What is Sugar Cane?
Sugar Cane is a juicy canes whose sap is a source of molasses and commercial sugar; kind of sweet to. Hope this helps!
Getting Rid of Tiger Lilies?
Get a bucket of Roundup at Lowes, Home Depot, WalMart or KMart. It costs about 10 - 14 dollars. Spray the crap out of them and that should do the trick. Roundup goes into the plants vascular system all the way down to the bulb. It also biodegrades quickly which...
Mothballs and Pets?
Moth balls are not actually used to kill moths, but rather contain a substance which is used to repel moths from your closets. Either naphthalene or para dichlorobenzene, can be used in moth balls, and both substances are toxic. This chemical tends to change...
Chamomile Tea for Lightening Hair?
Yes, its true. What you do is you buy an enamel or glass pot to make a rinse. (Metal pots will react with the chamomile and alter its lightening effect), then add 1 or 2 cups of the tea to heated water in the pot. Allow it to boil gently for 30 minutes. Let...