Sanding Ceramic Tile Before Painting?
I spoke to a professional painter about this before I did it years ago. He sent me to my local paint center and they agreed with what he told me. I had to treat the tile first with an acid type of cleaner and then paint it. I had great luck with it and the...
Remedy for Night Leg Cramps?
Tonic water with quinine will help but so will eating a banana. If you eat the every other day or so you shouldnt have them anymore.
Company Name Feedback?
I think that if I read these names in the Yellow Pages or on the side of a van, I would not have a clue what the business was..... cleaning would be my closest guess.
Dealing With a Mean Wife?
Whether your wife is addicted to her pain meds or is bi-polar, take your kids and leave and see a lawyer first. Your kids should not be living like this. Then talk to your wifes doctor and tell him/her what is going on. Your wife wont likely go willingly. Talk...
Unique Name Instead of Gramma?
I have heard a lot of children call their grandmother Mimi instead of Grandma. I kind of like that. I have heard others call their grandmother G. and their great grandmother Gigi or Big G.
Stretching Your Retirement Dollars
I saw a lot of things that are where you can travel cheaper and go places on the cheap, but they are all spending money. AARP is not all that good for discounts and you have to pay to join. I found better information in pcgrannys post, especially for prescription...
Recycled Bottles As A Sharps Containers
I have many Rx bottles and I saw the price on some sharps containers and I was glad to read about my disposal requirements. As long as they are in a capped container that is hard to open like the safety top containers, they will take them in our regular trash...