Making A Fabric Purse
You could try some upholstery fabric, they are usually stiff without being unmanageble.
Arthritis Symptoms in Fingers?
I am not a doctor, nor an expert, but it sounds like it could be a type of neuropathy. Many people get that in their legs, a creepy crawly feeling, tingling, burning, etc. I hope you find something that helps you, and some correct answers.
Crafts Uses for Car Tires?
My suggestion isnt a craft, but a gardening use. Hubby cut old tires down one side, so you could open them up, then placed around base of trees. They will hold the mulch in without letting it get all over the place, and provide a bumper to keep the mower, weed...
Jeans Crafts?
Many! They can be cut into strips, sewing the ends together to make long strips, and braided or crocheted into rag rugs. They can be cut into squares and sewn together to make either quilts or unlined, unpadded throws. You can make pillows for the couch, or...
Acne Treatment?
Years ago I saw a segment on the Today show, about cheaper alternatives for acne treatment. It called for Cetaphil-type cleanser, and using the same for moisturizer if the skin gets too dry. Using baking soda as a scrub, witch hazel or peroxide as an astringent...
Removing Cigarette Odor from a Leather Purse?
Did you get it from someone, or is it your own? You could try putting baking soda inside the purse, and putting the purse in a garbage bag for a few days, to let the baking soda soak up some of the smell, then empty out the baking soda. Hopefully that will...
Making a Lego Table?
I have never made one, and never could afford a real Lego table for the boys, wishing I had thought of making one! It would be great if you could find an old end table with either a drawer or an under cabinet, or both, paint in Lego colors, and then glue the...
Rat Smell in the A/C Vents?
There could be a dead rat inside the venting itself. Other than finding and removing the animal, only time will get rid of the odor.
Freezing Squash?
I cook our squash like I am going to serve it, and then freeze that, after cooling, in family size servings. I never did try to blanch and freeze it. I learned this way from my mom-in-law, who raised 7 kids, that had to be fed, and she says she didnt have time...
Canning Green Beans?
Yes, you still do. The beans dont really seal when you put them in the jars and apply the rings, it is just the heat causing a small vacuum, enough to seem like they seal. They still need to be further processed. Jams and jellies do the same thing when put...
Remedies for a Crick in My Neck?
A crick is a sore muscle. You can massage it, stretch the other way, rub on muscle creams, etc. Can be caused by sleeping the same way for a long time, and craning the neck to look at a computer. Best of luck to you!
Measuring Margarine When Substituting for Butter?
They are equivalent in cooking - one stick of margarine equals one stick of butter. The results may be different so be careful if the recipe says butter only, or margarine only. My mother-in-law is the baker in our family, and she says that margarine has some...
Removing Baby Formula Stains?
Try using powdered dish washer detergent (any brand). Wet the spot on the clothes. Make a paste of the dishwasher detergent and water, and scrub in. Then in a clean sink, pour hot water over the clothes, being careful not to burn yourself, and rinse the detergent...
10X Sugar?
That usually refers to powdered sugar (confectioners sugar). There may be a difference between superfine and 10x, but I have never seen superfine on a bag of sugar, only read it in recipes. Best of luck to you in your cooking!
Selling on Craig's List?
Do be careful with selling/buying from anyone that you dont know. When I have done this, I have always arranged to meet the buyer/seller in a large parking lot where there are multiple people around. Good luck to you on selling your items!
Growing Oleander?
I have 2 large, lovely Oleanders off my front porch. They have been there for almost 10 years. Parts are poisonous. Make sure your pets and children wont chew on it. In all those years, I have not had an incident with it. My grandmother had them, and never...
Remedies for Heel Pain?
What part of your heel is hurting? You could have bone spurs. You really need to see a doctor. If you are not allergic, and not otherwise contraindicated for health problems or other medications, you can try an over the counter NSAID such as ibuprofen, Aleve...
Getting Rid of Cigarette Odors Inside?
I had to clean a home once that we bought, the prior owners were smokers. I washed the walls down with lemon ammonia in water, using a sponge mop. I did that 3 times, leaving the windows and doors open while doing so. Then the last time, I washed them with...
Gestation Period for Dogs?
