Homemade Thundershirt for Dogs
The only thing is my dog is 80 lbs and I dont think I could wrap him up in anything. He is terribly frightened of thunder, rain and lightning. Firecrackers frighten him too.
Vaccinate Pets at Home
My dog was unfortunately abused by the vet. Now he will not go to any vet at all. I have done 4 meet and greets and to no avail. The vets will not let me give him the rabie shot unfortunately. I need his nails clipped and he wont let me do them either. I am...
Miura (Italian Greyhound)
Where did you get this wonderful gorgeous dog? I think that Greyhounds have got to be the most beautiful tempered animal.
Previously House Trained Dog Has Started Peeing in House?
Try leaving the TV or radio on for human voices and music. It comforts them and makes it feel like someone is at home.
Cleaning Dog's Paws
That wouldnt work for my dog. The mud goes in between his toes and into his nails. Even when I wipe off the mud, it still makes a mess through the house
Mabelline (Dog)
What a beautiful pet to have. She is not only lovely to look at but seems very intelligent. Gorgeous!
Reuse Cake Mix Bag For Decorating
This is one of the smartest ideas. I have never thought of that myself. I decorate a lot of cakes at home for occasions. Wow! Smart!