What Breed Is My Dog?
Hello! The very moment I saw this puppy, I felt very strongly that he is NOT a pitbull mix, but most DEFINITELY a Bull Terrier mix! If you arent familiar with this breed, be sure to look for photos on the internet and I bet you will agree! Both breeds are in...
Mess-Free Graham Cracker Crumbs
So, its an ANCIENT secret? Ha ha! Just makes me feel so OLD....Cavemen probably put dried up bread in a packet of leaves... Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!!
Line Small Flower Beds With Concrete Mixing Tubs
Dear likekinds-- once again, a GREAT idea from you, & a well-written article, as well! I always enjoy your submissions, and always learn so much. This is a great idea, and I will plan to implement this in the Spring. I have been busy re-doing my house AND yard...
Pink Cloud Pie
The regular size w the widest selection. Sorry I didnt pay attention to the oz.! You might enjoy playing with the recipe a bit, you may prefer more or less yoghurt or cool whip!
Pink Cloud Pie
Hi Doug! I love your saying, & isnt it the truth! I would enjoy this w fresh berries- unfortunately I made it w some horrible sliced-in-syrup berries because they were out of fresh. Yuck! But I hope you enjoy the pie - I sure do! Warm regards, Ivey
Organizing Old Photos
Wow, what a wonderful gift! I would be thrilled to receive a box full of lifetime memories- and how fun it will be for them to rediscover the treasures within! And its a perfect (& very smart ) solution for you - let THEM figure it out!! It really is an amazing...
Christmas Tree Gift Tags From Paint Swatches
This is a GREAT idea - THANKS for sharing! I have a million of these strips leftover from choosing paint for my entire interior- cant wait to try this! This would be a great craft to do with kids!
Spinach and Cheese Appetizers
These look absolutely DELICIOUS & I cant WAIT to try them! All of the sudden Im very hungry! I have saved this to my recipe folder - thanks so much!! (I see, like the rest of us, you are planning for the holidays- I have entered a Pink Cloud Pie that is fast...
Sentinel of the Passage of Time
Thank you! I see this tree nearly every day, and I finally found the time to take this picture. Im so glad that I did - one day, like all of us, it will be gone. The tree itself inspired the story in my heart - Im grateful to have heard it, so that I could...
Sentinel of the Passage of Time
Thats a lovely sentiment, and adds new vision to the story. Thank you very much.
Sentinel of the Passage of Time
Thank you so very much for your kind words. Im very blessed to have been able to share this photograph, and so pleased that you enjoy it so much! I am also THRILLED beyond words that you were inspired to re-lived your own memories, that is just fantastic! My...
Sentinel of the Passage of Time
Thank you so much- Ive enjoyed talking to you as much as posting this picture! Thank you for your kindness!
Cleaning Popcorn Ceilings the Easy Way
Dear Spacecase- Great name! Youre very welcome! This works great for me- I bought my new house (built in 76!) & the ceilings were a MESS! Weve had a really bad year for dust in Oklahoma this year as well, & this has been both the easiest & fastest way to do...
Fall is Leaping Forward
Thank you, likekinds- I really appreciate that & really enjoy YOUR posts, as well!
Saving or Ending a Friendship?
Dear Betty, Im so sorry for your struggle. Perhaps a fresh viewpoint would help. This is a difficult topic to discuss. In any relationship there are bound to be disagreements & differences of opinion. Perhaps your friend felt out numbered at the moment, & her...
Amazing Rice Flour and Almond Pudding
I just wanted to THANK YOU for sharing this recipe- Ive saved it to my recipe folder, & am so anxious to try it! I can taste it already! As a matter of fact, I intend to treat MYSELF to this delicious treat AFTER Ive done all I can for everyone else this Thanksgiving...
Fancy Letters
This REALLY IS SUPER-COOL! How ingenious are YOU?! I really do like it- thanks so much for sharing your idea!
Pepper, Melissa, Golden (Fancy Rat)
I will vote for your babies!! I know SO many people will cringe at pet rats, but Ive had many over my lifetime & ABSOLUTELY LOVED them! I had hairless rats once, also, & they were fantastic! I never had children but I always swore that if I did, Id give them...
Shinook (Jack Russell)
Hi! Catfish, one of the other 2 winners is my boy, and I was just admiring yours! Shinook is a GREAT looking boy, & Im so glad he won for his birthday!! Youre a GREAT MOMMY! I LOVE to see happy dogs with extraordinary families- he has a full, rich & happy life...
Zara (Pit Bull)
Shes GORGEOUS! I LOVE Pits, they usually ARE babies if LOVED WELL by responsible people!!! Im glad that you have found each other! Shes beautiful!
Distressed Chandelier
This is absolutely beautiful and you did a GREAT JOB! It looks wonderful in your dining room!! And your article comes right on time for me personally- I have 2 chandeliers, also picked up inexpensively, & am just about ready to start them off on their new life...
Mock Wooden Inlay Tray
Thats really beautiful and gives me a lot of great ideas! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and skills with us!
The Caracallas Are Coming
The common name for these is Shell Vine, & they can in fact be grown in pots & wintered inside.
Princess Leia (Mixed Breed)
God bless you for saving her- shes beautiful, & seems to make you very happy. Blessings to you both!!
The Little Frog King
Yay! Is this from your grandson Seth? You wrote me about my Box Turtle & told me a great story- this is a great story, too! Maybe together yall could write a little childrens book & fill it with little dioramas like this! How cute! You tell a great tale!
