Getting Rid of Invisible Biting Bugs?
Trust me, she feels the bugs. I am now experiencing this problem, and we are trying to figure it out. It is ONLY in my home office, which is the side of the house that the cat spends most of her time (she also wanders outside a lot). We have had the cat for...
Getting Rid of Invisible Biting Bugs?
Speaking of dermatologists... I have had dry skin all my life. After scratching myself raw one winter, I went in desperation to a dermatologist, who gave me expensive creams and bath oils to use. I found out that using a good quality skin lotion every other...
Getting Rid of Invisible Biting Bugs?
I think it is worth a try to have her live with another family member for a while - with clean clothes dried in a hot dryer. Just to see if she can escape the little buggers. It would TOTALLY disprove the doctors. Im sure the bugs are real. Interestingly, the...
Getting Rid of Invisible Biting Bugs?
Wow. This problem started after I installed a used window air conditioner and also brought in a humidifier. I will remove both.