Decorating an Ice Arena Ceiling for a Wedding?
You should probably check with the local fire department to see what kind of material will be allowed. Much better safe than a tragedy.
Insulate Outdoor Water Pipes Early
I live in New Orleans and do mine the week of Thanksgiving, when its still warm.
Problems Using the Gianni Paint Kit for Countertops?
Perhaps you could contact the Gianni company for some help on the 2 sets of steps. They may reimburse you because the instructions are confusing.
Quick "Eggnog"
What a great idea. I dont like cinnamon and cant stand nutmeg, allspice or cloves. Thank you so much.
Thanksgiving Dinner Ideas?
To keep things a little simpler we open a can or 2 of kernel corn, add italian dressing and chill for a couple of hours. For extra color you can use the Mexicorn mix. It wont wilt like lettuce and adds an extra vegetable with minimum fuss and no burner required...
Support Hose Donning Device?
Maybe putting a little baby powder on your legs would help the hose slide over them easier.
Decorating a Baby's Room on a Budget?
You could buy a Disney character coloring book and some crayons. Color the drawings and put them in frames from the Dollar or thrift store. Maybe the guests at your shower could do this and sign their artwork. Red fabric with white polka dots for curtains would...
Other Uses for Mouthwash?
I use it as a deodorant when I travel. Also, it can be used as an antiseptic for a small wound, emphasis on small because it does sting. It also helps when applied to feet to combat foot odor.
Preparing for a Power Outage
To minimize power outages consider buying a home on a main feeder line to a necessary utility or hospital. When we came back from Katrina after 3 weeks, the ice cubes in our freezer hadnt melted. We lost power a few days later, but it was restored within 30...
Tips for Traveling to Greece?
Pack a small foldable fan. It can get quite hot there. It was a lifesaver.
Getting Help With the Dishes?
Make the rule that the cooking for the next meal is not started until all the dishes are done from the previous meal. If you have to have a few meals out on your own without them because the dishes werent done, well, so be it.
Tile Cleaner Safe for Someone With COPD?
Perhaps you could use a single edged razor blade (hardware store) to gently scrape the soap film from the tiles. Just keep the blade at a very slight angle to the tile. After its clean, Ive read that auto wax applied to the tiles (walls only) will keep the...
Use Vinyl Tablecloth as Curtain to Keep Out Heat
We live in New Orleans and weve done this for a few years. We keep them up in the winter to help keep the cold out. I bought a dozen flannel-back vinyl tablecloths a couple of years back on 50 cent clearance. I use them to protect the plants from the mild freezes...
The Gambling Green Light
I also play the penny slots. My husband calls me cheap, but I told him that if there were two for a penny slots I would play them too. I go about 8 or 9 times a year with 100 one-dollar bills. I put a dollar bill in the machine and play the maximum number of...
Attracting Squirrels to My Yard?
I would think twice before inviting the squirrels any closer. They love to chew - wires in the cars engine, cable wire, electrical wire, well you get the idea. Also, squirrels love to get in the attic and trash the insulation, and anything you have stored there...
Raising Chickens?
Although I live in the suburbs I enjoy Mother Earth News. Their website often has articles on raising chickens.
Oven Mashed Potatoes
This sounds like a great recipe for a fix-ahead dish for the winter holidays. Thanks
Uses for Garden Hoses
Cut a 6 inch length, split it. Use it on bucket handles to avoid hurting your palm.
Improving the Flavor of Canned Bean and Ham Soup?
I always add a splash or two of Worcestershire sauce to my vegetable soup. Might work with Bean and ham soup. Or try a drop or 2 of Liquid Smoke to oomph it up.
Common Ingredient Substitutions
I have quite a few cans of tomato products (they seem to be the majority of the items in the bented boxes we buy.) Now I know how to use them up. If they have chunk or whole tomatoes Ill simply swirl them in the blender to smooth it out. Thanks for the information...
Cell Phone Tips
When I set my cell phone on vibrate I cant tell when it vibrates if its in my purse. To solve that I simply place it in my bra between my breasts. It gets my attention and embarasses my daughter to boot LOL.
Cooking Tongs To Extend Reach
We saved a crutch from my husbands surgery and use it when things are too far out of reach for the tongs. Its also great for pushing things to the back of a deep closet (yeah, I know, but when you have to store things you have to store them.)
Make Purchases Go a Little Further
About every 3 or 4 times I wash my hair I simply scrub my hair really well without using shampoo. It gets my hair clean enough so I dont have to use shampoo that time. This also removes any shampoo and conditioner buildup and massages my scalp. In the morning...
Ask Bank to Reverse Overdraft Charge
Our major/national bank does not offer overdraft protection. However, they did offer to extend us a home equity line of credit to cover overdrafts. About $500 in various processing fees and $50 per year maintenance fee. We simply transfered $250 from savings...
