My Frugal Life: Recycling In the Garden
Great ideas! I love this and will be using some of these ideas for myself. I have a question for you, what do you think I could do with the top of an old metal ironing board. The legs are off it but I kept the top just in case. Thanks Becky
Composting in Pots?
I was wondering what type of pots you are using. I dont have a lot of space either and would like to do some composting. I saw where those plastic storage tubs could be used for that. I do have room to use the tub. Where did you get your worms?
The Electric Bill Battle
Wow! This really opened up my eyes, especially since I had just opened my electric bill a few minutes before reading this and cringing. Im taking a look around myself now. Thanks for the info. Becky
How Do I Make a Playstand for a Cockatiel?
I have a cat as well. In fact up until 2 years ago we had 2. One of them got sick and we couldnt help him. We have had 2 of the birds almost as long as the cat. They learned early on that the birds would not tolerate them coming into their territory. LOL! They...