K.C. and Rusty (Cats)
Hey! I had a cat named K.C. for many years as well. (We named him that short for Kitty Cat because when we got him we didnt know whether he was male or female--too young). My K.C. was a Holstein Cat--Haha...white with black patches. I loved him. After several...
Are Macs Good Computers?
Ive grown up in a Mac family and since going to college and using a PC for two years, I can tell you that Ive never had as much trouble with a computer as Ive had with my Windows laptop. The only benefit is theres more freeware for PCs as well as more compatibility...
Release Your Inner Child
I like kids too, and I know what you mean by collecting toys. I have my own collection of outdoor/tactical gear and edged toys (better to be thought of as tools). I like knives, always have and always will. Some people would dispute as to whether they could...
Release Your Inner Child
Oh yeah, I still have some of my teddy bears and stuffed animals and I also have a collection of tin soldiers/nutcrackers that I add to every year. Every Christmas we get them out and line them up on our mantlepiece or on the radiator. I think I have twelve...
Uses for Dryer Lint
Dryer lint makes a great firestarter for emergencies, especially if its rainy or theres no time to look for tinder when youre backpacking or camping or if your car breaks down. I occasionally save a small bag of dryer lint for this purpose, as well as a small...
Cleaning Converse Chuck Taylor's?
Wash em in the washing machine, but hang them dry in the sun outside or you might risk delaminating the soles from the uppers if you do them in the dryer. Just a thought. PMZ
Cleaning Converse Chuck Taylor's?
If theyre white it shouldnt matter whether you put them in the sun, theyre faded anyway:) PMZ
Homemade Swamp Coolers for Hot Days
What do you mean by a swamp cooler? Do you mean some kind of a little fan on a cord? Or just a bandanna? Sounds interesting. PMZ
Budget Software Reviews?
If you mean Budgeting software, try AceMoney Lite--Its freeware and it works great for managing your finances, making yearly budgets, etc. Much better than paying tons of money for Quicken or other such programs, especially if you are like me; a poor college...
Removing Greasy or Gummy Substances from Any Surface
I didnt suggest putting the clothes straight into the dryer after this treatment. In fact, I didnt even suggest putting gasoline ON your clothes in the first place. TO CLARIFY: Lighter fluid FIRST, WASH clothes SECOND, THEN dry clothes. Do NOT put clothing...
Poll: How hot is it where you live?
Id rather live out West where its dry so you dont feel the heat so much. Its cheaper to live out there, too. I love the Western states. Right now (at 12:15AM) its 72degF. However, today (and yesterday) werent as bad as the past week has been (around 95 or 97...
Poll: Would you consider buying a hybrid vehicle?
I voted No, only because at the present time they are way beyond most peoples price range and because you have to have them worked on at special (read: expensive) garages. If at some time in the future they become more affordable, reliable and more easily serviced...
Craft Uses for Leather Furniture Samples?
Donna, How thick is the leather and what type is it (e.g. is it full-grain, nubuck, split-grain, etc.) Let me know where you plan on selling it (if you do it on Ebay). Thanks, PMZ
Homemade Electric Broom Filter?
How about a used Swiffer-type dusting cloth that you put on the end of a Pledge Grabit type thing. You could wash one after using it and then sew it up, However, it might be that if you get a swiffer pad wet, it will destroy that awesome static cling that keeps...
Oatmeal Cookie Bars Recipe?
I have a recipe somewhere that I used to make often as a Scout for outings--Hudsons Bay Bread or something like that. It was really good--but a newer, more chewable and tasty version of the old seabiscuits. It was a LOT of oatmeal, minimal liquid (though there...
Growing: Mint
I grow a variety called chocolate mint that I suppose got its name from the uses it is put to (it is probably put into candy). I use it for mint tea--it hardly tastes the same as spearmint, not hardly as much of a bite (though I like that) but for people who...
Growing: Mint
I have heard that mint tea (cold OR hot) is good for an upset stomach and aids digestion. PMZ
Prepare Your Swamp Cooler for Winter
I think they mean something similar to an air conditioner. .....maybe. PMZ