bugs?
Buy Diatomaceous Earth (food grade) at Home Depot or Lowes. The good thing about this is that it is safe for humans and pets. The powder dries them up and so they cant build up an immunity. Use a paintbrush or long-nosed squeeze bottle to coat baseboards, legs...
Getting Rid of Biting Bugs?
Food grade diatomaceous earth, which can be purchased at Home Depot will solve your problem. Use a paint brush to paint the powder along baseboards and on the legs of your bed. Bugs cant build up a resistance since the powder dries up their exoskeletons. Very...
Getting Rid of Bedbugs?
I had a tenant who brought bedbugs into an apartment. I had great success using food grade Diatomaceous Earth, which can be purchased at Lowes or Home Depot. It is a white powder. Use a paintbrush to paint all your baseboards (where it meets the floor as well...
Cockroaches in My House?
I have tenants and have found the Diatomaceous Earth (be sure to use food grade) is extremely effective for roaches and bed bugs. It can be purchased at Home Depot or a garden supply store Its a white powder. Use a paint brush to paint all of your baseboards...
Repairing a Bissell Proheat Steam Cleaner?
Make sure the red plastic screen on the top of the waste water reservoir is not clogged.
Wipe Off Messy Hands Before Washing
I always fill a sink with soapy water when I am cooking. I really like Ajax liquid for cutting grease. A quick swish and my hands are clean!
Cleaning Paint Rollers
The trick to getting paint out of the roller is to first thoroughly rinse with water and then wash with laundry soap and rinse again.
Using a Tarp to Suppress Weeds?
This will be an effective barrier for weeds but you may not like the appearance. I recommend the hula hoe. It is small enough to maneuver around plants and makes quick work of weeding.
Child's Eligibility for Social Security Survivor's Benefits?
My husband died of cancer in 1986 when my son was 18 months of age. My son received Social Security survivors benefits until age 18, even though he was adopted by my husband after I remarried. We even got a replacement birth certificate with his new last name...
Reviews of Carpet Steam Cleaners?
I have had a Hoover and a Bissell Pro Heat and the Bissell is the better machine. I have tenants and the Bissell Pro Heat cleans better. Always rinse thoroughly and use as little soap as possible. Soap residue will attract and hold dirt and your carpets will...
Looking For Yellow Shrub The Flowers Through Summer?
In Pennsylvania, we have beautiful Stella DOro daylilies that bloom from June-July until frost. Not exactly a shrub, but mine is about 2 ft high and wide.
German Shepherd Keeps Running Away?
Try more exercise! The only time our 8-year old female German Shepherd runs into the woods is when she is not getting enough exercise. Since Im not doing my job, she takes matters into her own paws!