Sewing Machine Needle Won't Move Using Pedal?
A belt might be broken. Take cover off machine and check that.
Check if Your Avocado is Ripe
Great to know. Thanks for sharing. I am 70 and just started liking avocados. I think it was the texture all this time. All these years I turned my nose up at them.
Springform Pan Bottom Stuck in Cake Pan?
If you have access to an air compressor have someone hold the pan and shoot air at the edge and see if this works. My husband dislodges stuck buckets this way.
Donating Fabric?
I used to live in Frederick and I know around Hagerstown community and Greencastle and Waynesboro communities the Menonite community uses fabric for missions. Also there are ladies that sew for Operation Christmas Child there also. Check with the churches as...
Donating Fabric?
Salli, I thought of Lorettas name Tharp and she lives in the Waynesboro area. Look up Ray Tharp in the phone book.
Needle Not Moving on Sewing Machine?
It might need a new belt. I would take it to a sewing machine repair service and have it looked at to find out the problem.
Donating Fabric?
Check with the churches in town and surrounding communities. Many times they have groups and individuals who sew for missions. Our church has a group that loves fabric but we are in Tennessee.
Paddle Not Turning on WelBilt Bread Machine?
Sometimes mine doesnt turn and there is dried dough under the paddle under the canister. Soak the shaft with a damp to wet cloth then take an old toothbrush and scrub to remove the crust.
2 Ingredient Pancakes
I did try these and they were very good and fit into my diet very well. Great for a breakfast with Greek Yogurt.
Recycling Old Sports Trophies?
Look for a place where challenged people live. We have one and they use them for prizes when they win. It doesnt matter whose name is on it or what it is for. They just know the won a prize or a trophy.
Where to Donate or Recycle Old Sports Trophies?
We have an organization called Community Living in our town where challenged people live. They have picnics and sports events and the residents got a trophy for winning. All were from garage sales and had been tossed out. They really dont care what the trophy...
Hummus Recipe?
Hummus 1 can garbonzo beans 2 cloves roasted garlic 1 tablespoon sesame oil 1 tablespoon sesame seed 3/4- 1 tsp salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes 1 tablespoon chili powder 1/2-1 teaspoon cumin 1 medium roasted red bell pepper Drain...
George Foreman Grill Drip Tray?
The oblong dishes you put an ear of corn in works. That is what I used when mine broke.
Recipes Using Canned Beets?
Beets with Raisins 1 can sliced beets 1/2 cup raisins 1 cup water 1 tbsp cornstarch 1/4 cup water or beet juice 1 tbsp. cider vinegar 1 tbsp. butter or margarine 1 tbsp. sugar Boil raisins in 1 cup water until plump and soft. Drain. Empty beets into saucepan...
Homemade Dried Soup Mix Recipes?
I guess you have a generator ready to boil the water for your soup. Usually the electric and water are out for days if it is a bad earthquake.
Hummingbird Nectar Changed from Red to Clear?
I make my own hummingbird water. 4 parts water to 1 part sugar. No red color! It is bad for them. Your feeder needs some red color but not the food. I boil the solution and let it come to room temperature then change the water every 3 days because it goes bad...
Removing the Odor of Rotten Meat?
Sorry to say there are remedies that people use but there is nothing that will take the odor completely out. It gets into the crevices and rubber fittings and gaskets. Best thing to do is file insurance if you have it and start new.
Deterring Insects from Hummingbird Feeder
Go to Wild Birds Unlimited store or Web site and get an ant moat. It is a container that holds water above the feeder and the ants cant get to the feeder unless they drown first.
Tecnu Spray for Treating Poison Ivy Rash
I use this all the time and it is wonderful. I am highly allergic to poison ivy. It was originally developed for the logging industry in the Northwest.
Easy Stovetop Macaroni and Cheese?
Macaroni and Cheese 2 cups elbow macaroni, uncooked 1/4 cup butter or margarine 1/4 cup flour 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp black pepper 2 1/2 cups milk 2 cups shredded cheese of choice. Cook pasta and drain. Set aside. In large pan over medium heat melt butter and...
