Keeping My Dog in the Yard?
Contact the fence company because the frequency is not high enough. I wouldnt keep her on a chain. that can choke her too. I would build a hard fence and make sure it is sturdy enough for her to handle. Also, dog training helps in lots of ways. Look up Ceasar...
Easy Teen Curfew Clock
Wow. I have an 18 year old that is always late. I love this idea. Thank you very very much. She just waits..ha
How Much Vinegar for Dogs?
I would never ever use vinegar for dogs water. I would never do for my dog that I wouldnt do for myself doesnt sound quenching at all and could be harmful. I hope you checked with your vet. :)
Keeping Dogs from Peeing in My Yard?
Isnt it awful that when you ask people for their help and they turn out to be spiteful? I like the cactus idea, or you dont plant plants that close to the edge. If you live in a regulated community I am sure the bylaws have rules and regulations that you could...
Can a Dog Get Parvo from a Shot?
Your Vet should have picked up on the parvo right away. You are so fortunate that they finally discovered that and I hope it will be ok. Pls. keep us posted.
Contributing to Your Child's Wedding?
If they have a home and have already set up housekeeping they pretty much on their own, you are not required to contribute. It is their thing. Also, previous posts are correct, they are as married now as they are ever going to be! They know you are on a tight...
Growing Grass in a Yard with Dogs?
We have four dogs and live in SC and they suggested bermuda grass. I am not sure of what grass is good for your area but I would check with a reputable landscape company.
Dog is Peeing in the Back of Truck?
Sometimes they are scared too. I agree of taking dog to vet to see if uninary infection. Movement can cause this too. Good luck and keep us posted.
Getting a Young Dog's Attention?
Hi, Consistency, consistency, consistency. I do with me and use her name, short lease, if she gets distracted my trainer told me to turn around away from it until you get attn. back. Also, a trainer will help. Are you mating her? Spaying could calm her down...
Dog Had Dislocated Jaw?
Please rush him to the dog emergency room and find out what the heck is going on. Agree, too many inconsistencies. Please keep us posted. Dr. should have given you anti-inflammatory and pain med.
Is Dog's Shedding Caused By Lack Of Vitamins?
Sometimes it is time of the season, I have 4 dogs and can tell you when they shed. Another issue could be the dog is very nervious. Nerviousnes causes excessive sheding alot. I have a very scared dog...was abused as pup and he is always shedding. Getting better...
Purchasing An Invisible Fence?
I dont like them at all. They wont protect you pet from animals coming in and attacking them. Remember your dogs is the only one that cant get out.....others can come in. Also, if they see a rabbit, squirrel, another dog, they are out of there. Some dogs dont...
Puppy Peeing in Crate?
First take puppy to vet to make sure there is no bladder infection. Irregular peeing is their way of saying something. After that, make sure the crate is not too big. Then, remember the puppys bladder can only hold so much. I trained all 5 of my dogs by taking...