There is no way to tell for sure how many she will have. Do you know what day on which she bred with the male? It is usually about 60 days until pups are born.
Getting Rid of a Headache?
If it has been going on for that long, you really need to be seeing your doctor about it. It could be something as simple as medication side effect, or sinus problems, or it could be something more serious. Best of luck to you, and I hope your head feels better...
Sweet Italian Sausage Recipes?
You can remove the meat from the casings, and use it like ground beef for spaghetti, lasagne, meatloaf, meatballs, etc. I usually mix it with a little gound pork or beef, to stretch the sausage a little. It adds a different, nice taste to these meals.
Maalox for Skin Irritations?
I have heard that it was MOM to use, I guess for the magnesia portion. Maalox may have the same ingredient. I am sure that the chalky effect when it dries helps as well.
Furniture Repurposing Ideas?
I have an older dresser that I got from a garage sale, the kind where it probably had a large mirror attached to the back, and has the knee hole to pull a chair up to. I use it for my computer table. I use the long middle drawer over the knee hole to put the...
Updating Ceramic Countertops?
Are you good at painting? You could search online for durable paint and sealers that would be appropriate for a kitchen counter, and paint some of or all of them, of just paint a few with a nice design or pattern. I have seen the decals that can be applied...
Making Homemade Biscuits Without Shortening?
I am pretty sure that you can sub the margarine for butter in any recipe. Hope they come out great!
Removing Soap Scum on a Plastic Tub?
Since our tub is old and has light scratches anyway, I cleaned it well with Soft Scrub and a kitchen scrubby. Then applied a light coating of car wax, to the interior sides only. When I take a bath, I put a little bit of Dawn dish liquid, and this has helped...
Getting Rid of Warts?
Warts are caused by a virus. I suppose a pumice stone would help file them down some, but then you may have a problem with spreading from one site to another. Search online using duct tape on warts you would leave the tape on so long, then replace, I forget...
Men's Crafts?
I too am not sure by what you mean as crafts, if you are talking about a certain type. My husband likes to make bird houses. They can be made out of anything, wood cut to size, old auto license plates, twigs nailed together as a log house type bird house, etc...
Dry Skin Treatment for Hands?
A lady helped my husband with this. His would crack so deep they bled, and he went to doctor after doctor, and was even prescribed a $500 tube of medication. She said to use pure aloe vera gel and vitamin E oil, rubbed into the hands, and cover with non-porous...
Diabetes Informational Websites? is a good starting place. You will find more as you search. Just make sure it is a reputable website. And always check out any info you can with your doctor before trying something new. Best of luck to you, and God bless!
Making Carrot Souffle?
That is what is called for with the recipe that I use. I hope we are talking about the same one, it is very good! I use 2 regular size (approx 14 oz) cans of sliced carrots, and drain them well. I dont do anything to them. When you mix the ingredients with...
Cooking Omelets in a Bag?
The only bags I use to cook in the Microwave are the ones made by Ziploc brand-Zip and Steam bags. It is the only brand available in my area. I have never tried cooking eggs in them though. Hope it works out. Let us know how it goes!
What's the Cheapest Paper Product?
I too still use paper towels for minor spills as I dont use hot water for washing laundry. It depends on your preference. I have tried both ways, the cheapest paper products I could find, versus the ones I like. The cheapest TP doesnt last very long, and I...
Cleaning a Dishwasher?
Similar answer to the previous - I used vinegar and a little baking soda poured into the base of my dishwasher, and it helped very much!
Homemade Meatloaf for Dogs?
My sis in law makes her own dog food, in a similar fashion. She doesnt make a loaf of it, just mixes it all together in a bowl. She mixes boiled deboned chicken, cooked brown rice, and semi-soft cooked vegetables (carrots, broccoli, etc) and moistens with some...
Shortening Sleeves on a Lined Leather Jacket?
It can be done, with a hidden stitch. I am not a good explainer LOL, so it would be best if you could search for images or videos on how to do one, if you dont already know. You would fold the edge of the leather inside, to the length you want, then fold the...
Shortening Sleeves on a Lined Leather Jacket?
Frugalsunnie gave a much better description! I never would have attempted sewing with the machine, but it would look much more like the original that way!
Instructions for Crochet Skirt on Pillow Cases?