Food for Black and Gold Super Bowl Party?
Im from Metairie. Corn Salad - Just open a can of whole kernel corn and add Italian Salad Dressing. Diced green and red bell pepper can be added at Christmas. Also can add lots of parsley. Fast and Cheap. Pumpernickel Bread is a very dark brown so it may look...
What Do I Make With Leftover Steak?
Steak salad. It its not cooked I slice it into strips, season it with salt and either garlic or cajun seasoning, fry it quickly in a frying pan. Total time - about 5 minutes. Serve over lettuce, cucumbers, tomato. Sprinkle with cheese. Add a little garlic bread...
Listerine For Many Uses
To save space and weight when traveling we use Listerine as underarm deoderant.
Tips to Stop Drinking?
I agree that he must do it for himself, you cannot do it. There are probably AA meetings in your neighborhood (even Ulan Batar in Outer Mongolia has a group.) If there arent AA groups close enough, AA has Internet groups and the Grapevine monthly newsletter...
Freezing Cooked Ham?
Yes, you can refreeze it. But the quality may not be as good. Freezing cause the water in cells to expand, breaking the cell walls. When food is refrozen, more cells are broken. This results in mushier or softer quality food. If you are planning to use it in...
Wedding Reception Venue Advice?
We were married at the Junior Achievement Center (Dad was on the Board of Directors) and walked across the covered driveway to the big meeting room. Everyone said how wonderful it was not to worry about rain, parking, driving, re-parking, etc. Everyone got...
Eggnog Pie
I really appreciate this recipe. I have 2 pie crusts in the freezer I didnt know what to do with. DD is lactose intolerant, so I plan to substitute her soy egg nog, which she loves. Thanks ever so much for the recipe.
Party Foods That Do Not Require Refrigeration?
My Go To Dish in this situation is Corn Salad. Just take canned whole kernel corn, salad dressing, and some seasonings. Open the can at the location and put it in a bowl. Add the salad dressing and any seasonings you would like (red or green bell peppers, parsley...
Budget Friendly Theme Trees
One particularly lean year we simply took holiday cupcake liners, put hooks on them and put them on the tree. We used a combination of tinsel and crinkle ribbon that we curled by running it over the edge of a scissors. Total cost for decorations, less than...
Leftover Turkey Ideas
Although it may sound gross, the traditional day after breakfast in my family was turkey, gravy and rice. We loved turkey so much that we had it on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Moms birthday (Jan 8) and my sisters birthday (Feb 7). Even buying 20 lb...
Recipe to Bring to Thanksgiving Dinner?
Try this salad: Just open a can (or more) of kernel corn add whatever you like (chopped green and red pepper, black beans, onions, etc.) Dress with Italian Salad dressing and voila, a great dish for any party or time of year. Whats nice about this is that it...
Molding Canned Cranberry Sauce?
Mom would heat Hogs Head Cheese (New Orleans dish made of seasoned pork shoulder pieces in gelatin) and pour it into tartlet shells, refrigerate and serve when cooled. Dont see why you couldnt do this with Cranberry Sauce. Dont let the name Hogs Head Cheese...
Use Unused Kitchen Appliances for Storage
Please, Please, Please. Do not store anything that could melt or catch fire in the oven. Most people know not to store plastics, but some pot and pan handles can catch fire at high temperatures. A few years ago a man stored some items in his oven and the oven...
Having a Murder Mystery Party?
I dont know what age your guests will be, but if theres going to be alcohol Id go with Christmas lights. Even if theres no alcohol, a sleeve that catches fire or a candle thats knocked over is just too scary to contemplate. You could get the Halloween colored...
Finding Help With Parenting Issues
Ive had goodl luck with CafeMom. There are tons of groups ranging from daily jokes to special needs children, special interests, etc.
New Ideas for Meatloaf?
I never cared for it, but Mom always put a row of hard boiled eggs in the middle of the meatloaf. I usually put as much onion, parsley, green, red, orange and yellow bell peppers, spicy seasoning, etc. as it can take, but Im from New Orleans Mixing in some...
Bing (Budgie)
Our DD has 2 - Hermione and Ginnie. I will say that they are the best pets to evacuate with. Just cover the cage with a towel and off we scurry from hurricanes. Nary a peep during 12 hour plus trips. And no potty stops for a pet. Also, the hotel doesnt count...
Recipes for Cancer Patient?
Great for you Margie that you are helping someone. While I dont have a recipe to share, I will share that my Mom had breast cancer (mastectomy, radiation and chemo) in her early 50s. She lived to 89 and was my dear daughters special friend. My thoughts and...
Recipe for These Ingredients?