Having Trees Removed and Selling the Lumber?
Get your phone book and call around to the various tree businesses. Someone might lead you to the information you want.
Having Trees Removed and Selling the Lumber?
Call the various tree trimmers and experts in your area and some of them might have the answer you are looking for. Logging companies usually do this type of thing. Hope this helps.
Finding a Used Bed?
I understand by your post that money might be a problem for you, but you could risk getting a bedbug infestation or a disease by getting a used bed. Used beds do not have the support either. Look for sales on new ones or discontinued styles.
Ideas for Mom's 50th Birthday?
Maybe a gift in honor of her birthday to a local animal shelter. You have made her card which she will love. A pin or earrings with her favorite animal.
Sweet and Low for Ants
There are enough ants to go around so dont feel sorry for the ones that are carrying unknown germs to your kitchen. If this works then do it. I will try it if I have the problem again. Last time I had to call the bug guy to find the source outside. He treated...
Smoke Alarm Keeps Chirping?
We had the same problem and it was the unit. We just replaced all of them as a precaution. No more chirping.
Painting Over a Water Stain from Leaking Roof?
There are two kinds of Kilz one is a shellac base and one is water based. You want the shellac based one. Go over the spot with a coat or two then after it dries well, prime with a flat paint then the color of choice. My husband and I had a handyman business...
Tongue Depressor Trivet
We used wire instead of elastic in the one I made 55 years ago at 4-H camp. It served our family well for a long time and just wore out a few years ago. May make another one for the fun of it.
Treating Poison Ivy?
There is a product you can buy at Walgreens and Walmart might have it, called Tecnu. It dissolves the ivy oil. After you think you have been exposed to it get in the shower and before turning the water on rub Tecnu on the exposed areas then take an old rag...
Small Cube Cutter for Vidalia Onion Chopper?
I would just order a new chopper. They are $20 from Bed Bath and Beyond and if you have a coupon they are less. Even if you could get the part it would probably be more than the chopper.
Tips for Using Shower Caps
Our Pre-School made a large rainbow out of them and put it above a bench for their school pictures. It was cute. Sorry I dont have a picture but I am sure you could do it.
Ants in Hummingbird Feeder?
Go to Wild Birds Unlimited store or on line and they have ant moats you fill with water and the feeder hangs below it. I have had great success with this. I tried the petroleum jelly but it was messy in the hot weather and did no good. The ant moats are the...
Ideas Daughter's 12th Birthday?
I just heard the other day of a child that wanted no gifts other than have her guests bring something for the homeless shelter or some other organization that is dependent on donations. The local animal shelter always needs things as the shelter for battered...
Remedy for Stinky Feet?
I read on a web site just a few days ago about this. Wash your feet and dry with a clean towel. When dry rub with stick deodorant bottoms, tops, and between toes. The person writing the article said it worked fine. Worth a try and it is inexpensive.
Hummus Recipe?
This is really good. I love it with celery. Hummus 1 can garbonzo beans drained and save broth 2 cloves of garlic minced and roasted 1 tablespoon Sesame oil 1 tablespoon sesame seed 3/4 - 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes...
Shopping for Coconut Oil?
I dont know if you have a Publix Grocery Store but that is where I get mine and also our health food stores have it.
Treatment for Posion Ivy?
Go to the pharmacy and get a product call Tecnu. It was made for the loggers in the northwest. I am allergic to poison ivy as well and it works for me. Follow directions and I think you will be pleased.
Marigolds to Deter Snakes
When I was living on the farm while growing up we had chickens everywhere and there were still chicken snakes (black snakes) in the nests swallowing eggs.
Shopping for Heavy Duty Clothes Pins?
I got mine at ACE Hardware a few years back but dont know if they have them or not now. Check their web site.
Getting Stuck Plastic Buckets Apart
An air compressor works wonders as well if you have one. Shoot air between the buckets and they separate almost every time.
Make Your Flower Vases Colourful
That is the way we used to color carnations when I was growing up when the florist didnt have what we wanted when we wanted it.
Donating Stuffed Animals?
