Compost for Revamping a Depleted Veggie Garden?
Yes. You can add anything into your compost. But, it is best to avoid adding meats (as they smell and attract animals). Also, dont add any weeds that you have cut, incase the seeds survive. Also, nothing that you sprayed for bugs or to kill. All my kitchen...
Finding Free Furniture and Clothing?
Your local DFS (division of family services) offices should have a list, and often churches maintain a list of centers, as well as many food pantries or catholic charities. If you call one of them, they will be able to steer you in the correct direction.
Chickens as Pets?
I have had chickens most my life. I currently have 35 chickens, including silkies. You need more than one chicken. They do not do well alone. I recommend at least 3, but you could probably have 2 and be OK. Silkies can not fly, so will need a secure safe place...
Overalls Are Damaging Dryer?
I take my husbands fastners and fasten them down under the button part of the bib. Then, turn inside out when I wash and dry.