Store Potatoes with Thyme
Perhaps if you take them out of the plastic bag it would help a great deal to prevent spoilage.
Help for Parent With Early Signs of Dementia?
there is a brilliant website that will give you answers to ANYTHING you need regarding dementia. its members are either people caring for dementia afflicted or else are actually people who have the disease themselves; its called TALKING POINT ands its run by...
Help for Parent With Early Signs of Dementia?
there is a brilliant website that will give you answers to ANYTHING you need regarding dementia. its members are either people caring for dementia afflicted or else are actually people who have the disease themselves; its called TALKING POINT ands its run by...
Sharing Living Expenses With an Abusive Partner?
I can understand that you needed to vent which always makes anybody feel better but, is there any need to ask for advice? Im sure, you know that nobody is going to tell you to stay with him. Perhaps you are scared to go it alone, but really and truly, arent...
Refrigerator Not Getting Cold?
I also have an old fridge/freezer. occasionally either one or the other doesnt work properly(they each have their own compressor at the back). the repair guy comes in and just refills the compressor with gas and it works perfectly. I think its the same gas...
Refrigerator Not Cooling?
Older types of refrigerators need to have top ups of gas (sorry I dont know what type) in the compressor tank. Could you try filling it up?
Substitute for Nonfat Dry Milk in Condensed Milk?
You can try using powdered coffee creamers instead of powdered milk. Many are non dairy when you read the labels.
What Can I Make With These Ingredients?
Cook pasta as per package instructions and drain. Slice and fry the onion (and any garlic if you have it) till nice and brown in oil - butter will do if you dont have any oil but use a low heat since butter may burn on high heat. Add the frozen peas, mix in...
Present for Woman's 50th Birthday?
A gift voucher for a manicure/pedicure/facial or a massage would probably stroke her ego to no end!
Problems with Yahoo Mail?
if you are going to download another antivirus like avast, you must disable or uninstall MSE because its not a good idea to run two antivirus at the same time. you dont have to disable MSE if you are going to use malwarebytes since this will only run a scan...
Red Dye in Polyester Coat Lining Bleeding?
If you really like the coat and think its worth it, why not change the lining to a fabric which wont bleed? I know some dry cleaners in the u.k. would do the alteration for you for a fee. if you know how to sew yourself, then just unpick the lining and use...
GE Washer Makes a Loud Noise During the Spin Cycle?
I dont know how it works in your country but where I come from, I can call a (trusted) repair man who, for a very small charge, can come over and give an estimate. if that is possible, you can make your decision afterwards.
Sharing Mortgage Expenses with a Partner?
I would be very, very careful here. I dont know what the laws are in your country so it would be good to speak to a lawyer if you can but has it occurred to you that when your soon-to-be spouse dies you could actually be homeless even after contributing for...
Washing Machine Not Dispensing All Detergent?
Ive used front loaders for nearly 30 years and Ive found that a lot of front loaders do this. I solve this problem by putting the washing powder directly into the drum using one of those cups designed for liquid detergents that are meant to be added inside...
Spring Break Ideas in Europe?
Perhaps Im biased because I live here, but why dont you try Malta, a little island in the middle of the Meditaranean sea. It has a huge historic legacy, with plenty of places to visit, great for clubbing, and fabulous beaches. The climate is terrific, its reasonably...
Getting Rid of Fleas in Toddler's Hair?
Ive just been reading a post on ThriftyFun, suggesting that Dawn dishwashing detergent is good to kill bugs. I wonder if it would work for your toddler as a shampoo? I dont think it would do any harm as long as you rinse it out properly after you wash her hair...
Broken Sofa Bed Frame?
You didnt specify which part is broken, but it happened to me and what I did was to unscrew the leg off the frame, got a piece of sturdy wood(about 2inches square) which measured exactly the height of the original leg and screwedit securely to a metal plate...
Applying Sunblock to a Child?
Have you tried the colored sun blocks available for kids? I tell them we are going to dress up like the Indians with war paint and it works! I found a cheap indian headdress with feathers and ive turned it into a game.
