Chili's Restaurant Style Skillet Queso?
Well, if anyone wants to know, I think I found the Chilis Skillet Queso recipe. 1-lb Velveeta 1/2 lb ground beef 3/4 pkg Old El Paso taco seasoning 3/4 jar or 8 oz of Old El Paso taco sauce 1/2 can of tomato sauce (small can) corn chips Brown hamburger and...
Smokey (Black Cat)
Thats awesome!! A good friend of mine has a big grey and white cat, that acts just like a dog! The cats name is Rosco! Anyone can yell for Rosco anywhere in the house and he will come running! His purr is the loudest Ive ever heard! Rosco loves to be petted...
Soundproofing the Laundry Closet?
You could Google in sound deadening materials. I know for a fact that, denim insulation (made out of recycled denim jeans) is an awesome sound deadener and insulater as well! It is a bit more expensive than fiberglass though. The down side is, youd have to...
5 Quick Frugal Tips For Keeping Warm
The house that I own is very old and in turn has old drafty windows. Eventually, Im going to reinsulate the entire house and replace all of the windows. My bedroom windows are very drafty, so in the meantime, I put beads of caulk on the inside of the storm...
How Often Should You Change Your Furnace Filter?
I know this question is fairly old but, I subscribe to Consumer Reports and there was a small article in the Dec/07 addition that had ratings for furnace filters. In their ratings, they listed the cheapy filters, do next to nothing for filtering. The reusuable...