Something Chewing Plant Roots?
Sounds like slugs, are cut worm. Dig the rose up is the suggestion and move it. They killed a pretty patch of flowers for me too and I dug 15 slugs out of the soil. Also you can put a small saucer of beer where they will feed at night time.
Using Epsom Salts to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants?
No way I use epson salts all the time. Its great. May do your plants a favor. Its just magnesium.
Getting Rid of Ants?
I have tried instant grits, just sprinkle on the bed and just walk away the ants will eat the grits and before long, no more ants. It really works.
Growing Hen and Chicks in Arizona?
Yes, I believe they would if they are the hardy kind. Im in GA and I know it doesnt get as hot here as it does in Arizona, but we have high humidity here. Mine are doing great
Holes in Leaves of Basil and Pepper Plants?
I use baby oil, just a few drops and dish soap; just a few drops and mouth wash. That should help, spray early in the morn for a few days. Slugs usually attacks the roots. Slugs killed a pretty zinna bed for me. The plant s got real wilted. I didnt know what...
My Chihuahua Stopped Eating?
hi, I used to raise chihuahuas, they are something else, they are very temperamental dogs, they through fits and very jealous of there owners, the chihuahua you have probably is jealous of the small one if u just got her, the chihuahua is wanting more attention...
Water Bottle Crafts?
if u like to gardening ,u can use them to start your seeds in,just cut almost in half leave one side attached and put drainage holes in the bottom, add your soul then some water and then your seeds , then tape the bottle back up put cap on until u start seeing...
Applebee's Boneless Barbecued Chicken?
hello go to the site that is a copycat cooking and see if they have a applebees recipes.
Planting Branches
can someone tell me how to root mint mine is dying and it smells so good,and hurry.thanks
Planting Branches
can someone tell me how to root redtips, i dont know the real name for them, they have red leaves in the spring time and they can grow real tall.
Fabric Paint on a Couch?
hi i thought about what i readed the other day about vinegar is used for a lot of things just go to ABOUT.COM ask for the vinegar page
Starting Roses In November
hi i was wondering on how to root roses ,mine is blooming now .can i do it now,im in south georgia
Starting Roses In November
it is april now here and they are blooming ,i have a stem laying down on the ground how many cuttings can i get out of it.can i just cut it about six inches until i have used the limb up.