If they are new looking and free of soil, cigarette smoke, etc. find a group who is packing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Most people pack their boxes in November. If they need a wash put them in a zip up cloth pillow cover and throw them in the...
Grilled Provolone Instead Of Bacon In BLT
I tried this today for lunch and it was awesome. Cant wait until the next time.
Homemade Salt Free Dry Onion Soup Mix?
Marcia, The second post recipe which makes a lot the last ingredient (onion salt) the amount is unclear. Could you clarify this for us? Also, I had no luck getting the recipe from family oven.
Military Burials At Veteran's Cemetery
Go to Look at paragraph g 2 below and you will see that a spouse can be buried in any National Cemetery with her husband. If there was a divorce before he died then she is not eligible. (2) The surviving spouse of an eligible...
Foley Food Chopper?
I found mine at Ace Hardware. If they dont have it in the store they can order it for you.
A&P Mac and Cheese Recipe?
Joan, this is not from A&P but was on a box of Weis Market brand when we lived in Maryland years ago. I have used it for my family and for church dinners for many years. You can put chopped hot dogs in it as well. I hope you enjoy it as much as we have. 2 cups...
Burning Smell Coming from Breaker?
Please call a licensed electrician. No conserving on this. It sounds serious. This could save your life.
Can Corningware Dish be Repaired?
If you repair it you could use it for a potted plant or display it only but under no circumstances heat it or use it for liquids. You will end up with more trouble than it is worth.
Seal Food Using A Recycled Plastic Bottle
I had to do some thinking but the light bulb finally came on. Pictures on this one would be nice but I finally got it. Neat trick.
Cooking Dried Beans?
I wash them then soak in fresh water over night. Then the next morning I drain them and put fresh water to cover and bake in the oven in a roaster at 350 degrees for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Check them often adding water as needed. You can put ham with them if...
Icing for Cookies That Will Be Sent in the Mail?
Use the Wilton Royal Icing recipe. It is thinner and dries hard. Makes a lovely cookie. Google royal icing.
Tomato Cage Christmas Tree Christmas Card Display
This is neat. I want to try it as well. Thanks for posting!
Donating Used Trophies?
We donated trophies to an organization with had mentally challenged individuals. They would have contests and games,etc and the prize would be a trophy. They didnt read but they knew that a trophy meant Champion The BestWinner
Mockingbird Visits our Garden
Mockingbirds are nice but a pest. They run all my other birds away from the feeders. I stand at the sliding glass door and when it sees me it flies away. Sorry I just dont like them.
Smelly Washer Tips
Also use powdered HE detergent not liquid. There is something about the liquid that over time causes the bad odor. Also leave the door open after the wash is complete until the next time you use the machine.
Cleaning Plexiglass Shower Doors?
Sounds strange but I use WD-40. I wash the doors and dry with an old rag. Then spray with WD 40 and they shine like new. Hope it works for you as well.
Cleaning a Small Bottle
Denture tablets also work in those vases and bottles with small openings. Fill with water almost full and drop a denture tablet in and let it sit and do its cleaning then pour it out. Clean vase or bottle.
Schedule for Front Seat Riding
If they are under 12 and a certain size they cant ride in the front seat now. Its the law in most states. The airbag, if deployed, could do a lot of harm or death. Check it out in your state rules.
Vaseline To Keep Ants Out of Hummingbird Feeders
I tried the Petroleum jelly trick and my ants loved it so I went to Birds Unlimited store and bought an ant mote, much like the ladies above, and have had no more problems. They are not expensive. If there is not a store in your area check out their web site...
Preventing Halloween Candy Overdose
We put a box out at church and all the Halloween candy not wanted goes to Operation Christmas Child Shoe boxes. The chocolate cannot go so we give it to local charities. It is a solution for our church group.
Save on Sewing Thread
I agree with tazfan. I would never use serger thread for garments not even in an emergency. It is too thin. In serging there are three or four threads to do the job hence two ply is sufficient but not in regular sewing. Sorry. I used to sew for the public and...
Save on Sewing Thread
I agree with tazfan. Never use serger thread on general sewing. Too thin. Wont hold up.