I have seen those in the catalog, but never bought any. I thought they came with the crochet already on them. Are you having to make the crochet yourself, or did it come with premade crochet to attach yourself?
Sticky Zipper on Boots?
You can also rub either the stub of a candle, or a crayon that matches the zipper on the teeth, to help the sticking.
Using Eggs in Cooking?
Sometimes eggs are used as a binding agent in some recipes. Sometimes they just make the recipe taste better (like tuna salad). I am sure there are other reasons. If there is a reason that you cant or dont want eggs in recipes, see if you can search for eggless...
What are the Benefits of Online Shopping?
We live in a rural area, and have difficulty finding things we need, either for our farm, animals, or selves. Online shopping saves much time and money in gas and driving around searching, having to go 2 hours or more out of town, etc. When possible, I do ask...
Recycling a Printer?
You could also check with your local high schools, or vo-tech schools if you have any. If they have any type of computer or electronics repair classes, they may love to have it to work on, or get it running to use at school.
Cooking Dried Beans?
I too vote for the crock method. I rinse mine, dont bother to presoak, and like you, if I am going to use in a diff recipe, I dont season them, just put into small freezer strength zip bags, and freeze. If it will be for a meal, then I put in the chopped onion...
Removing Candle Wax From Carpet?
You can put a few layers of white paper towels over the wax or old white rags without stains, and your iron on lowest heat setting, then iron over the wax repeatedly, moving the towels or placing new ones over, until the wax comes up. Try testing an area of...
Do Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Lose Nutrients?
Any fresh produce is going to lose something, from the time it is picked, till the time it is consumed. The produce that you freeze yourself, provided it is done safely and properly, will have more nutrient value than if you bought the same item in a frozen...
Liner for Wastebasket Keeps Slipping?
If you had a large enough rubber band, or some elastic for a waistband, you could make one, it slips over the top of the basket to hold the liner around the outside rim.
Grandchildren Ungrateful for Gifts?
The money is yours. Sounds like your grands feel entitled to your money, and that your own children do nothing to convince them otherwise. If my parents gave my kids large sums of money, and my kids were not kissing Grandmas hand, and visiting, and calling...
Memorial Crafts Using Men's Ties?
I am sure that you will find lots of ideas. You can use old picture frames, and wrap and glue the ties around. You may have to end up gluing the backing to the frame as the fabric will prevent it from closing properly. You would then leave the top open, so...
Kraft Roka Blue Cheese Spread?
When I searched online, all I found in reference to availability, was that it was a seasonal item in 2010. Maybe you can find a similar recipe to make something similar. Best of luck to you. I hate it when favorite food items are no longer available!
Kraft Roka Blue Cheese Spread?
Thanks to Deeli for the recipe. After thinking about this product, I decided I had to have it, now we can give it a try. Thanks again!
No Sew Fleece Scarves?
I dont have a pattern for it, but my friend made me one last year. It is about 6 inches wide, and about 3 feet long. On the ends, she cut into it in 1 inch strips, about 3-4 inches long, making a fringe. With the fringe, she put coordinating beads on each strip...
Backing for Homemade Broaches and Pins?
I have seen them made on plain, large round buttons. I think that would be the easiest, with nothing to cut, trim, or shape. Then you glue or attach whatever you make the brooch from, and attach the fastener to the back of the button base. I hope when you get...
Finding a Missing Relative?
I dont think it is possible to locate anyone by the SS#. You can try to google his name, to see if you can find any thing, but if he has a common name, you may spend much time looking. You can also try the Salvation Army. They do help find missing relatives...
What Can I Make With These Ingredients?
I love french onion soup! Trim any extra fat off the chops, and season the chops up well with salt and pepper. Cut the vegetables up into about 1 inch pieces. (Peel the sweet potatoes first). If you have a crock pot, put the veggies in first, then top with...
Giving Magazine Subscriptions as Gifts? This is supposed to be the link to the gift subscription page. If not, just search for food and family magazine. When you get...
Storing Twist Ties?
I put ours in a snack size zip top storage bag, after smoothing them out as much as I can. You could also use any type of storage container, either plastic covered box, or used clean glass jar with lid, anything to keep them contained, and visible, so you dont...
