Tied Out Dog Breaks Collar?
Personally, I would never tie or chain a dog in the yard. If you cannot keep the dog inside, you should purchase a chain link dog pen. They come in all sizes. Harlean from Arkansas
What Breed Is My Dog?
Those ears and that nose are German Shepherd features, and the tongue looks black. A black tongue is a Chow feature. All dogs have webbed toes But, as others have stated, the only way to be sure about the breeds represented in a mixed breed dog is to do a DNA...
Flypaper for Keeping Ants out of...
It is rather difficult to locate the anthill when they are climbing down the wire from the roof.
Growing Pea Shoots
I sprout my peas in a jar on my counter. But i would recommend buying them from a source that sells them for this purpose since garden seeds may be dusted with a chemical insecticide.
Change Computer Date to Extend your "Free Trial" Subscriptions
I tried to go to www.picknic.com, but there a notice that this domain name is for sale. Harlean fromn Arkansas
Whole Wheat Bread (Bread Machine)
I would recommend that you use ground flaxseed instead of whole, because the whole seeds just pass through your body without getting any nutrition due to the digestive system not penetrating the hard shell of the flaxseed. Keep your flaxseed in your freezer...
Homemade Fresh Salsa
This is similar to my recipe, but I hand chop my tomatoes, onions, and jalapenos. I chop them very finely, but they are not as fine as the food processor makes them. Then I add hand chopped cilantro, lemon juice AND lime juice. Salt to taste. I trim all the...
Happy Founder's Day
Hi everyone at Thrifty Fun, I believe I have been a member here since the site was new. If one can have a personal friend that they never met, your Mother, Susan was surely that for me. As all you other family members came to be in time. You have all been so...
Making Juice With Frozen Tomatoes?
Let the tomatoes thaw enough to pull the skins off. They will slide off with little trouble. Cut the tomatoes into chunks. Hold them over a pot as you cut them so you dont lose any of the juice. Place the pot on medium heat and bring them to a boil. do not...
Repairing an Oster Breadmaker Model 4811?
I cannot tell you how to fix your bread machine, but if it will go through the mix and knead cycles, you can make bread even if it doesnt heat. My bread machine works, but I have not used the heat cycles for years. I set it on the dough cycle. As soon as it...
Tobacco Hornworm (North Carolina)
In Arkansas, we all it a tomato hornworm, and in spite of their bright color, they can hide very well on a tomato plant and strip it of lots of leaves in just one night. But granny is right. If you see one with the little white eggs attached, leave him be as...
Buying Sweet Gum Balls?
Not everyone has Sweet Gum trees where they live. I never heard of them until I moved to Arkansas. And they are a mess if you have them in your yard, but they are great for Crafts. Harlean from Arkansas
Increasing the Amperage of a Circuit Breaker?
I am no electrician, by any means, but I do know that the purpose for the breaker is to trip the breaker if you overload the circuit. To circumvent this, could cause an electrical fire. If the circuit is supposed to have only a 15 amp breaker, it would be extremely...
Removing Dark Circles Under Eyes?
All the home remedies and high priced cosmetic remedies in the world will not work according to my Opthamologist. Of course getting enough sleep on a regular basis, is your best course of action. And, this bit of advice, I am sure of due to experience. According...
Homemade Birdfeeder
I love this idea. I am going to make one and hang it near the hummingbird feeder. They love splashing in water and playing in the rain. Well see what they think about their own private pool! Harlean from Arkansas
Stain Remover Formula
This is the best stain remover that I have ever found. It will remove stains that have already been through the washer and dryer. Just re-treat the stain,each time you wash until it disappears. And especially good for blood stains. Harlean from Arkansas
Freezing Figs?
I just pop them into Ziplock Freezer bags. If you want to remove them from the bag a few at a time, freeze first on a cookie sheet and then pop them into the Ziplock. They are a real good snack if you take a few out of the freezer and let them thaw just until...
Reusable Toilet Paper?
I personally do not use these, but if I did, I would do just as I did when my children were babies. Keep a covered container (back then you could buy a covered diaper pail.) Put cold water with a little detergent and bleach in it. Place the used cloths in this...
Treating Psoriasis?
I had Psoriasis of the scalp several years ago. I was waiting for a dermatologist appointment when I read an article in a Doctors column in the newspaper that recommended Vicks. It was messy to use and wash out because of the petroleum base, but it worked so...
Value of 1973 World Book Encyclopedia?
I dont think they have any real value in this new technical world. First of all, there would be many subjects that are missing new information. History would not be up to date. nor medicine, just to name a couple. And with computers in almost every home, the...
Restoring Shine to Dress Shoes?
You might try putting a bit of petroleum jelly on a soft cloth and rubbing it onto your shoe. Do the whole shoe, in fact do both shoes. Then take a clean, dry, soft cloth and wipe off the excess and polish to a shine. I am the worlds worst at scuffing shoes...
Oatmeal Cake
This is the same recipe that I got from a babysitter more than 50 years ago. (Coincidentally, Robin, the sitter was in Cedar Rapids, Iowa). An additional tip she gave me with the recipe. She purposely cooked a little extra oatmeal when she fixed breakfast for...
Advice For Tree With Small Figs?
Just browsing and found one of my posts from the past. I would like to update this answer. The figs were small on my young trees, but now they are 7 years old, and each year they produce larger figs. The size does depend on the type of fig tree, but mine are...