Don't Substitute for Butter
I agree with Marty. The experts are now admitting that margarine is mainly a lot of toxic chemicals. As for WWII, I remember (before homogenized milk) taking the cream off the top of the milk bottle and shaking it up in a jar to get a spoon or two of butter...
Repairing the Velcro Closures on a Dog Coat?
Sounds like youre trying to just stick adhesive-backed velcro over the old. You need to SEW new regular velcro on. Good luck!
Possible Snake Den in Front Yard?
The holes in my yard are from gophers. If you do have a snake, it is undoubtedly a harmless one. This would be a wonderful chance for you to teach your children about the value of such creatures! Snakes eat things like rats, mice and gophers, which are not...
Dishonest Hairdresser?
Do you have any kind of beauty school in your area? I pay $6.75 for a haircut at my local City College School of Cosmetology. Dont think I would ever get a cut if I had to pay $25.!
Dryer Sheets Contain Toxic Chemicals
Thank you for posting this. You are absolutely correct! Im horrified every time I see someone recommending using dryer sheets for anything, including putting them in a dryer!
Low Cost Vet for Dog Surgery?
Try contacting your nearest Catholic Charities. I just got some help from my local one in Southern CA, which works with other animal groups. Good luck!
St. Patty's Day Card
Thats NOT a shamrock. Please use a 3-leaved shamrock instead of a four-leaf clover. But thanks otherwise!
Avoid Antibiotic Soap
Ill second this advice! Also, please stay away from air fresheners, dryer sheets, most cleaners (use vinegar, soda and boric acid) and, of course, pesticides. Were killing ourselves and the planet!
Reuse Dryer Sheets In Different Ways
For those of us with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, any kind of dryer sheet is something to stay miles away from. They are very toxic to everyone! Please read an MSDS or something to learn about these. And distilled white vinegar works just as well without...
Removing Ink From Vinyl Dolls
I fixed dolls for the Council of Xmas Cheer for years. There were always dolls on whose faces some child had put permanent marker. I found that if they were just put in the sun for a few weeks the marks all faded out
Non-steroidal Itch Remedy?
Do you have access to an aloe vera plant? The gel is wonderful for instant relief of any itch, burn or whatever skin problem. I use it daily on my dog, Maggie, as shes scratching from the fleas. I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, so I cant use any kind of...
Make Envelopes From Magazines
Im glad Im not one of the recipients of your envelopes! Those of us with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity would be made very ill by coming anywhere near anything with fragrance on it. Please think about what one sniff of any fragrance could do to others!
How Do I Make a Stencil to Use on Stretched Canvas?
If you cut the stencil from freezer paper, you can then iron it onto your cloth. Good luck!
Use Your Vacuum for Fleas
Please dont use moth balls or crystals in your vacuum or anywhere else! They are extremely toxic to all living things. You could use diatomaceous earth or salt instead.
Peanut (Dachshund/Chihuahua)
Peanut is darling! Bless you for helping senior dogs. My Maggie (Pom and Chihuahua) is probably 17, as near as anyone can figure out. I adopted her from a shelter seven years ago, where she was turned in with two puppies and no information. I think we were...
Relieving Itching from Fleas?
Rub the gel from an aloe vera plant on the bites. That will take away the itch almost instantly! Everyone should have at least one aloe vera plant. Its been used for thousands of years for burns, bites and any skin problem. My vet once told me that it contains...
Dog is Lethargic After Using Frontline?
Please find something less toxic to use on your beloved dog. All those products are toxic to animals and humans. I just flea comb mine, which works out fine. Since I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Ive had to learn about these things. I cant use ANY pesticide...
Spraying Frontline on Furniture?
Frontline and all similar products are very toxic to animals and humans. Please dont spray those anywhere! There are less toxic things you can use. Do please google this for info on toxic properties.
Treating Ant Bites?
If you have an aloe vera plant (everyone should have at least one), put the gel on your bites. Aloe has been used for thousands of years for all kinds of skin problems. I use it on any bites I or my dog get, and it takes the pain away almost immediately. My...
Use Dryer Sheets for Embroidery
Please be aware that ALL dryer sheets have very toxic chemicals in them. I would not use them for anything, including putting in with clothes!
Looking for a copy of "It Takes a Thief"?
i dont know about TV programs in your area, but in mine (Santa Barbara, CA) the RTV channel is showing that. You might check, and if so, make your own tapes. Good luck.
Patterns for Dog Bandannas?
I dont think you really need a pattern. Ive made many scarves for Maggie: Xmas, Valentines, St. Pats, Easter, etc. And just made an orange one for her as the ASPCA requested last month. I just cut a triangle of fabric that seems the right size and usually another...
What Breed is My Dog?
Part Chihuahua definitely, but dont know what else. My Maggie is a Pom/Chihuahua mix. Bless you for taking care of him. Hope you will both have a wonderful life together. I, and Im sure others, would love to see another after picture of him when his hair grows...
Keeping Clothes Smelling Nice
I hope no one takes this advice. Both dryer sheets and fragrances are full of very toxic ingredients, and I hope the person who advised using those will do some research about this. Those of us with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity can be made very ill by just...