Preventing Pets from Shedding?
It is a natural function for an animal to shed its winter coat. Brush them everyday to reduce the fly away hair.
Avon's Original Bath Oil for Fleas
SSS also removes tar and paint. My uncle and I were retarring a roof several years ago and being a man, he was much more covered in the stuff than I. When cleanning up, he wanted to use gasoline. Not a good idea since he smoked. I brought out the SSS and he...
What Can I Make With These Ingredients?
Basic crepes. Make a thin runny dough with eggs water and flour. Put a little butter in a frying pan. Pour dough in pan and make a pancake. Coat with sugar and cinnamon.
Preventing Wood Ticks and Fleas
I wonder if this would work on people. Every time I go out I can take at least two ticks off me.
Converting Weight Watchers Exchange System to Points?
You really need to join WW online. Their site has a point calculator and a recipe builder where you enter all the ingredients and it tells you the points per serving. If you cant find the food on the list, it gives you a tool to enter the fiber, fat and protein...
Cleaning Business Name Ideas?
Country Fresh Cleaning Service...clean as a breath of Country Fresh air
Spiders, Ants and Mice Oh My!
You could try the DE as suggested, or you could try cucumber peels and peppermint oil. and vacume vacume vacume. If you can find where the mice are getting in, stuff a few chunks of steelwool in the holes. All I can suggest about the spiders is to keep food...
Catchy Name for My Small Cleaning Service?
Fresh Flowers Home Deodorizer. Get the fragrance of the fresh outdoors with Flowers.
Home Remedies for Dog With Chronic Ear Infection?
Has your vet checked for yeast infections? Totally different from bacterial infections. Also...she may have an allergy to some of the foods she is eating.
Decorating Luggage?
If you know how to beadweave with an inexpensive loom or know how to use the peyote or brick stitch, you could weave a distince pattern. There are many freebies online. Just back them on some material and glue to a spot on your luggage.