Backing for Homemade Broaches and Pins?
I didnt think about using the plastic LOL! You would have to use another type of glue, or JB Weld type of mixture. That sounds like a super idea. You could probably even use the plastic canvas stuff if you have any leftovers. I think those are going to be super...
Feeding a Five Week Old Puppy?
I dont know about the meat. I think it would be too harsh on the tummy. When I have had young pups that the mother wont feed, we just warm a little milk, and let it soak into puppy chow food, then let the pup eat. They will usually eat anything with milk on...
Getting Lice Nits Out of Hair?
My daughter got them in kindergarten years ago, and it is a tedious task. I sat her in a wooden chair, with an old sheet up under it all. I had to divide the hair into thin sections, with help of hair clips and combs. Then I had to go through, and pulled off...
Child Support and SSI?
You do need a lawyer first and foremost, to help you with this, and not just go by what they say. There is a woman at work with 2 grown children. She is now receiving small past due child support payments from the state on behalf of her ex, as he has signed...
Value of Old Encyclopedias?
You can search online for that particular set, or try ebay, to see if anyone is selling that same set, and see what they are asking. The only sites I have seen for antique books DO have encyclopedias, but they are from the 1800s and earlier. I have a set of...
Locating an Ex-husband?
You can also try the Salvation Army. They are especially helpful when you truly cant find someone, if they may be homeless or an alcoholic (I dont know your situation, so I am not saying this is the case). Over the past 5 years we have gotten calls and letters...
Traveling With a Nervous Dog?
I use Synergy labs Richards Organics brand. They make a bottle with a dropper of calming liquid for dogs, that doesnt make my dog sleepy, but helps wonders! He gets so nervous when he feels thunder coming our way.
Reviews of Using Astaxanthin as a Supplement?
You need to research any supplement before you start taking it. There will always be a flavor of the month, or everyones current favorite new thing to recommend, just like with prescription medications. Also make sure that your NP does not have a stake in this...
Removing Tobacco Stain from Mustache?
I have seen people with the stains on the lips, teeth, and fingers, from years long habits of smoking. I dont even know if stopping will help that. But at least with a mustache, the stained hair will grow out, and trimmed off.
Collecting Child Support if the Parent is Deceased?
Your lawyer will have to answer the question about getting money owed from child support. You may be able to get that from his estate. You should be able to get survivors benefits for your boys through his Social Security benefits. All you have to do there...
Baking Turkey Breast in an Oven Bag?
I always cook any type of poultry with breast side up. Hope yours comes out great!
Removing Nicotine from Walls?
What are the walls made of? I did ours first with pine oil and water, using a squeezed out sponge mop. Then the last cleaning was with Murphys oil soap. Then the very last was with Old English or Scotts Liquid gold furniture oil (I had little bits of both). The...
Replacement Dish for George Foreman Electric Cooker? Try this and see if it helps.
Saving Money on Dishwasher Detergent?
Good Housekeeping magazine recently had a review of dish washer detergents. They determined that WalMarts Great Value brand of powdered dish washer detergent works the best! Plus, it was the cheapest! Not sure of the price, as that varies from area to area...
Pet Bird Keeps Laying Eggs?
If there isnt a male avail to fertilize the eggs, she will just lay unfertile eggs.
Ocean Spray Whole Cranberry Sauce Salad Recipe?
I found this one, not sure if it is what you are looking for. Best of luck to you, it sounds great!,1843,149187-249207,00.html
Getting Babies Vaccinated?
You need to research the diseases that the vaccines prevent, and the risks of getting the vaccines, and decide from there. I dont have any stake in vaccines, but am a nurse. I think vaccines are good things. You can research online very easily, the doctor and...
Returning Shine to No Wax Flooring?
I use the over the counter mop and shine type products, keeping a cheap sponge mop for that product only. It makes my floors look great when I use it. Mine are about 10 years old, and have been walked all over with shoes, sand, grit, dogs, etc. It doesnt last...
Arm and Hammer Washing Soda for Cleaning Wallpaper?
I dont think it will hurt either one. It is a very mild cleaner, and may even make your floor look better! It may leave a little film on the floor, so that you may have to wipe up more than if it was just water only, but it wont hurt anything. Glad your walls...