Wild Pink Lilies
Wow! Thats beautiful! Mine popped up under a tree, unfortunately I didnt notice it until the flowers caught my eye. Its in an area that doesnt get mowed & is cramped between out- buildings. Thank you for your help!!
Wild Pink Lilies
Thank you very much for sharing this information with me! I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know and giving me the details! Thanks again!
Eastern Box Turtle
Thanks so much!! She was a neat little girl. I played with her a bit & let her go free! '
Eastern Box Turtle
Wow! Thats SUPER COOL! Id say the turtle felt very at ease w Seth & thats great! This turtle had odd eyes but it was very young. Another way to tell a Box Turtles sex (again, maybe when they are older) is that the females have a flat bottom shell & the males...
Evie (Boxer Mix)
Id bet Evie is a Boxer/Pit Bull. Ive had several of this exact mix over my lifetime, all rescues, & they are WONDERFUL dogs, fantastic pets w kids. She looks exactly like mine did. If you arent PERSONALLY acquainted with Pits, PLEASE dont let that deter you...
Mini Banjo
Hey, I bet the kids just love this! It would be a great Church or rainy-day project. Thanks for sharing!
The Strong Grasshopper
I just wanted to let you know that I think that first picture is absolutely stunning! It really is quite remarkable- thanks so much for sharing it with us! Also, very kind of you to help that little guy; I believe that there is a special place in Heaven for...
Piñata Rose
Those are ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! Ive never been particular to roses myself, but yours have changed my mind! I plan on seeking out a bush for myself in the future. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely photo and the information! Ps- using the hat wasnt lazy...
Piñata Rose
Wow! Im even MORE amazed! (& I find it especially sweet because you said they were born) ' I love plants & flowers ( I entered the Wild Pink Lillies (& the Eastern Box Turtle!) in this contest, & the Easy Tip for Re-potting Ferns & Trailing Vines, etc in Gardening...
Piñata Rose
Dear likekinds- I came back to admire your lovely roses again and was reading the comments as well. I wanted to reassure you that ThriftyFun is able to easily know if photos are indeed real, & are sure to know exactly where they are taken & other information...
Stand for Making Hanging Crafts
Hey, this is REALLY a great idea, & I will build one for my studio soon! I also love the wind chime you made that is shown in one of your pictures! Super cool! Thanks for sharing this with us, its fantastic and looks like it would be very helpful!
Book Page Art
Hey, thats really neat! What a good idea! I love it & think it would make a lovely gift- I know that I would enjoy receiving this, thanks so much for sharing your ideas with us!
Doodle (Beagle)
Hi! Doodle is a Doll! Im curious to know how you find Beagles in comparison to other dogs-( I entered Penny the One-Eyed Hound in this contest). Penny is half Beagle, & the 1st Beagle Ive ever owned (she stole OUR hearts!!) Ive had many a lovely dog bless my...
The Perfect Gift Evokes Warm Memories
These are all wonderful ideas ! Ive always found that these types of gifts are the very most thoughtful & mean the most to me. Case in point ( though odd to most folks): I once was a competition Taxidermist. Because of this career, I acquired & collected many...
Finch Not Sitting on Egg?
Remove the eggs, they are spoiled. I raised finches and Canaries for years. The broken egg or its remains would have spoiled in the nest & made an unhealthy habitat for other viable eggs. Clean the nest & try again. Im really sorry.
Wednesday (Pug/Wheaten Terrier)
Thank you so very much! Wednesday really is so precious (but of course, Im partial!) Id be proud for her to have a sweet friend like you. ' Thank you for taking the time to compliment her, if she could shed give you a big old hug and kiss! Thank you for your...
Florida Cardinal Caladium Magic
I just wanted to share this picture of my Caladiums flowers now that shes bloomed! Beautiful!!
Florida Cardinal Caladium Magic
I just wanted to share the lovely flower on my Caladium now that shes bloomed!
Is My Chihuahua Pure Bred?
Her weird ears are darling! She appears to be an Apple-Head Chill on that side of her pedigree.,..through a lifetime of rescuing & other dog related jobs, looking at her nose, ears, eye shape & the tapering of her slender legs, I would make an educated guess...
What Breed Is My Dog?
What EVER he may be hes cute as PIE! (& he matches the tile floor, so OBVIOUSLY its meant to be!!) He reminds me of an ol spotted spaniel bird dog I had many years ago, with a bit of a wire haired breed thrown in for good measure- maybe Airedale? WhatVL EVER...
Remedy for Pain from New Dentures?
Brittany- Bless your sweet heart, Im so sorry for all of the grief you mustve suffered all of your life in one form or another. I can easily see by listening to you that you have a very kind and loving heart. I also wear dentures through no fault of my own...
Remedy for a Dog's Itchy Ears?
It is hard to say why the pup is scratching her ears, this does need a diagnosis to begin with. She licks her toes afterward because she is cleaning them of whatever is in her ear, dogs gain other information from this as well, though it is up to you to find...
Tink (Rotweiler Cross)
Tink is beautiful, & so are you, inside & out. I know you feel very lucky to have him, but he is so BLESSED to have been saved & loved every day by you! Ps- yall make a great couple !!! ;)
How Can I Tell if My Dog is a Pit Bull?
This dog absolutely looks like a Pit mix. Usually they have almond -shaped eyes and very large muscles inside their cheeks, unmistakable. A good vet can give you a very educated guess, and there are also dna tests that you can swab their cheek with & sent to...