Can My Puppy Get Parvo Again if He is Not Vaccinated?
You the time my puppy got Parvo, I had never heard of cleaning the yard...or even the things in the , of course, we didnt. The only thing I was told was that it was an airbourne virus
Attaching Grapes to Wine Bottle Lights?
Hi...these are really, really pretty and would be lovely for two wine people I know. Could someone post the directions or a site that has the directions? Thank you so much...I know this is a busy time of the year.
Getting a Dog to Like Someone?
Well, I have a little dog that loved everyone, except for some reason my sister in law...we would have to crate the dog when she came to visit. Finally, I tried this...I got the dog a muzzle, so she would not snap and my sister in law then held her and petted...
Store Wipes Upside Down
Could I share my comment about these wipes...I bought a big, big three-pack at Costco of Lysol wipes...they wont come out of the container..and when they do they dont pull apart correctly....they are too small to wipe a decent sized area and they are too wet...
Lowfat "Grilled Cheese"
been doing this since joining WW...using FF cheese...not a whole lot of taste...actually none, but thats the way it fills the hole that is about it. I loooong for a regular grilled cheese.
Advice for How to Gain Weight?
OMG...there are a million women in America, probably more that would DIE to have this problem, and unfortunately some are! You are lovely and fine. You have the rest of your life to put on weight. As one of the posters will happen!! I am 63...
Reese Witherspoon Haircut Styling?
I agree about the friends and what will help is helps everything. It is hair, not cancer or aids...get a will grow back!!
Stop Dog From Eating Out of Trash Cans?
Spray them with Raid...I am assuming these are indoor cans and your dog is not running the neighborhood and getting in the trash...take them outside, for the ventilation and lightly spray them. this taste awful, but not harmful. We used to do this to our outdoor...
Buying a Bathing Suit for a Pre-Teen?
Thanks so much for all the tips. I actually found nice decent coverage one-piece Catalinas at Wal-Mart for $14...I got two. A size 4/6 Jr. fit her really nicely! We also have a pool and need at least two suits per year. I had forgotten about Costco and their...
Lip Balm on a Stuffed Animal?
LOL...I am sorry, I dont have a tip, but this made me laugh, remembering when my son was little, he Vaselined the cat!! The real cat was NOT easy to clean! LOL
College Grants and Scholarships?
Go to your public library, someone there will help you get started and yes, Iam afraid you will have to put in the effort
Saving Money at Restaurants
The only thing I want to add is this...fill your own doggie not send any food back to the kitchen or have your doggie bag prefilled. Everyone needs to watch some of those reality shows on TV about what goes on in restraurants out of the view of customers...
Old Fashioned Hard Boiled Eggs
Boy Howdy...I got a lot of response from this...mixed as it was. I have to say that I did not use a lid when using the new method and that I also do not mind green in my yolk. About the ease of peeling...I have used older eggs at times and the peeling was not...
Precious (Shih Tzu/Poodle)
Where did you find this type of dog...I would love to have one? my email is sewer44bonnie AT Thank you
Botanical WalMart HomeTrends Comforter?
Several years ago I contacted Wal-Mart through email concerning a sheet set and was able to locate what I needed that way. Try that
15 Year Wants to Sleep at Her Boyfriend's House?
I agree with everything that micha said and I am an atheist. It is totally absurd. You are just asking for trouble and setting up a precedent for further requests that are over the line And last of all, a 15 year old has no business having a boyfriend that...
Schnauzer With Digestive Problems?
You might just have to stick with the chicken. When our pup was 6 mths. old she got parvo and as she recovered she would not eat...we cooked, boiled chicken thighs and cut them up. She is now 13 and that it what she has eaten all her life. It is cheaper than...
Selling Empty Juice Pouches?
Oh my gosh yes, they are selling the pouch purses all over eBay. I made one for my daughter in law and am in the process of making a large summer tote with them. But, I am done after that and have the extra pouches. There are several websites with directions...
Scuff Marks on Pergo Flooring?
Use fingernail polish remover with acetone...follow up with a rinse of vinegar and water.
Styling My Hair Like Tippi Hedren?
and dont forget, she had someone to comb and re-do and fix it every 15 or 20 minutes!!
Saving Too Many School Papers?
other than art work, maybe she is fearful that she needs these papers...if that is the case, get the teacher to tell her that she only needs to keep them from one report card to the next. Teachers are always right at her age. I keep my grand daughters that...
Juice Pouch Tote Bag?
The site listed here is excellent, I have used it. One hint I have. The first one I made, I decided I should sew the handles on last, cause I mean, why not. Well, I found out why not. Follow the directions, as written. I had to bend and crunch and crunch and...
Sewing Machine Model and Serial Numbers?
That is nice that you are going to practice and teach yourself, I did...however, you WOULD find the manual very helpful, even though machines are somewhat alike, when there is a difference, there is a difference and you need the manual. I would call a local...
Removing an Indentation on Leather?
Try ironing over the indentation...of course now, you have to put a towel, maybe even doubled over the area between the purse and the iron...or stuff it as hard as you can and use the blow dryer to heat it...perhaps heat it first and stuff it really quickly...
