Opening a Stuck Desk Drawer?
Hey if you can get it out turn it over and use a nail file on it to sand it down then get some candle was and rob where the drawer sticks. And maybe put some on the drawer.
Opening a Stuck Desk Drawer?
I posted before if there is a drawer on top take it out to see if there is something holding the bottom drawer in. then use the file to sand it down then use wax ton the runners or bottom of the drawer it might be that the runners need to be fixed.
Catchy Name Ideas for Interior Design Business?
Cherrys House of Comfort Designs to dazzle your office, home and living spaces
Potty Training?
I am 55 years old, on our youngest daughter, we used big girl panty liners most were small enough to help get her to the bathroom before she had a bad accident
Starter For Friendship Bread?
When you are given a starter in a bag its usually about 1 cup of starter. Hence it will be 1/3 cup flour 1/3 cup sugar 1/3 cup milk 1/2 tablespoon yeast I have used this many times, as the recipe goes, if you do not want to pass along any more bags, I think...