What is This Plant?
I never knew what it was called, I do now, we have one in the garden and the bright red berrys that come after are very attractive. Gail x
What is This Plant? (Nigella/Love in a Mist)
I agree with Chickweed, they do look like love-in-a-mist, Nigella damascena. If you dont dead head them, youll have millions next season. Gail x
Gardening: Red Poppies
They are beautiful we have quite a few in the garden, different colours, unfortunately they dont last long, but the bees like them.
Shortening An Evening Dress?
You have to decide what shoes you are going to wear with the dress,and as Kibby says to the top of the shoe will be fine. Put the shoes you will be wearing on and stand straight,then get someone to pin the dress up for you, you only have to use a couple of...
Paper Plate Challenge?
Protect stored dishes Prevent stored dishes from clattering and breaking, especially when you are moving, by inserting a paper plate between each dish when packing.