What Embroidery Stitch Is This?
Did you post a photo? I am not seeing a photo. (b)Editors Note:(/b) The photo should show up now.
Making Candles Fit into Candle Holders?
You could also try wrapping a rubber band around the candle base, and it should help a too small candle fit into a larger holed stick.
Cleaning Candle Wax Residue off Candle Wax Disc Saver?
You could try dipping it into warm water, until the wax loosens enough to remove.
Making and Using Infused Olive Oils?
They can be used as dipping oil for crusty breads with an italian meal, as a cooking or basting oil, or in a salad dressing.
Cleaning Cigarette Smoke Residue Off Paneled Walls?
When we moved into our first home, it had the same problem. First, get 2 really cheap sponge mops. I mopped the walls the first time with bleach and hot water, just mix according to label directions for general cleaning. After that dried, I did the same with...
Shopping for Top Job Cleaner?
The last time I saw it in our are (LA) was at a Dollar Tree type store.
Getting Rid of Dog Ticks?
We keep guinea fowl in the yard, and they help keep the tick population down. You can also try bathing your dogs in a very dilute pine oil and water mixture, to kill the ones already on them. Sometimes the over the counter collars arent strong enough to work...
Crock Pot Baked Beans?
I have never tried that particular recipe, but I am sure that you can use any beans that you like. I have a recipe that calls for 3 cans of pork and beans, but I sub just about any that I have on hand, or whatever is on sale. You cant go wrong with baked beans...
Herbal Relief for Back Pain?
A family member said they did some research on using Certo brand fruit pectin (used in canning) to treat joint pain. I dont know anything at all about it. I use the over the counter Salon Pas patches, and they help a little. I am so sorry to hear about your...
Getting Rid of Rat Odor in Kitchen Cabinets and Drawers?
Setting a tub of charcoal helps, as well as sitting a bowl of ammonia (the lemon scented kind works well), but make sure that children and pets dont have access to it, and keep the windows open while the ammonia is out. Hope you find something that works!
Making a Fleece Lap Blanket?
I am not that good at giving specific directions, but my sis-in-law makes them. She uses 2 different colors of fleece, cut the same size. Then she pins them together, and makes cuts into the edges about 2-3 inches deep, and about an inch apart, making what...
Plantar Wart Coming Back?
Are you sure that it isnt just scar tissue that you are feeling? You can try to duct tape remedy, but I have never had to use it myself. You cut a piece of duct tape to fit, apply it, and leave it on until it falls off on its own, then continue doing so until...
Keeping Small Rugs From Sliding?
If you have hot glue, you can smear hot glue on each corner on the back side, spreading so it wont leave a bump, then when it is dry, it should grab on to the floor and help with the slipping problem Back in the old days when canning jars still used rubber...
Felt Pads Leave Scuff Marks on Wood Floors?
Have you tried a magic eraser type product? That helps on my vinyl floors. Best of luck to you!
Leftover Steak Recipes?
You can use slices in a lettuce salad, or cut it up into chunks for chili or soup/stew. Leftover steak is great in any recipe that you might use ground beef in. Hope you find lots more that you like!
Washing a Dry Clean Only Robe?
I have washed several dry clean only items in the past. I just always used the delicate or hand wash cycle, and cold water. You do run the risk of ruining the time though. If it has a sash, you can try that. Put it in a lingerie bag, or if you dont have one...
What Causes Facial Warts? Here are a couple of sites to give you some basic information. You really need to see an eye specialist. Some of the growths are not very serious, and can be removed without...
Keeping Suet from Melting?
The no-melt suet still melts, just not as fast as the regular kind. I live in the south, and have never been able to stop it from melting. You could try using a plastic tub to hold it, where at least all the contents stay together. I just stopped using them...
Yardley's Bond Street Perfume?
I did just a quick search, and only found 2 sellers, but had already sold what they had. There were a couple of sites that make old discontinued scents in small amounts. Hope you find some! I have a couple of favorites myself that arent made anymore.
Removing Odors from Sneakers?
I have to wear athletic shoes for work, and I wash mine at least once a month in the washer, then set out to dry outside with the laces out, and tongues pulled back, which helps greatly. Otherwise, you could try filling the insides with baking soda and leaving...