Getting Rid of a Huge Ant's Nest on a Grave?
Buy boric acid it is in the laundry section in the store. pour it around the hill & then in it use a funnel so you can get it right over the top of the nest. BTW cover yourself long gloves and pull nylons over your pants so the ants cant get into your clothing...
Making a Puzzle Board?
I purchased at Walmart/Target or any office supply store a cardboard that folds into 3 sections for 10.00. I use this to put all my puzzles together on. It allows me to fold over the whatever I dont use so I can put it on top of my entertainment unit. or I...
Brushing Your Dog's Teeth?
I have 2 dogs & I bush their teeth with the toothpaste from pet store as human toothpaste has something in it that is not good for them. I use the rubber finger and also a toothbrush. I have to get them to open wide enough to get behind the teeth so its a little...
Soak Off Jar Labels
I love vinegar and use it for everything, I have a spray bottle full. To remove a label, I simply wet the label good then I spray with vinegar. Let it sit for a few minutes. Remove the label, then respray the glue with vinegar and wipe.
Three Meals in One
When we get a roasted chicken, we eat fresh from the chicken 1st night then I pick it clean and after I freeze the bones for stock. I shred it some for sandwiches. Then after a couple of days, I use the balance to make a chicken dish or I freeze it. Nary a...
Zucchini Blooming But Not Setting Fruit?
When I was living in AL I had the same problem. What I did was I took the bloom that had fallen off, and peeled back the petals. Then I rubbed the inside of the bloom gently on the other blooms that were open. It has to do with them not getting pollinated. Hope...
Freezing Corn on the Cob?
Dont know if it is bad, but I just shuck them. I put in freezer bags and freeze. They seem to be fine when I use them later.
Remedies for Dog With Hot Spots?
My granddaughter has a poodle that has several large nasty hot spots the one on the paw was open down to bone. well they moved in with us and so her aunt has taken on the wounds she gave him 1/2 tablet of Benradryl morning and night which stopped the constant...
Dog Has Diarrhea After Swimming in the Ocean?
Get plain yogurt and a can of pumpkin mix several tablespoons of yogurt and add a tsp or 2 of pumpkin to it. Give it to the dog multiple times a day. The squirts will go away.
Dog Has Diarrhea?
1st take away all food then get plain yogurt and pumpkin mix 1 or 2 tsp of pumpkin to several tablespoons of yogurt mix and feed as often as you like the diarrhea will stop quickly. Then slowly introduce food along with the yogurt pumpkin mix.
Getting Rid of Dog Odors in a Kennel?
Try vinegar. I use vinegar for all my cleaning and everything smells great and the vinegar odor leaves in just a few hours. Its also like a germ killer.
Cooling Tips in the Summer
I keep a spray bottle by my chair well actually I have one in all my rooms then I spritz myself & the dogs. I also add ice cubes to their water bowl.
Use Fleece Throws for Warm Curtains
Check your thrift stores for throws you can find them for a couple of dollars lots of styles & colors. Also for mounting I did the velcro thing & they just would not stay up so i did the hammer & nail. Then I found curtain rods at the thrift store the tension...
Uses for Shower Curtain Rings?
I clip several together and place on my purse strap then when you go to the restroom at the store and want your bag close by in the handicap stall I use it to hang my purse on the handicap rail so I dont have to put on filthy floor.