Removing a Perm?
You cant go back. a perm is PERMANENT. Either wait until it grows out or cut your hair short so you cut most of the perm out.
Dealing with an Abusive Husband?
Do you really need somebody to tell you whether you should stay or go? Honestly? your daughter has been abused by this man! From the minute they are born, your childs welfare and safety always come first.
Dealing With a Mean Wife?
Do you really think that you are doing the best for your children by letting them live in such an awful situation? Has it occurred to you that while you arent there who are the logical people she would attack with her abusiveness?
Fridge Not Cold?
If you dont know your way around fridges, I would call in a professional. Have you looked at your manual just in case its an easy fix?
Keeping Temporary Hair Dye from Staining Neck?
My hairdresser always puts a layer of Vaseline petroleum jelly around my hairline, ears and back of my neck and I have never had stains on my skin. She just wipes it all off when she shampoos the color out. Hope this helps.
Mom Won't Let Me Shave My Legs?
Can you talk to a female teacher or school counselor to have a quiet word with your mother? or perhaps a relative? I had the same problem when I was your age, having hairy legs showing is very embarrassing and I feel for you. In the end, my aunt spoke to my...
Use Burp Cloths as Hand Towels
My daughter is 32 years old and I still use her cloth diapers in the kitchen. Not one of them has worn out yet! They sure dont make things like they used to!
Washing Machine Not Spinning?
Have you tried cleaning the drain? Look at your manual for the location and instructions. The drain flap should be at the front, on the lower part of the machine. Sometimes a coin or something gets stuck there and prevents the spinning. Its very easy to clean...
Party Ideas for Eleven Year Old Girls?
Why dont you ask her? im sure that at 11 years old, she must have some opinions and it would be nice to include her tastes and plan the party together.
Freezer Working Refrigerator Not?
It depends on how old your refrigerator is. My 14year old fridge had the same problem and it was an easy fix by a repairman. apparently the older types have two compressors at the back. The fridge compressor had got low on the gas(or whatever it is thats in...
Recipes Using Stovetop Stuffing?
I use it to stuff zucchini. After hollowing them out, I chop the inside flesh of the zucchini, fry up mince or sausage, shredded carrots and then add the stuffing mix. you may need to add a bit of water but I find that the moisture from the zucchini flesh is...
Good Security Software for My Computer?
It depends on what operating system you have. I have windows7 and I love MSE. Its made by Microsoft and its free. Even a dud like myself can easily set it up. Once that is done, it works quietly in the background and you can just forget about it.
Interior Design Company Name Ideas?
With all respect, interior designing requires imagination and creativity. If you cant come up with a name for your company without help, how will you cope with doing your job?
Why Do We Keep Our Wedding Dresses?
I kept mine for many years to remind me what NOT to do again! lol
Bathroom Ceiling Fan Suddenly Started Working?
Forgive me for asking, but what is the problem here? It is working now as far as I can ascertain.
Toddler Has Temper Tantrums?
It could be that your child is just willful and needs strict discipline (I had one of those!) could also be that your child is crying out for help because he has issues and cant explain them to you (I still have one of those!). Why dont you take him...
Reducing Armpit Odor?
The replies assume that you use deodorant but you havent mentioned it. Do you use deodorant/anti perspirant? If not, then try it and see if the odour has gone.
Kenmore Washer Completing Spin Cycle?
I dont know if this will help but I occasionally have that problem with my washer. Turns out that if it isnt completley level, it senses the slight tilt and will stop. Sometimes the vibration of the spin cycle will move the machine a tad. I live in a very old...
Uses for Car Tires?
I dont know where you live but if you have very hot summers, you can make a solar oven with a tyre to actually cook food - for free - by just using the sun. There should be plenty of instructions on the internet.
High Setting on Air Conditioner Stopped Working?
Im no a/c expert but you could check if your outside unit is low on the compressor gas that needs to be topped up periodically. You may not have had enough gas to operate the a/c on high but enough gas to operate the a/c on lower settings. check on your manual...
Simple Veggie Recipes?