Quick idea. Dice the squash, add to hot cooked rice with some onion and cheese and your seasonings. Top with more cheese, bread crumbs and sliced tomatoes. Cook in oven until the top is done. Or dice the veggies, add onion corn and whatever else. Chill and...
Firefighter Themed Wedding?
Dalmation (stuffed animal) dogs somewhere? Wedding cake could have spots on the icing or chocolate chips in it. Scour the thrift store (or freecycle) for fire engine trucks as centerpieces. If you dont have enough for each table just use them on the main table...
Towels Bunch at Hemline?
Ditto OliveOyl. We usually line dry, but when needed we dry our towels on PermaPress setting, taking them out when still very slightly damp. All the lint you see in the dryers filter trap is your clothes and towels being worn out. I know that towels can be...
Freeze Chopped Onions
Ann - Im also from New Orleans. I take it an extra step and chop up my onions, celery, bell pepper and sausage and add a whole bayleaf. Put it in a ziplock bag and freeze. Doing this once a month or so, gives me a convenient packet to throw in Monday Red Beans...
Reporting Contest Winnings to IRS?
If its a large enough amount you would have to had given your social security number to the contest administration before you received the funds. You would receive a 1099 of some sort in the next calendar year showing the amount reported to the IRS. Virtually...
Problems with USPS Mail Delivery?
Try contacting your congressman. They are paid to represent you not only in Congress, but with agencies.
Making Leather Car Seats Feel Cooler?
Im short and I always use a pillow to sit on, so this hint wont work for the seat part. But slip an extra large Tshirt (sweatshirt in the winter) over the seat back. It will also keep it cleaner.
Jam Cake
I dont jam, but I have a couple of cans of blackberries in syrup that were given to me. Could I drain them and smash the berries? Would the recipe work with crushed pineapple instead?
Chinese Sheetrock Warning
Weve had this problem in New Orleans also. Its particularly heartbeaking because so many of the homes affected were rebuilt as a result of Katrina. Now the homeowners are faced with another major house repair as well as health issues.
Senior Discount at McDonald's?
It varies by location. The corporate owned locations in my area offer a 49 cent coffee or soft drink. Franchise costs range from 50 cents to 60 cents. No discount on food. Im not sure of the age threshhold as this will vary by ownership also.
Give a Mending Kit With Donated Clothing
We were out of our home for three weeks after Katrina. We live in a suburb of New Orleans and while our neighborhood wasnt flooded, we couldnt return until the parish reopened. The people of New Orleans and the surrounding parishes still talk with gratitude...
Inexpensive Birthday Ideas?
If there is a beauty school nearby they could be treated to a wash and dry, manicure, something that isnt permanent. Take them out afterwards to Starbucks or a similar coffee shop.
Preventing Root Growth in Drain Pipes?
I have questioned the wisdom of planting trees to shade a house knowing that you may end up with a plumbing repair bill that will wipe out your energy savings. When we bought trees for the front of our house (where the pipes run to the public lines) we asked...
Blow on Saran Wrap To Keep it From Sticking to Itself
An old Heloise hint, I think. Store your plastic wrap in the refrigerator. It unrolls easier. This is particularly helpful in the summer.
Cleaning Mold from Teflon Pots?
I wouldnt add bleach to the dishwashing water because it might cause a chemical reaction with some dishwashing liquids. After you wash them, let them soak for 30 to 60 minutes in bleach (about 1/4 cup) to a sinkful of water. If you need some more assurance...
Salmon (Mackerel) Gravy
How do you make the Salmon Gravy? Ive never heard of it. Im from New Orleans and prefer canned salmon since that is what we had when I grew up and its cheaper down here than fresh salmon. Could I use canned salmon instead of fresh?
Advice for a First Time Home Buyer?
This is good advice for any home buyer. Ask at the electric company where the main lines are that will be restored first in a power outage. We live in a suburb of New Orleans. After our 3 week vacation for Hurricane Katrina we returned to find that our ice...
Undoing a Childproof Lock on a Microwave?
Thanks to everyone. I used the knock 3 times on the window hint. My husband thanks you, my daughter thanks you, my popcorn thanks you and I thank you.
Use an Indoor Clothes Line
When we bought our house it had a garport, a carport with a garage door. I was working out of town and my husband put up 2 clothes lines, one is a plastic laundry line, the other is a chain. I can hang clothes in all weathers. Just make sure its well anchored...
Cleaning Soap Out of a Bathtub?
Try an old credit card to scrape the gunk off. If its really built up: if youre REALLY VERY CAREFUL you can use a single blade razor held as parallel to the surface as possible to scrape the accumulation off. Needless to say, I wouldnt do this to a new tub...
Saving Money on Bathing Suits
I can remember Mom buying boys swim trunks for my sister and me until we were 5 or 6. Of course, they werent the surfer, loose type today, but a boys gym short and panties underneath would do.