Glad and Pink (Gladiolus)
Such a delicious color! I only have one gladiola at present and its white with a tinge of pink in the throat. I transplanted it from another yard, and waiting for it to rebound. I voted for your entry... its stunning!
Fall Colorfest (Gibbs Garden, GA)
Thank you, Thrifty Fun for creating a slideshow of my photos! I couldnt decide which ones to submit, so I uploaded them all and Im happy you chose! Good job!
Fall Colorfest (Gibbs Garden, GA)
Thank you! Im envious! I love the clean lines of a Japanese garden. Japanese Maples are wonderful assets to any garden design. So rich in diversity!
Fall Colorfest (Gibbs Garden, GA)
Absolutely! Its harder to capture how one feels when viewing such beauty. Awe-struck maybe?
Fall Colorfest (Gibbs Garden, GA)
Thank you! Kind of takes ones breath away being in the midst of such beauty.
Fall Colorfest (Gibbs Garden, GA)
Merry Christmas to you as well! I enjoy seeing places others have visited that I may never see, so I believe others feel the same way. So happy you enjoyed them!
Swans at Sunset (England)
Your photo is beautiful! Looks like a painting! In fact, You should have it printed on canvas!
Cheerleader Hibiscus
Your caption is spot on! I see the tiny bug there as well! I have some nice Hibiscus as well.
Three Is a Crowd (Hummingbirds)
The color and detail on these hummers is so sharp! They are wonderful to watch.
Angel's Trumpet
Thank you! Yes, we often get caught up in the rush, but somehow cemeteries invite us to slow down. In Victorian times, cemeteries became not only a place to bury loved ones but also were some of the nations first parks.
Surprise Pumpkins
Gardening surprises are always interesting and fun! I had volunteer peppers last year and this year I had volunteer tomatoes! Both produced a few very nice fruits that I wasnt expecting!
Along Florida's Forgotten Coast
Thank you! This part of the Forgotten Coast offers so much for the nature lover!
Along Florida's Forgotten Coast
Thanks! There is so much to discover in the small community of Carrabelle!
Along Florida's Forgotten Coast
Thank you! Im glad you asked! I love to share information about the area, but at the same time, I worry because The Forgotten Coast is a coastal stretch of the Florida Panhandle that is mostly commercially undeveloped. There are several quaint towns along the...
Tradescantia Close Up
I love tradescantia. Its an all-time favorite pass along plant because it divides and transplants so well.
Beddgelert Wales and its Medieval Legend
I love to see posts like this! I will most likely never be able to travel to places like this, so I thank you for sharing! Lovely story as well!
Nature Walk at Anna Ruby Falls (GA)
Thank you! Yes, our beautiful state has much to offer in the way of natural parks and all kinds of outdoor activities. We enjoy a wide variation in geographical regions as well, from mountainous to coastal.
Gluing Glass to Glass?
I have successfully used E 6000 Craft Glue when making glass art projects. It dries clear and makes a very strong bond after completely dry. It can be found at most retail stores such as Walmart. Ive uploaded pictures of only a couple of Glass Angels Ive made...
What Is This Houseplant? (Amaryllis)
Its an Amaryllis for sure. And yes, they can be successfully kept and will continue to bloom year after year. ENJOY!
Curtain Color Advice?
Neutrals are wonderful! I suggest a warm gray or gray-blue for your curtains. Pops of color can be added elsewhere in the room using accent pillows, etc. For instance, I live in a rental house and cannot change anything except throw pillows, minimal artwork...
Curtain Color Advice?
To soften the window, I would go with a warm beige drape that can be drawn to one side. Turn the coffee table 90 degrees and move it in closer to the two sofas. Place an area rug under it with complimentary colors pulled from pillows, or replace pillow to match...
Getting Dyed Hair Back to Normal?
As a former hairdresser, I strongly advise you to stop doing anything at this time! Im very surprised that your hair hasnt broken off given all that you have done to it. Simply wait and let it grow out, the get a good cut to remove the old color. The professionals...
Removing Cigarette Smoke Smell from House?
I would go with a professional service! Especially since you were given the house. Better to invest wisely into your home than make it worse. Good Luck!
Name Ideas For A Handmade Jewelry and Decor Shop?
I suggest A Handmade Home. Best of luck to you in your business venture.
Softening Hard Sugar?
I know that you can soften brown sugar by microwaving in short intervals because Ive done it, so my guess is that you can do the same for granulated white sugar.
Is My Pit Bull Full Blooded?
A DNA test would be the only means to confirm whether or not the dog is purebred.
Keeping Photos from Sticking Together?
Use archival tissue paper in between each, then place them in an archival safe storage box in a dry place. Moisture and acids from non-archival paper are your worst enemies.
What Is This Houseplant? (Desert Rose)
Agree! This is what is commonly called a Desert Rose, its botanical name is Adenium obesum. Obesum means fat referring to the swollen trunk of this succulent plant. While easy to care for, it can be toxic as already stated by someone else. Give your desert...
Gas Burner Ignition Only Has Yellow Flame?
That is what I was going to suggest as well. I have a gas stove and sometimes it gets clogged around the holes where the flames emit. If that doesnt work, then I would call someone.