There is a recipe here on thriftyfun called Italian vegetable stew submitted by margaret from rochester, NY. I have been making it for years, usually as it is written, but sometimes I add my own variations depending on what I have in the cupboard. It is easy...
Removing Water Stains from Wood?
I have never tried this myself but I am passing along a hint I saw from the Farmers Almanac newsletter. It says to use mayonnaise to remove water stains from wood. Perhaps you could try a small area where it doesnt show so much?
Lemon Mousse
Thanks Robyn for this recipe. I love lemon mousse but most have eggs in them. This is a great recipe for people like me who have egg allergies.
Thrifty Solution for My Slick Ceramic Tile Floors?
I live in a hot country and have ceramic tile floors all through my home. Ive learnt that the best way to clean them is with just plain water and a mop. I dont have slippery tiles any more.
Dish Rack or Drying Mat?
Dishracks harbour germs unless you scrub them periodically and get into all the crevices. too much trouble for me. Ive never had a problem with my glasses drying as long as they are rinsed in clear water after washing in dishsoap.
Simple Main Course Vegan Recipe?
I found this recipe on taken from Betty Crocker cookbook. Ive modified it to be vegan 2 large courgettes 1 small onion chopped 2 Tbsp. oil 1/2 envelope (or more, depending on size of courgettes) PAXO stuffing mix Scoop out pulp from courgettes and...
Refrigerator Leaking Water?
Before calling a repairman, try this. Somewhere at the back of the fridge is a small hole situated on a little shelf - mine is just above the crisper boxes which is supposed to allow for drainage. Insert a plastic straw into the hole and blow hard. It could...
Reusing Clear VCR Tape Holders?
I put my crochet hooks, pins and large needles which I use to make up a garment in them. also, a small 4 plastic ruler, measuring tape and anything else related to the current project like buttons for a sweater, etc. keeps everything together, neat and tidy...
Greeting Card Bookmarks Lift Spirits
I can understand you so well. When my partner was suffering from oesophagal cancer, my world, besides his, also shrunk since I wouldnt leave him on his own. It was lovely when people came to visit. It took his mind off his pain and kept him, and myself, from...
Broccoli Noodle Soup
I think there must be a typo in this recipe... six bullion cubes? its way too much! The amount of salt in six cubes would make this recipe inedible. (b)Editors Note: (/b) The typo was in the amount of water... 6 cups, not one. Thanks so much.
Coca-Cola Cake
This was way too sweet to the point of inedible. 1 3/4 cups of sugar, 1 cup of cola (which is very sugary) plus mini marshmallows (more sugar!) to only 2 cups of flour? And another 4 cups of powdered sugar for the frosting! Please review these ingredients.
Rope Lights Show the Way
What a brilliant idea! This is great when you have overnight guests who have to use the bathroom at night and have no idea where it is in the dark!
Christmas Gift Ideas for Children With Everything?
With 10 kids, your individual one-to-one time must be very limited. What about giving each of your kids a special day with you (or afternoon, or whatever) just for them. Maybe going to a movie together, bowling, shopping, out for a meal, etc. just the two of...
Free Crochet Pattern for Lady's Cardigan?
Thank you viktorija for the link. Unfortunately, after going through most of them, I realised they were knitting patterns. I can crochet but my knitting is awful so I wont even try, but thanks anyway I appreciate your help.
Free Crochet Pattern for Lady's Cardigan?
Thank you for the suggestions, angeltea9. allfreecrochet will probably be my best bet since its crochet Im looking for.
Free Crochet Pattern for Lady's Cardigan?
ayegali, what a fantastic idea! A shrug would be perfect for an elderly lady with arthritic hands; like a shawl with sleeves...perfect! I will go to Lionbrand and have a look at their patterns. I like to see photos of what Im making beforehand so my elderly...
Getting Rid of Head Lice in Bedding?
Sorry to be so blunt but unless you remove her from that particular daycare, you arent going to get rid of them. Its not fair that she should be going through all this hassle when its not her fault.
Buying Dawn Dish Liquid Original in Australia?