Humming Bird Expert Recipe
Everything I have read is the red dye is harmful to the hummingbirds. I make my food like you but no red dye.
Overwintering a Gerber Daisy?
I live in Southeast Tennessee and mine come back every year. When the first frost comes I put a thin layer of mulch over them. I mark where they are. Then when the danger of frost is gone in the spring I uncover them and most times I can see a small amount...
Removing Adhesive Labels from Glass Jars
Dont try the microwave solution on plastic. You will have a mess. Glass only.
Old Fashioned Applesauce
I am making applesauce as we speak. The equipment you are speaking of is a Foley Food Mill and you can get them at Ace hardware. It is the best brand I have found and what my Mom used. It takes the work out of making applesauce and it is so good. I like Mitsu...
Hummingbird At Front Door Feeder
It is not recommended to feed hummingbirds red solution in their feeders. The dye is harmful. Any of the web sites will back this up. They are fun to watch. I make my own solution of 4 parts water and 1 part sugar. Bring to a boil and remove from heat and let...
Christmas Cactus
My daughter has a white one and it is so pretty while blooming. I took a few pieces and put a little rooting hormone on the bottom and am trying to get it to root.
Left Over Apple Recipes?
Core and slice some and put them in the skillet with a tablespoon of butter and some cinnamon and a little brown sugar and stir until soft and serve as a side dish with pork or you peel them and do the same and serve them over vanilla ice cream for a yummy...
Cinnamon for Ants
Glad it worked for you. My ants just crawled over it. Had to call the exterminator. He got rid of them in one time call.
Cleaning a Front Loader
I love my front loader but did learn to use powdered soap. After I changed to Tide HE I have not had a problem with mold. Leave the door open as well.
What Is This Plant?
Christmas Cactus maybe? My daughter has one and it is really pretty when it blooms if that is what your plant is but she had hers for several years before it bloomed and hers was white.
Canning Fruit Without a Canning Rack?
I dont have a rack either and I put a heavy wash or dish cloth in the bottom of the pot then put the jars in and then the water. I have never had a problem. I have a hot jar lifter that I got at Ace Hardware and lift the hot jars out of the pot onto a towel...
Canning Fruit Without a Canning Rack?
I dont have a rack either and I put a heavy wash or dish cloth in the bottom of the pot then put the jars in and then the water. I have never had a problem. I have a hot jar lifter that I got at Ace Hardware and lift the hot jars out of the pot onto a towel...
Home Remedies for Termites?
Get a professional! There is no way you can be sure of treating all the affected areas. The professional will know how. Depending on the infestation it might take a few trips followed with annual checks.
Home Remedies for Termites?
Get a professional! There is no way you can be sure of treating all the affected areas. The professional will know how. Depending on the infestation it might take a few trips followed with annual checks.
Keeping Squirrels Out of Your Bird Feeder
We went to Wild Birds Unlimited and bought an anti-squirrel bird feeder and they work. It is around $40 but the little pests get on the feeder and the feeder closes due to their weight and they cant get the food. It is quite a show and some laughs watching...
My Garden in the City
Wow! No mowing for you just good eating! Beautiful garden! Enjoy to the fullest!
Magazine Bead Jewelry
I make paper beads and make necklaces for the Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. They are so colorful. Each one is different and I too add inexpensive store bought plastic beads to highlight them. Used Martha Stewart magazines are the best I have found...
A Simple Way To Conserve Water
We solved the problem by putting a circulating pump on the hot water line and now when we turn on the hot water it is hot. Home improvement centers have them in the plumbing department. We saved the water as well before we put the pump on.
Keeping Ants Away From Bird Feeder
You also can buy an ant moat at Wild Birds Unlimited. It works great!
Determining the Value of a Older Sewing Machine?
My daughter bought a 78 Kenmore in the cabinet for $30 and it needed a $30 part and she is sewing up a storm for $60. She loves it. Older machines do not bring much. Hope this helps.
Burnt Odor in Microwave?
I have removed odors with white vinegar. Put 50% vinegar to 50% water in a glass bowl or measuring cup, large enough to allow it to boil, and let it come to a boil and leave it in there for a while and see if this will help.