Dishwasher Reviews?
You can get on line and find ratings...however, you can take this word of not buy a Maytag...ours is less than 6 yrs. old...expensive and immediately began to fall apart, the wheels broke off, the things holding the adjustable tines broke off..the...
Balancing Work and Family?
this is going to be an unpopular post, but I must state it anyway. I know it is difficult for you and also too late for this advice for you. However, I feel it would be in the best interests of ALL future children if the parents would wait to have children...
Is 12 Old Enough to Go Places Alone?
I am certainly glad that I am NOT the only one to say Absolutely NOT. I was thinking I would be alone, due to my age!! I am 62 and raising my grand daughter who is now 11. She will NOT be malling or driving or running around in packs with her peers. It is just...
Epilator Reviews?
are you talking about a hair removing appliance? If so, I did not know they even made those any longer. I had an Epilady when they first came out, it was the biggest ( one of ) rip-off I have ever come across
Christmas Decorated Plates
I have some of the same questions...I guess at a craft store, but which department, as I have never been into this particular area of crafting, but it really looks fun and pretty!!
Burnt Baked Beans in a Pan?
fill with water and put in a dryer sheet or two and let it sit over night. It will take A LOT if not all of the stuff off. At least this works with stuck on food, which is probably part of this problem as well. B. Wilson from West Virginia
Getting Rid of Pachysandra?
Oh my Gosh...some of mine died over the last winter and I was devastated!!! I cant believe you want to get rid of it. I wish I knew what happened to the spring, patches of it showed up brown and slimy and left a bare spot and some I had transferred...
Cleaning Hair Off The Bathroom Floor?
I have so much hair on my bathroom floor everyday, I could vacuum it everyday!! This is due to my husband losing gobs and gobs of hair daily. Only have had this problem in our late years, it is disgusting and exhausting. I vacuum, then wipe with cleaner and...
Home Infested With Fleas?
I understand the cats are gone.. so the suggestions about what to wash them with and comb them with...will not help!! .my friend had this problem several years ago, when during construction by their home evidently a large flea infestation was uncovered..they...
Teaching Road Awareness to a Dog?
I agree with guest post from 8/29...we had an Irish Setter that would take off whenever she could and NOTHING ever broke her of that trait. Some dogs are natured that way and you can never, ever trust them. She would stay with us if we were out with her, if...
Homemade Pimple Treatment?
My son was on Acutane when he was a teen and it cleared up his acne, but the side effects were so terrible...his nose bled, his lips dried out so much they would crack and bleed and he even had to use eye drops because it made his eyes so dry. But it cleared...
Which crockpot brand name is the best?
Actually, I read on-line rreviews and Rival got the worse rating...the best rated was T-Fal...which I have not been able to find. I have an old, old Rvial from the 80s that I would like to replace, but it works fine. However, I am afraid that todays products...
Watch Those Wholesale Club Prices
Well, I am NOT thrilled, my Costco membership just went up to $50. We called to cancel my card and just have one for my husband, as we always shop together now that we are retired. GET THIS, their story now is...well, one card is free and the other one is $50...
K-9 Advantix Reviews?
I can only tell you my experience, my vet, for some reason...stopped carrying the the past two seasons I have HAD to use the Advantix...I do not like it as well. We have comparison shopped on line for these meds and personally find that they...
Yoda (Shih Tzu)
that is an adorable dog...however, it is not a Shih Tzu...but does that matter??, he is adorable...
Dog Pees in the House When I'm at Work?
I agree most emphatcially with Maya, I did this to a dog we got when we were a lot younger, got an Irish Setter when both of us worked all day and expected the dog to live in an apartment alone. What fools, you live and learn...learn now, dont have a dog until...
Getting Chores Done must REALLY hate this chore to be willing to draaagggg it out like would drive me crazy...just DO IT as Nike says and get it over with!!! But, at least you do it...which is more than I can say for most of the young women these days!!
Learning How To Use a Sewing Machine?
Sweetie...your best bet would be to find a beginner sewing class in your would be VERY WELL WORTH YOUR TIME AND MONEY to do this, if you are serious about learning...most of the time you take your own machine and someone there will go over the points...
Indestructible Dog Bed?
Honey...just re-read your post...the pup is chewing the stuff in the cage because she is frustrated at being in there...see she is not chewing the one in the bedroom!! Dont give her anything to lay on and just hope the cage training is over soon!! I knew a...
Ruby Tuesday's Waldorf Salad?
Boy, if you find it, let me know!! I love their Waldorf Salad LOL Thanks, B from West Virginia
Pug With Yeast Infection?
Yes, this baby is suffering..I am sure the vet would be willing to let you pay on time if you explained that payment is hard for you. Please dont let the pup suffer any would be kinder to euthenize him. I am not sure of that spelling, and hate suggesting...
Paper Towel Rack in the Bathroom
I did this for years and years until the price of paper towels went up one year to the point where I said, no more. I put a hook where the rack was, on the inside of the cabinet door and use old small hand guys use this to wipe up the water, etc...