Moving Buttons on Blouse to Alter Bust Size?
Yes you can do this, be sure to wear it around the house for a day or so to see how it does but over time its highly likely to rip because the fabric is much less sturdy to have a button that close to the edge. Its just not strong enough in that area to do...
Photo: Water Filled Balls
Very pretty! Love the colors! Those look like the same thing i bought not long ago. Do they squish right in half kind of feel like jello balls. They are for adding to the soil of house plants to help know when to water or give them water & when they dehydrate...
Natural Product for Removing Heavy Laundry Stains?
Hi, I swear by Shaklee Nature Bright. My daughter left a wet baby shirt on the garage floor in front of the washer for months & it was set with mold stains. I washed it several times and it wasnt budging. Finally tried the Shaklee Nature Bright & used the soak...