What Is This Houseplant?
It is either Golden Pothos & Heartleaf Philodendron. Check out the info at this link: The Differences Between Golden Pothos & Heartleaf Philodendron. http://homeguides.sfgate.com/differences-between-golden-pothos-heartleaf-philodendron-59737.html
Identifying Clematis?
It looks like it could be either Asiatic Jasmine or Wintercreeper. Both of these are vines that I use as groundcover around my heavily treed areas. Check out groundcover.com for more info on these.
Identifying a Ladybug Type Beetle?
I see that the eat aphids, so I will treat them as a friend. Thanks for the information.
Growing an Aucuba Japonica from a Cutting?
I just receive some plants from a nursery that I found on ebay. The plants are beautiful and the people are great to work with. Check them out. http://www.ebay.com/itm/GOLD-DUST-AUCUBA-VARIEGATED-EVERGREEN-SHRUB-SHADY-AREAS-LIVE-PLANT-/171032295622?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0...