Clean Cast Iron Skillet with Used Coffee Grounds
Just be careful with coffee grounds going into your sink trap. They can glog it.
Cleaning a Fiberglass Tub?
I had the same issue. I found that Scrubbing Bubbles Mega Shower cleaner works well! I use an old scrubbie (or similar) that wont scratch. I hope this works for you.
Canning Homemade Hummingbird Food?
As you state, the ratio is 4:1 but I do believe it is 4 C. of sugar to 1 C. of water. Not the other way around as your post reads. Correct me if I am wrong, please.
Causes for Check Engine Light Staying On?
I had the same problem as you with the check engine light. I went to Harbor Freight and for $30.00 bought a code reader. I take the code and check it on the computer to find out my problems. I now keep it in my glove compartment so that when the light comes...
Removing Sticker Adhesive from Books
That is actually a good one. Most people will go for something like the WD-40 or something similar. I work in the industry where we have to remove library lables and we use a product called Undo. It honestly doesnt matter what you use as long as you let it...
Make Your Own Thermal Drapes
Great idea! Living in GA, we do get semi-cold at times and I think this idea will help save on our electric bill as we have electric heat. Thanks and Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah (which ever you celebrate)!
California King Sheets from
Thank you! I really hate paying over $50 for a set of sheets.
Keeping Mice Out of Storage Bins in Barn?
Elaine, After growing up in Budd Lake and knowing what the temps and humidity levels can be, I suggest moth balls. It will also keep rust from forming on metal objects that you wish to save.
Use Chili Sauce as a Copper Cleanser
Just an FYI. Ketchup, even the cheapest kind, will clean copper. My mom used it on hers and I use it on mine. It is the acid in the tomatoes that actually cleans it. Be sure to clean any tomato product off throughly as it will eat through the copper.
Stone and Grass Decoration
Thats pretty cool! Neat idea! I like that and will be trying it. I am also going to try this with sea shells (smaller) to go with a sea shore type decor. Thanks for posting this.
Lasagna Without Ricotta Cheese?
I agree with the cottage cheese. My mom used it for eons and it tasted just perfect.
Panty Hose to Keep Ceiling Fan Clean
Thanks for the great idea. We have white blades and getting white panty hose wont be a problem. The Georgia clay dust also is very bad so I will be picking up some white panty hose when I go to the store today.
Rotten Fish Smell in the House?
There is a product on the market called OdoBan. Try that. They use that in nursing homes, hospitals and such to remove urine smell. It smells like eucalyptus.
Crepe Myrtle in Zone 6a?
YES! Height: 20-30 ft. (6-9 m) Spacing: 8-10 ft. (2.4-3 m) Hardiness: USDA Zone 6a: to -23.3 °C (-10 °F) USDA Zone 6b: to -20.5 °C (-5 °F) USDA Zone 7a: to -17.7 °C (0 °F) USDA Zone 7b: to -14.9 °C (5 °F) USDA Zone 8a: to -12.2 °C (10 °F) USDA Zone 8b: to -9...
Weather Damaged Peach Trees?
Let me first say that I live in NE GA. It took 3 years for ours to start producing as most plants have a settling in stage, then a growing stage and then production. It sounds to me like they have gone into what most would call transplant shock. With all the...
What Kind of Snake is This?
From the picture, I can not make a definate determination. Here are a couple of links to snake pictures. Since you or your father-in-law saw it close enough to take the picture, you would be the only ones that could definately determine. http://www.snakesandfrogs...
Use Your Bread Machine as a Rice Cooker
You dont say whether or not you leave the paddle in. Please advise. Thanks.
What is this plant? (Gardenia?)
I have yet to see it flower, but have been told it is a gardenia. I am adding a closer look at the leaves.
Finding Playground Equipment?
Try your local Freecycle! If you dont know where one is, go to and locate one for you. Freecycle is a great way to reuse items that someone else may not need anymore.
Tile Cleaners?
When you shower/bathe, take a wash cloth in with you or a rag and use the soap or body wash you use on your body. You will find that after the heat of the shower penetrates the tile, that the soap that makes the mess will clean it! Hope this helps.
Do-It-Yourself Trash Can Composting
Great idea! I was just looking to start a small compost as my previous one has been taken over by kudzu. Thank you.
Center Prop for a Sagging Clothesline
I also, hang clothes out and when I find my lines sagging, I just walk further out back to our wooded back yard and find a semi-thick branch that has fallen naturally. I then strip the bark and cut off the end at the ground to fit the height I need. So, if...
White Pimple On Finger?
This is going to sound silly, but could it be possible that you got bit by a fire ant? That is what they look like when they fester. Janet in NE GA
Cleaning Grease from an Electric Clothes Dryer?
I had this happen recently and used a product called Greased Lighting (unsure of spellling). I sprayed it on a damp cloth and rubbed. Then went over it again with a more damp rag to get off the extra cleaning solution so it didnt damage the clothes. Be sure...
Flea Markets and Outlet Stores in Marion, NC?
Try this link: It is a listing of ALL flea markets in N.C. There is no listing for Marion, but I personally dont know what is around there so that is why I am sending the link. Hope this helps you...
Saving Money on Garden Supplies and Equipment
Also, for cheap or free gardening supplies, you can join your local Freecycle group! Freecycle is about keeping good usable items out of our landfills which saves the environment. Here is a link to the main page: (b) From there...
Smoothing Out Drywall After Removing Paneling?
This is what my girlfriend and her husband, who are drywall finishers recommend. Depending upon the size of the area, go to your local hardware store or similar store, purchase some dry wall mud and a large putty knife. If needed, mix the mud with water according...
What is the best grout cleaner?
Clarice, The best I have found is a product called Greased Lightening. It is sold at WalMart and other stores. Just spray it, making sure you have good ventilation, and then scrub or just rinse off. Dont let it sit too long though. It is also good for cleaning...
Poppy Seed Bread Recipe for a Bread Recipe?
Jamish, Try this link: Hope this helps. Janet in Georgia