I'm a thirtysomething multiply-disabled gal trying to balance caring for my mental/physical health while also acting as a live-in caregiver for my disabled, verbally/emotionally abusive (from mental illness), memory-impaired mother. Note the 'trying' in that sentence -- don't figure I'm some supercrip (yes, that's a word) trying to do it all, when in reality it's more like "phew, I survived today!!!" :o)
I enjoy finding creative & independent ways to save money (we're on SSI so a little goes a long way) like Do-It-Yourself (When-You-Have-Energy), my cats (which are like kids to me), thoughtful/humorous fantasy novels, vintage computers & games, and people's stories of their adventures. I've also been getting a kick out of being an Ubuntu Linux novice since July '08 when I first installed it. :)
PS I'd have a different user image, but for some reason ThriftyFun is the *one* site I belong to that doesn't let us use .png images...and I don't feel like looking up which program converts all my current ones, then taking the time to do it. I'll change it later.