Celery Seed Dressing
Ive been looking for Celery Seed close to 15 years now where did you find it? All I keep finding is Celery Salt.
Our Pride And Joy, Hayden James
My Wal-mart said it must have been a special order and the manager couldnt find an order form for one LOL LOL Good luck with your precious bundle.
In Memory of Toby (Yorkshire Terrier)
My heart and sympathy goes out to you. They (pets) become part of the family and it is just like loosing a human family member. I lost my miniature schnauzer/poodle mixed breed 9 years ago and still to this day there are times I cry when I think about him. Im...
Gnats In Room With Guinea Pigs?
Hello Dinah, In regards to the vinegar soup, did you cover your bowl with plastic wrap (saran wrap)? If not try doing that, put plastic wrap over the dish with the vinegar and pull tight, then take a tooth pick (fork, ice pick, any thing sharp will do) they...