Replacing a Lock on a Steamer Trunk? Check those at ebay
Store Milk In Plastic Bag
I guess Ive never had this issue before. Im not sure I completely understand. But Im glad it works for you.
Home Remedy for Ants?
I use baby powder in my kitchen. Just shake it and sweep it into all the corners and parameter, they wont cross over it. To kill ones you see, just spray them with soapy water. I keep a small spray bottle filled with a little dish soap and water. Kills them...
Baby Shower Centerpiece Ideas?
I was at a baby shower a few years back and the center pieces down the tables were pink, blue, green and yellow washcloth bunnies. They were really cute and seemed easy to make. You can buy cheap wash clothes in large packs at walmart with all the colors you...
Retrieving Deleted Email from Hotmail?
A system restore will do nothing to retrieve deleted email. Check your trash folder and see if its in there. Some email clients will keep your deleted files in the trash bin for a certain number of days or until you empty it. Good luck.
Ring Stuck on Finger?
Try soaking your hand in ice first then lube it up and see if you can get it off.
Use Wading Pools to Keep Food Cold
That is a great idea! I imagine if you didnt want the pool to show, you could just cover the pool with a round vinyl table cloth, then fill it with ice, the cloth would drape over the edges and hide the pool. Bravo to you!
Skin Care Advice?
I have the same problem and just recently discovered Aveno products for my face. I use the calming cream for daily use. It calms the redness and evens out the skin tone over a few days. Then when I want a light foundation I use the Aveno tinted facial lotion...
Car Makes Creaky Sound When Going Slow?
If it sounds like a squeeky bed spring its possibly the ball joints. Our truck was squeeking in the front end like an old bed. Thats what it ended up being.
USB Cord for Sony Camera Model #DCR-HC21?
Does your camera have a memory card that you can take out? If so, you can purchase a usb card reader for it. Usually under 10 bucks! You simply take the card out, place it in the little reader and plug it into your computers usb port. I dont even use the cord...
Red Marks from a Tick Bite?
Are the bumps like water filled blister looking things that start out small and get larger and larger until they pop? If so it could be impetigo. You get it from scratching at bug bites, its VERY contagious and since your doctor said it was from the tick bit...
Food Ideas for Kids?
Im assuming from the question, that you are going to be watching an 11 year old. Im gathering since if you were the parent or around the child a lot, youd already know what they like. So on the assumption your about to child sit. There are lots of healthy foods...
Buying a Vacuum Storage Pump?
I had the ziplock hand pump and threw it out. I found that the bags did not hold air very well. At first I thought I had not zipped the bag tight enough and gave it another try. 3 times out of 5 the bag would leak and Id end up having ruined food. I have since...
Garage Sale Survival Tips?
Can I just add something that I dont think people really think about. Im an avid yard/garage saler. I am out there every weekend looking for bargains and have been inside many garages, porches, basements...etc. One thing that puts me right off a sale is a stinky...
Catching Pet Mouse?
Cant you get a live trap? The kind that you bait with food and a door closes behind it, unharming it.
Pewter Photo Frames with Brown Walls?
Have to agree with what has already been stated. I too would never choose brown for walls, just simply because it makes the room look small and cave like. However, if you like it, go for it. I once visited a woman who had dark red walls and painted all of her...
Disposable Diaper Tips
I used disposable diapers for both of my kids, but only until they were about 8 months old. Then I switched them to cloth. As they get older, they tend to go less and it helps in the transition to potty training. I had both of my kids potty trained at 18 months...
Gooey Stickers off Glass?
W-D 40 spray it on and scrub it off. Works every time with very little effort.
Cigarette Stains on Walls?
I used to be an apartment manager and we had one apartment heavily coated in nicotine. We ended up getting a bunch of those magic erasers. They did work, it just took a while to do the entire apartment. Also Ive heard straight vinegar works to get it off too...
Which Breeds Make Good Service Dogs?
Ive often heard mix breeds are the best. We had a beagle/lab mix that was extremely easy to train. Anything with Shepard in it would most likely be also. Check your local animal shelter, they may even have a great dog in mind as they already know the temperament...
Slugs and Lung Worms in Dogs?
Put a trail of table salt where you have seen the slugs and to keep them out of your home, put a line of salt across your the door frame outside.
Training Cats To Stay Off Furniture?
The water bottle idea works very well. Its how we trained three large cats to not even think of touching our furniture, however, I would like to add, if you make a psssst! noise while you spray them, eventually you only have to make the psssst noise and will...
Arranging Wall Picture Groupings
I am very particular about spacing, things being straight etc...this would drive me insane! Sorry...LOL! I love your idea, just measuring would be a must for me if I did it. If I might add a tip, I use sticky tack at the corners of my frames when hanging pictures...
Putting Trim Around a Bathtub?
You can purchase trim for around a tub at any hardware store. It comes with a sticky backing you just peel off.
Smoothie Ingredients?
Anything and everything. I use fresh fruit and one of my favorite things to use is the packaged flavored oatmeal. Dont cook it or prepare it, just dump it in the blender dry. I like the peaches n cream the best. Otherwise just be creative. If you like it, use...
Store Detergent in Name Brand Box
Im lucky I guess in that my husband doesnt mind what I get as long as it works and saves us money. We have found that sometimes cheaper isnt always better. Speaking of Dawn dish soap...I now use it as a laundry soap. I read here to use 1 cup dawn to 7 cups...
My Frugal Life: Thankful for Being Frugal
I grew up this way and have reverted back to a frugal life as much as possible. We live in an apartment, my husband and I, so a garden is out of the question, however the farmers market will start soon and Ill be there every weekend stocking up on veggies. Im...
Tray from Vintage Dishes
I love this idea. I find vintage plates at yard sales and thrift stores all the time for sometimes a dime or a quarter! This would make a great wedding gift too!
Homemade Fishing Bait Recipes?
If you fish for Catfish, I make my own dough balls and the Cats just LOVE them. 1 can Fancy Feast Cat food (Tuna and Shrimp) Flour Dump the cat food into a large bowl, juices and all. Start adding flour slowly (sorry I never measured how much I actually used...
Store Dried Peas and Beans in Glass Jars
We just recently stopped drinking soda pop and drink instant tea now. I too have saved my glass tea jars and put beans, rice and small noodles in them. They also come in handy when you need to mix something up. Just screw on the lid and shake.
Cheap Meals?
Make homemade as much as possible. I make homemade bread, coffee creamer, salad dressings, BBQ sauce, Pizza dough, spaghetti sauce, etc. Dont pay more for convenience, do it yourself. Lunch meat; buy a whole packed ham and have it sliced for free a the deli...
Making Pull Ups?
I used to use the thick training pants (underwear) and put a plastic diaper cover over them. The kind you use for cloth diapers. This worked well for us when my son wet the bed at night. Good luck!
Homemade Crib Bumper Pads?
If you could figure out how to make THIS bumper, it would be a lot safer and better. I had purchased a cute bumper at a yard sale for my granddaughters crib here at our house and she destroyed it...
Make Your Own Laundry Soap With Dish Soap
After reading a lot of recipes for saving of laundry soap, I like this idea the best. No harsh chemicals to mess with, no soap shavings to burn my lungs, yet still a great way to save. My husband works in a factory and has greasy clothes, I think the dawn will...