Towel and Shower Curtain Color Advice?
Go BOLD! Use black towels and a gray/black shower curtain with undertones of a tertiary color like grayish blue.
Removing Permanent Marker on DVD Player Screen?
You might try Goof-Off applied and removed with a soft cloth.
What Is This Houseplant?
This plant is a succulent commonly known as Mother-of-Thousands. Its botanical name is Kalanchoe daigremontiana. My grandmother gave one to me years ago. Once you have one and care for it properly, you will always have plants!
Identifying a Garden Plant?
I know this is a succulent, but Ive never seen anything like it. If you learn what it is, Id love to know as well! Good luck!
Identifying Houseplants? (Multiple)
Ive had many of these plants as well, so Ill take a stab at naming them from top: 1) Kalanchoe 2) Unsure 3) Gloxinia 4) Bromiliad 5) Ficus 6) Schefflera Hope that helps! Wish I could identify the second one, too.
Identifying Houseplants? (Multiple)
Oops! Forgot the last one! I believe it is called Aglaonema Silver King.
Making Organic Fertilizer?
I agree with composting all kitchen waste such as egg shells, vegetable peels, rotten fruits, and veggies. NO MEAT BY-PRODUCTS! It is best to layer a dried material with the kitchen waste, such as dead leaves, or dried grass clipping. Also, if you can find...
Paint Color Advice?
You could use a grayish-blue or even a light shade of slate blue for more drama. Then accessorize with complimentary colors.
Cleaning a Stained Toilet Bowl?
Have you considered using a Pumie Toilet Bowl Ring Remover? My sister-in-law successfully used it in her toilet. She got it at Walmart, but I believe you can find them in most home improvement stores. Good luck.
Freezing a Pecan Pie?
Absolutely! Wrap it well in Press and Seal first, which will help cut down on freezer burn. Then wrap well with aluminum foil.
Budgie Squawking When Owner Not Home?
We had budgies for a number of years when our children were small. We always covered their cage with a lightweight cotton cover and it always seemed to calm them. You can make your own, or buy one at any pet supply store.
What Is This Plant? China Doll Ficus
It does appear to be what is commonly called China Doll, also known as Emerald Tree, or Serpent Tree. Its Latin Name is Radermachera Sinica and can grown to 30 feet tall.
Determining the Gender of Finches?
Since you did not specify what kind of finches you have, I suggest a website that may provide you with the information you should consider in order to answer your question Good Luck!
Substituting Chocolate Kisses for Morsels in a Recipe?
I would say yes, but you may want to chop them unless you plan to melt them for your recipe.
Homemade Foaming Soap
You are SO RIGHT! I figured this one out, too! My, my how easily we are deceived by marketing! lol Good Luck! I voted for you.
7 Tips for Making Thrift Shopping a Breeze
I could not agree more! I live by this philosophy and enjoy life so much more!
ReUse, ReCycle, ReImagine, ReFashion!
Thank you so much! I have actually cut a bit off the back and added a flounce to the short front. Now I feel I can comfortably wear the ensemble!
ReUse, ReCycle, ReImagine, ReFashion!
Thank you! I wish I could add the new picture taken after I reworked the too-short front.
ReUse, ReCycle, ReImagine, ReFashion!
WOW! Thank you so much! This entire ensemble only cost me $12.50, including shoes ($6) and handbag ($5). The skirt and top were only $.50 each! I already had the necklace from another thrift jaunt! So much fun!
Prescription Bottles for Storing Flower Seeds
Ive been on daily medication for years, and Ive always recycled the bottles, but when I found myself collecting seed heads off flowers while strolling through other peoples gardens (What? Dont we all? lol) I knew immediately what I needed! Thanks for your feedback...
Prescription Bottles for Storing Flower Seeds
I havent had any desiccants in any of the bottles I get. I wouldnt use it though.
Leather Belt Bracelets
WOW! I cant believe I never thought of this before! I love thrift shopping and art jewelry. SUPER IDEA!
Re-purposed Dress
I just completed my first ReFashion and LOVE the results! Yours is super sleek! Good job.
Finding Free US Census Records?
Your local library may have a subscription for and you can use it for free. Otherwise, you will have to visit your state archives, but that may not always be convenient. I do genealogical research on my family as well, but cannot afford to keep...
Free Sunflower
Even though I entered this contest myself, I voted for your photo! I loved the story, and kids are so full of wonder! I see that you had more votes than the winner, which I do not understand. Kudos for a great share!
Salvia Guaranitica For Hummingbirds
Hi Melissa! I have entered the latest Garden Photo Contest and would appreciate your support! Thank you!
Kids Breakfast Ideas?
I make egg McMuffins at home. With a microwave egg cooker (found at Walmart) cook egg, topped with a couple of slices of thinly sliced ham for one minute. While cooking, toast the English Muffin. Fold the corners of a slice of American Cheese into a small square...
Lazy Gardening for Healthy Yards
As a horticulturist myself, I totally agree with you! I even rake pine straw from the street to mulch bare areas. I also throw kitchen waste, i.e. eggshells, coffee grounds, etc out the back door into the rear flower beds.