Removing Nicotine Stains from Clothing?
I bought towels like that from Goodwill. I soaked them in Biz, cold water overnight, and added detergent also. Then washed as usual. Or try rust remover from Rit in cold water.
Cooking Tender Corned Beef?
There is no fast way, I think its just a very tough cut of meat. I use the crock pot, only. You can start it way early in the morning, or even when you go to bed. It is so tender. Yummy.
Inspirational Websites to Help Cope With Illness in the Family?
I call the Unity church. They have a prayer line and they will pray with you. it strengthens me everytime. They are at Unity Village in MO. They have a nice website as well. God Bless.
Paint Color Advise for Bedroom With Navy Blue Window Treatments?
Sand beige is good with navy, add light blue accents. The beige is so neutral, anyone can picture their own stuff in a room like that.