Dawn is a brand name. The closest equivalent to Dawn in Europe - and Im assuming Australia too - is Fairy washing up liquid or Texol if you can find it. Since its a concentrated degreaser to remove fats, etc. from dishes, it has a lot of uses for other things...
Never Too Old to Learn to Crochet
Im also left handed but I was taught to crochet and knit by a right handed person. Funnily enough, I cant do anything in a right handed manner except knit and crochet! Never had a problem.
Ammonia Soda for Baking?
Seems to me that its just another name for bicarbonate of soda. I cant imagine anything called ammonia would be used for cooking.
Dust Accumulation on Dark Furniture?
I feel for you since Im in the same position. my best solution has been to buy, or crochet yourself if you know how, some pretty runners that cover the furniture tops from end to end. all you have to do then, is once a week give the tops of the furniture a...
Gas Oven Does Not Heat Up Correctly?
I too, have a gas oven that does the same thing. The thermostat is out of since and needs to be calibrated. Ive never had it done myself, I just simply set the temperature up a little higher than Im supposed to, and leave the food a little longer. My gas cooker...
Removing a Perspiration Stain from Clothing?
I had this problem a little while back and posted it on thriftyfun asking for help. The best solution that really works is to soak the stain in straight white vinegar, just pour it on - do not dilute with water - leave it for about 1/2 hour then either toss...
Favorite Books?
Seven Steps To Eternity by Stephen Turoff When I lost my beloved husband through cancer, it was the best support I could have ever had and kept me sane.
Crocheting a Rug Using Plarn
Cindy, I have made so many things using your patterns from your website. Just wanted to say thank you to such a talented lady!
Use Facecloths to Keep Cool
Yes, I agree. I too live in Europe with 100 degree - and more - temperatures. I also have no air conditioning. The only difference is that I keep my facecloth in a clean plastic bag in the refrigerator. I use it at night as well to ease my menopausal hot flushes...
Removing Sweaty Smell in Laundry?
Jilson, Ive mentioned in my query that borax is impossible to get in my country because it is not available here. So that is not an option. Im looking for alternative ways to eliminate the sweaty smell.
Removing Sweaty Smell in Laundry?
Thanks Ramona for your suggestion. Im just wondering if the vinegar would affect the color of the t-shirts? Have you ever tried it on a colored garment?
Removing Sweaty Smell in Laundry?
Thanks for your suggestions. I always use vinegar mixed with fabric conditioner in my rinse cycle but have never put it in with my laundry powder. Since my washing machine holds 8kg of clothes, which is a lot. I think it would be better to try the straight...
Front Load Washer Leaves Clothes Hard?
Funny that. I have the same problem and thought it was just me! There is a product that looks like crystals which you put in with your detergent and it works like a fabric softener. Im going to try that next and see what happens! the only thing I can think...
Anzac Biscuits
Recipe looks very easy and good. How much is a cup weight in Australia? Same as American cups? I thought Australia was metric and I much prefer metric weights to cup measurements. They are more accurate.
Easy Coconut Cake
We have egg allergies so this cake seems ideal. was just wondering, is it supposed to have no fat or oil? Wont it be dry?
Making Ice Cream with Jello Powder?
Thanks Lorelei for the links. Unfortunately, we have egg allergies in my home and both recipes require eggs. Should have mentioned that in my query. Sorry, my mistake.
Tea Bags For Potpourri
What an excellent idea! I was given some strawberry flavored tea bags which taste awful. Instead of tossing them, I can re-purpose them! I hate to waste. Thank you for the suggestion.
Egg-free 4th of July Recipes?
Go to They have a microwave chocolate cake that is egg free. I make it all the time. Its absolutely delicious and quick. They also have a strawberry frozen yogurt which has condensed milk in it, tastes like ice cream and its also egg free. I...
Toddler Cries Excessively?
Your child sounds exactly like my son at that age. He was diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome when he was 11yrs old but before then, life was hell with him. please take your child to a doctor, just in case. it will make your life much easier since you will be...
Substituting Spaghetti Sauce for Pizza Sauce?
