Insects in Hair?
Soak head in apple cider vinegar. You have human mite parasite. It is very difficult to remedy. Buy grapeseed oil to take a teaspoon, tablespoon until you an take 200 MIL. This may kill parasites if you have any. Take a teaspoon of ground cloves with oil. I...
Insects in Hair?
Not crazy, scabies. See a good dermatologist and change diet clean and when you think its over it is not. Keep detoxing home body companions.
Insects in Hair?
Scabies is a human mite. Dr. s tend to not treat. When you start breaking out your chronic. I been to ER 10 Dr. Wound care and my dermatogist diagnosed. His went on for a long time. Go to CDC. Com/parasites/scabies. You will need to build your immune system...
Insects in Hair?
Scabies is a human mite. Dr. s tend to not treat. When you start breaking out your chronic. I been to ER 10 Dr. Wound care and my dermatogist diagnosed. His went on for a long time. Go to CDC. Com/parasites/scabies. You will need to build your immune system...
Insects in Hair?
See a dermatologist. You have scabies. Human mite from close contact. Worms also or flukes could cause sores. Parasites. I think Dr. And hospital do not treat in order to make money. You will spend thousands without big lifestyle changes.
Insects in Hair?
Im using DE and OMG! It works. Its a good supplement for the body. Build immune system. See a dermatologist and get skin scrape test. Human mite/scabies and its a bitch.
Insects in Hair?
Take 1 tbsp DE Large glass almond milk Empty stomach Teaspoon cloves Ensure vanilla 2 scoops 1 choc carnation 2 tbsp psyllum hush fiber/Rexall has it. Drink See what happens. Make sure you have bm everyday. Toxins build in you.
Insects in Hair?
That is jock itch, swamp ass, athletes foot All in one Human mite scabies. Go to a good Dr and get parasite treatment.
Insects in Hair?
Gastro Dr. And Antihelmetic and bloodwork. I been studying and on way to Gastro for drugs and blood work.
Insects in Hair?
Spray everything with real pine Sol. Esp. You and kids Shampoo Pour apple cider vinegar on head and entire body. Drink some vinegar. Thats a start. It sucks Scabies human mite. When this stage occurs your chronic. Get entire family treated. Make Dr. Listen...
Insects in Hair?
My dermatologist said its scabies. It is a human mite. It is in cycle with bugs and carpet beetles. You will have to clean and get medicine from Dr for human mites. Oh and I asked if I got from dog and Dr. Said no. But if your with this now your immuno compromised...