The main herb in pizza sauce is oregano. You could try adding a teaspoon of that in your spaghetti sauce to make it taste authentic. Alternatively, just use normal spaghetti sauce and sprinkle oregano over the cheese and topping. If you add lots of topping...
Light Supper Menus Ideas for a Home for the Elderly?
What about plain cake, sugar free for diabetics if necessary, with hot chocolate or hot tea? Nothing too heavy and it should fill the gap nicely.
Le Creuset vs @Home Enameled Cast Iron Cookware?
I have had Le Crueset pans for over 10years and while i cant fault them, quite honestly i think they are way overpriced for what you get. Since I dont live in the U.S. Im not familiar with the other brand but my opinion is that if they are similar, but cheaper...
Cooling a Stone Garden Wall During Summer?
Thank you all so much! Some really good ideas have been suggested. I have lots of plants in the yard to try to stave off some of the heat, but it doesnt help all that much. Here in Malta we get a government subsidy if we instal solar panels, but the ones available...
Cleaning Tile Floor Grout?
Ive cleaned mine many times and this works for me, straight bleach and a toothbrush!
What Internet Home Page Do You Use?
Hi Deeli, I use MSN for my homepage. Its full of info in case I want to browse through it, and since I use hotmail for email, I can easily just click on the hotmail and go to my log in page. I use bing for my searches and Ive never had a problem with it. Macaffee...
Can I Use Homemade Laundry Powder in HE Top Load Washer?
Oh dear! Two replies and each one exactly opposite in opinion from each other! Still dont know what to do. My new HE washer is a candy CTD1208. the technician who installed my machine told me to be very careful what I use in my washer but didnt say which detergent...
Homemade Space Bags?
Deeli, I know exactly what you mean and its a great idea! So much easier later on when I want to open the bag. Thanks so much for a brilliant suggestion.
Painting Over Varnish?
I painted over a varnished piece of furniture very successfully by leaving it out in the hot sun. I have the advantage (?) of living in a country with very hot summers so that the sun would bleach out the varnish. After a few days, I painted over it with no...
Homemade Space Bags?
Deeli, your idea of attaching the bottle top (you know what I mean) first, then vacuuming out the air is a wonderful idea! saves time and you dont let extra air inside the bag. It only takes one second to screw the bottle cap back on. Thank you so much for...
Homemade Space Bags?
No prob Deeli. Was the least I could do after such a great suggestion. You have to cup your hand around the bottle opening and the vacuum nozzle so that the vacuum can work properly, but thats a small price to pay.
Cleaning Artificial Plants?
I have both plastic and silk artificial flowers which I clean quite easily by swooshing them around in a bucket or basin of water and washing up liquid. I use fairy since dawn isnt available here. Then I leave them outside, if possible, to dry in the sun. Have...
Cleaning a Polyester Filled Comforter?
Shove it in the washing machine or if its too big, a large size machine at a laundromat. On the gentle cycle. Ive had my comforters for 10 years and Ive always cleaned them like that. Never had a problem.
How Can I Soften Hard Clumped Dishwasher Detergent?
I agree with MCW except that after you have got it down to clumps, I would put it in a blender to get it back down to a powder. afterwards, store in an airtight container to prevent it happening again.
Recipe for a Caesar Sandwich Spread?
Mine is very like Deelis except that i leave out the salt, pepper and oil and use 1CUP of mayo and 1/4 cup parmesan. I prefer it thick and creamy and its spreadable.
Form Foil On Bottom Before Lining Pan
Great idea! I use the disposable foil containers for pies and cakes and with this hint, they can be lined with foil without tearing and re used many times. Thanks for this tip.
Curtains to Coordinate With Maroon Wall and Cherry Tables and Floor?
What about a sunny yellow? If the curtain fabric has touches of maroon, even better!
Washer Leaves Lint on My Clothes?
I always toss in a few of those scrubby mesh sponges for hand dishwashing into my washing machine. I keep 3 or 4 specifically just for laundry. You will be amazed at how much lint they catch which means that there is much less on your clothes.